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Joe Biden Thread


FAR, far better than a misogynistic, narcissistic, mentally ill, fraudster, conman, incestuous despicable human being that has put American lives at risk = DJT!

#25,000 LIES, 214,000 deaths. THANKS, DJT!!!

hey man,

can i ask you break those numbers down a bit for my understanding?

didnt they say 2 million deaths were predicted, if nothing was done in the US at the start?

how many deaths would have happened without DJT?

would there have been covid without him (comedic question i know)?

do you blame any deaths on the mayor of NY for ordering covid sick elderly back to their establishments?

im interested in how exactly to apportion the blame, so how many would be alive still without DJT in the office of president?

do you think ramped up ventilator and ppe production helped at all?

what is the single biggest misstep he made in your opinion?


FAR, far better than a misogynistic, narcissistic, mentally ill, fraudster, conman, incestuous despicable human being that has put American lives at risk = DJT!

#25,000 LIES, 214,000 deaths. THANKS, DJT!!!

How ever you need to justify it dude. Biden is a kiddie toucher I can photo bomb this thread with plenty of evidence if you'd like, perhaps you are cool with touching kids I don't know


hey man,

can i ask you break those numbers down a bit for my understanding?

didnt they say 2 million deaths were predicted, if nothing was done in the US at the start?

how many deaths would have happened without DJT?

would there have been covid without him (comedic question i know)?

do you blame any deaths on the mayor of NY for ordering covid sick elderly back to their establishments?

im interested in how exactly to apportion the blame, so how many would be alive still without DJT in the office of president?

do you think ramped up ventilator and ppe production helped at all?

what is the single biggest misstep he made in your opinion?

Mistake number one, never as a democrat to make sense of the nonsense they spew.

Just like trump is a racist yet Biden makes racist gaffes daily and called disadvantaged inner city minorites predators and called for thousands more to be locked up when he spoke about the 1994 crime bill. Biden has made 2 racist gaffes just this week as if John wayne Biden can't control his thoughts.


Active member
hey man,

can i ask you break those numbers down a bit for my understanding?

didnt they say 2 million deaths were predicted, if nothing was done in the US at the start?

how many deaths would have happened without DJT?

would there have been covid without him (comedic question i know)?

do you blame any deaths on the mayor of NY for ordering covid sick elderly back to their establishments?

im interested in how exactly to apportion the blame, so how many would be alive still without DJT in the office of president?

do you think ramped up ventilator and ppe production helped at all?

what is the single biggest misstep he made in your opinion?

His biggest misstep is being a bad mean orange dootyhead.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Ive never read a post that Biden want to fuck his Daughter. Trumps hinted to this a few times.


Active member
Our Denier-n-Chief.

DeBlasio learned the hard way. Still he learned.

Trump denied and neglected. He was in the way of the doctors and the scientists. A place holder for adequate leadership. He is personally responsible for tens of thousands of deaths.


Active member
To be fair, Biden probably couldn't reach Ivanka's hair to sniff since its way up there on top of that freaky alien neck of hers. She would just snake that thing up into the sky and Biden would be there looking even more foolish than normal.


ICMag Donor
Yep, inserted my mail in ballot today....not just for Presidential race, but local/state and our Reps for D.C. Judges, too. Went to grade school- high school with two in metro area. Stand up dudes! And, yes, for services: libraries, schools, senior centers, flood control, utilities, etc. It ALL matters!


ICMag Donor
hey man,

can i ask you break those numbers down a bit for my understanding?

didnt they say 2 million deaths were predicted, if nothing was done in the US at the start? <<<<<<That's a Republican pipe dream, that statement

Instead of what Ignorant DJT mimics....USA was hit from Europe, the first cases....before, yes, BEFORE Feb 27th. Europeans were traveling from all parts where Chinese has infected them by traveling all over Western Europe!

how many deaths would have happened without DJT? Statisics no, but probably cost in HALF or a QUARTER if everyone wore masks from the get-go, the fed gov't HELPED states procure testing, PPE's

would there have been covid without him (comedic question i know)? FAR LESS with someone who didn't GUT Infectious Disease program or CDC.

do you blame any deaths on the mayor of NY for ordering covid sick elderly back to their establishments? NO, but I live on the other side of the USA.

im interested in how exactly to apportion the blame, so how many would be alive still without DJT in the office of president? DJT is to blame. He KNEW in late FEB and called it a HOAX, nothing to worry about.And kept l;ying, and lying. Jared Kushner was supposed to make a butt load of $$ on his testing w/ bro which failed miserably[/B]

do you think ramped up ventilator and ppe production helped at all? YES! As a medical professional, understanding viruses, and Contract Tracing, YES, it's been helpful!!!! Not a panacea, but helpful in worst case scenarios.

what is the single biggest misstep he made in your opinion? FUCKING DJT BEING LAME LEADER OF THE USA. BAR NONE!

Does that help you? You can't make statistical percentages on an unknown virulent virus we've NEVER experienced before.

Although Dr. Fauci said no need for masks in Feb (he was "trusting" DJT to be honest.....that was in the infantile stages of the emerging virus. He changed his tune QUICKLY, REPEATEDLY, DELIBERATELY once knowing the rampant black death upon us!

Had the USA locked down, mandated masks, gotten supplies, didn't impede on professionals to do their job, I can only surmise COVID would have NOT taken 214,000+ lives today.


Active member
His biggest misstep is being a bad mean orange dootyhead.

I genuinely wonder how anyone can follow Trump when he looks like a bloated Oompa Loompa. He can't even pick a convincing fake tan and we want him to make decisions on matters of global significance? If the other side weren't deliberately fielding people equally garbage, it would seem a lot more obvious that Trump is a pampered rich boy who ran his dad's empire into the ground and then narrowly escaped the poorhouse by doing reality TV and begging foreign banks to loan him money. The guy even makes G.W. Bush seem like a cunning businessman(and the bin Laden family had to bail that guy out 3 times).


Active member
I think de Blasio screwed up. He was short on information and made a bad decision. That was corrected. Unfortunately not before deaths occurred.

I’m sure a lot of the medical professionals made mistakes. They had to learn to save lives. Learn what procedures worked.

It’s all about hindsight being 2020. Correcting your mistakes and moving on. Something Trump is taking a half ass stab at. He has been flagrantly negligent. De Blasio wasn’t.


Active member
Biden would have flooded us with infected chinese and sick euros had he been in charge...
He would have put "no you dont need a mask"fouci in charge....deaths would be in the millions by now...dem governors made money by inflating death counts....Cuomo needed 600,000 ventilators.....turns out not really...
But he forces nursing homes to take covid patients....resulting in thousands of unnecessary deaths of elders
Bidens the reaper, he rides the palefaced pony
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Active member
I genuinely wonder how anyone can follow Trump when he looks like a bloated Oompa Loompa. He can't even pick a convincing fake tan and we want him to make decisions on matters of global significance? If the other side weren't deliberately fielding people equally garbage, it would seem a lot more obvious that Trump is a pampered rich boy who ran his dad's empire into the ground and then narrowly escaped the poorhouse by doing reality TV and begging foreign banks to loan him money. The guy even makes G.W. Bush seem like a cunning businessman(and the bin Laden family had to bail that guy out 3 times).

It was sarcasm. You make quite a few unverified assumptions. I guess it makes people feel better, than realize that a bad orange mean man can do a better job than the ivy league elites. Ultimately, Trump exposed their ineptitude and the media can't allow it because they are also the ivy league elites. Journalism used to be a blue collar job. Now it's an elitists ivy league career.


ICMag Donor
Biden would have flooded us with infected chicoms and sick euros had he been in charge...
He would have put "no you dont need a mask"fouci in charge....deaths would be in the millions by now...dem governors made money by inflating death counts....Cuomo needed 600,000 ventilators.....turns out not really...
But he forces nursing homes to take covid patients....resulting in thousands of unnecessary deaths of elders
Bidens the reaper, he rides the palefaced pony

BS and raise you.....There has always been an infectious control committee task force since WWI (Spanish Flu) until BLUTO AGENT ORANGE came along.

Quit spreading LIES like your Idiot at the helm spreading COVID as we speak.

Biden, in contrast, “comes prepared with plans to control COVID-19, improve health care, reduce carbon emissions and restore the role of legitimate science in policy making,” the magazine argued. “He solicits expertise and has turned that knowledge into solid policy proposals.”

“The 2020 election is literally a matter of life and death,” the [Scientific American] magazine concluded. “We urge you to vote for health, science and Joe Biden for President.”


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
BS and raise you.....There has always been an infectious control committee task force since WWI (Spanish Flu) until BLUTO AGENT ORANGE came along.

Quit spreading LIES like your Idiot at the helm spreading COVID as we speak.

Biden, in contrast, “comes prepared with plans to control COVID-19, improve health care, reduce carbon emissions and restore the role of legitimate science in policy making,” the magazine argued. “He solicits expertise and has turned that knowledge into solid policy proposals.”

“The 2020 election is literally a matter of life and death,” the [Scientific American] magazine concluded. “We urge you to vote for health, science and Joe Biden for President.”

don't forget new england journal of medicine!


ICMag Donor
Scientific American is a little complicated for some.
