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Joe Biden Thread


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St. Phatty

Active member

The anti-Biden sentiment in the US is very strong.

The lack of enthusiasm for Biden - among Democrats - is widespread.

I think it boils down to having strong candidates.

I think the Repugs. could do a better job at that if Trump took a LOOONG vacation.

I don't think his presence helps the Repug. party.

Even when he makes a suggestion that borders on good - like what he said about "raking leaves" to deal with wildfires - he doesn't communicate well about it.

The one rural house that I know of, a neighbor with 14 acres - the man is extremely obsessive about "raking leaves".

He destroys the humus. Rakes every twig etc. into a pile & burns it.

So he has zero vulnerability to wildfire, because there is nothing to burn.

Trump could hook up with a citizen like that, and show people what he means about "raking leaves". But he's not motivated enough. He's not a good project manager, unless the project is managing a team that designs tax dodges for real estate projects.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The anti-Biden sentiment in the US is very strong.

The lack of enthusiasm for Biden - among Democrats - is widespread.

I think it boils down to having strong candidates.

I think the Repugs. could do a better job at that if Trump took a LOOONG vacation.

I don't think his presence helps the Repug. party.

Even when he makes a suggestion that borders on good - like what he said about "raking leaves" to deal with wildfires - he doesn't communicate well about it.

The one rural house that I know of, a neighbor with 14 acres - the man is extremely obsessive about "raking leaves".

He destroys the humus. Rakes every twig etc. into a pile & burns it.

So he has zero vulnerability to wildfire, because there is nothing to burn.

Trump could hook up with a citizen like that, and show people what he means about "raking leaves". But he's not motivated enough. He's not a good project manager, unless the project is managing a team that designs tax dodges for real estate projects.
He showed the people a much greater threat. The FakeNews (enemy of the people) activated their coordinated campaign of fake scientists to come out and act dumbfounded about what Trump could possibly be even talking about. They, and local officials, put politics above the safety of the citizens. It was the news and local politicians that should have shown people how to "rake the leaves." Instead they reeEEeed and screeEEeed about 'OrangeMan Bad."


Well-known member
for an old east coaster who is not western state forest savvy
but 'rake the leaves' taken literally is a non starter?
it's more about brush abatement and the like to lower fire intensities?
literally raking very large forest areas would result in undesirable and widespread ecological harms

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
for an old east coaster who is not western state forest savvy
but 'rake the leaves' taken literally is a non starter?
it's more about brush abatement and the like to lower fire intensities?
literally raking very large forest areas would result in undesirable and widespread ecological harms
Yeah, trump said all that. They only focused on the 'rake the leaves' metaphor.


Well-known member
for an old east coaster who is not western state forest savvy
but 'rake the leaves' taken literally is a non starter?
it's more about brush abatement and the like to lower fire intensities?
literally raking very large forest areas would result in undesirable and widespread ecological harms
and we won't even mention how it would be physically impossible. he WAS right about the GOP being better off without The Chump, or McConnell, Paul, Hawley, Boebert, Gaetz, Greene, Cawthorn, and a laundry list of others that i don't have the time to type out. my hands are cramping from spraying Groundclear on a HUGE rockpile in my yard, as well as around the fence lines...f'ing English & poison ivy sucks. have not found anything this side of nuclear weapons that will really kill locust trees yet. SOBs KEEP sprouting up from roots year after year...


Well-known member
Allow me to add a few species to ground zero:
brazilian pepper

Bombs away!
deer and cattle will at least eat kudzu. an industry study hunting for sources of starches to make biofuel with found that the kudzu taproot was an ideal choice for fermentation, with one -small- problem. damn things are normally 12 to 15 feet underground.


Well-known member
Kudzu was originally introduced as cattle fodder.
problem being that cows can't eat it as fast as it grows; nor can they climb trees to go after it, lol! it works pretty good for erosion control as well. i wish some mad scientist would do some genetic engineering & give kudzu the ability to produce THC like weed does. hash oil, anyone ? :smoke:

St. Phatty

Active member
I've never done crack so I don't know if one can function on it adequately like cannabis and opiates. Do you?

Crack is too concentrated, as is most powdered cocaine.

The way to consume Coca is by chewing the leaves, or by drinking the tea.

What about Mr. Biden though ? His Inflation Recovery Act ? HERE'S THE DEAL.

I just love Mr. Biden. He's working So Hard for the Country ! /sarc sarc sarc

It's not easy spending $445 Billion when you're 1/2 Senile 1/2 the time.

If a reporter asks him where the money is coming from, what will Joe say ?