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Joe Biden Thread

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Probably not rape people. There's a lot better ways to slander someone, not sure why you go for the most outlandish and illogical. You could start with his shitty combover and liver spots at least, you know call him the commie Mr Burns or some shit. Never really understood how the alt-right or whatever you call yourselves have this fetish with kiddie fiddling. Though it is kinda telling as to where your minds sit at.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Probably not rape people. There's a lot better ways to slander someone, not sure why you go for the most outlandish and illogical. You could start with his shitty combover and liver spots at least, you know call him the commie Mr Burns or some shit. Never really understood how the alt-right or whatever you call yourselves have this fetish with kiddie fiddling. Though it is kinda telling as to where your minds sit at.
Every accusation is an admittance.

Jericho Mile

At the moment Sleepy Joe is a walking zombie, but what did he do when he was younger and more vital.
I couldn’t tell you who the figurehead of the Netherlands is without looking it up. I’m American and haven’t seen a president speak on tv since Bush and his “with us or against us” speech

That people actually believe in any of this


That a person outside the States gets into it

double wacky

Cheap entertainment?
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Active member
Joe Biden is like 80 years old, he's probably gotta shoot viagra straight into his urethra to even get a chubby. Hard to rape someone with a chubby and at that age you'd definitly put a hip out in even a minor struggle. Unless he Cosby'd them, but even then, that's a lot of planning for a rape from someone who is apparently a robot, or senile, or a clone, or whatever.


Well-known member
Probably not rape people. There's a lot better ways to slander someone, not sure why you go for the most outlandish and illogical. You could start with his shitty combover and liver spots at least, you know call him the commie Mr Burns or some shit. Never really understood how the alt-right or whatever you call yourselves have this fetish with kiddie fiddling. Though it is kinda telling as to where your minds sit at.
nobody even blinked when they were calling folks socialists or communists, not scary enough. they had to look for something that might get the desired response since they were being ignored... killing/abusing children gets attention, until the audience realizes it is just another attention-getting device to distract them...


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Probably not rape people. There's a lot better ways to slander someone, not sure why you go for the most outlandish and illogical. You could start with his shitty combover and liver spots at least, you know call him the commie Mr Burns or some shit. Never really understood how the alt-right or whatever you call yourselves have this fetish with kiddie fiddling. Though it is kinda telling as to where your minds sit at.
Like Humpy says, it's projection.

comfy markoth

Well-known member
WOW, it's almost like you don't think that everyone already saw that stuff yonks ago but still felt he was a MUCH, MUCH better candidate than orangeman?

Sam Harris is right.... it wouldn't even matter if Hunter Biden had the corpses of children in his basement, not enough to make Trump a better candidate than Dark Brandon.



Well-known member
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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Ummmmmmmm it proves there’s an elite pedophile ring? Lol.

"Visoski said he flew Epstein’s private Boeing 727, a Gulfstream jet, and the financier’s helicopters from 1991 through 2019. They flew to his private Caribbean island, Little St. James, at least every 10 days, which Epstein often referred to by a nickname, Little St. Jeff’s.

The pilot said Maxwell sometimes took flew Epstein’s helicopters herself. He remembered her as an employee of Epstein’s, but one whose role was never clear.

He recalled meeting Prince Andrew, President Donald Trump, the actors Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker, and world-renowned violinist Itzhak Perlman on separate flights to Epstein’s mansions worldwide. The pilot did not specify the aircraft where he met the former and future heads of state. Epstein’s Boeing 727 was nicknamed the Lolita Express.

“I certainly remember President Trump, but not many people associated with him,” Visoski testified under cross-examination by Maxwell’s lawyer, Christian Everdell. He added that Trump flew on the plane before he was president."



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
"Visoski said he flew Epstein’s private Boeing 727, a Gulfstream jet, and the financier’s helicopters from 1991 through 2019. They flew to his private Caribbean island, Little St. James, at least every 10 days, which Epstein often referred to by a nickname, Little St. Jeff’s.

The pilot said Maxwell sometimes took flew Epstein’s helicopters herself. He remembered her as an employee of Epstein’s, but one whose role was never clear.

He recalled meeting Prince Andrew, President Donald Trump, the actors Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker, and world-renowned violinist Itzhak Perlman on separate flights to Epstein’s mansions worldwide. The pilot did not specify the aircraft where he met the former and future heads of state. Epstein’s Boeing 727 was nicknamed the Lolita Express.

“I certainly remember President Trump, but not many people associated with him,” Visoski testified under cross-examination by Maxwell’s lawyer, Christian Everdell. He added that Trump flew on the plane before he was president."
