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Joe Biden Thread


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St. Phatty

Active member
You think the 300 billion they gave to everyday folk compares to the 4.9 TRILLION the Fed pumped into Wall Street after the crash of 2020 so rich people could make it through the pandemic comfortably?

Shit. The US govt spend 3 times that much every year on defense. Yet somehow, poor people are the cause of inflation.

I looked it up because I thought it was near $5 Trillion too.

There's more US Dollar metrics than just the Wednesday Assets count.

Feb 2020, 4.158 Trillion
8.757 Trillion, last Wednesday of 2021
April 2022, 8.965 Trillion

Yet when the Fed a-holes talk about inflation they never talk about the $4.9 or $4.8 Trillion they printed.

It would be very conservative to say that the General Public got $600 Billion of that. I think it's less but it makes the math easier.

$600 Billion for 330 million people.

$4200 Billion or 4300 for US corporations and other special interests.

There is a lot of Grift and Graft hidden in those numbers.

I wish someone would sue the Fed to get that info about where the $4.2+ Trillion, that didn't go to the General Public, went to.

The entire list, no summaries, all 100,000 pages.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Republicans, I think it's a great idea to continually frame those who got student debt relief as losers with no initiative. It certainly won't drive them to the polls out of spite.


Well-known member
dems are still prob gonna lose because this isn't a democracy. it's about who donates the most money. some dude who should be gulag'd donated $1.6 billion to the GOP lmao.


Well-known member
Biden is trying to "rally the base" by telling them that if they grab 2 more Senate seats, they can ban "assault weapons" ... without actually defining his terms.
it would require 12 more, not 2, to stop a filibuster...and that is if EVERY Democrat voted for it, which is highly unlikely. getting them ALL to agree on something is nearly impossible. kind of like trying to herd cats with Jack Russell terriers...damn things run in whatever direction suits them.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Joe Biden is like 80 years old, he's probably gotta shoot viagra straight into his urethra to even get a chubby. Hard to rape someone with a chubby and at that age you'd definitly put a hip out in even a minor struggle. Unless he Cosby'd them, but even then, that's a lot of planning for a rape from someone who is apparently a robot, or senile, or a clone, or whatever.