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Joe Biden Thread

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Prejudiced or what? Is there something wrong with stripper mothers? I've known a few. Excellent mothers. Two owned their own homes outright. I've never done crack so I don't know if one can function on it adequately like cannabis and opiates. Do you?
Not prejudiced. It's just an interesting world in interesting times. The "President" is the same guy that declared war on crack users...

I know many crackheads in the neighborhood. They function as crackheads and not much more, unfortunately. Though, there are people who could surely say the same of me and cannabis (pot!)...


Active member
I live in a country where I have everything I need. What? I have to pay taxes? Them bastards!


Well-known member
Crack is too concentrated, as is most powdered cocaine.

The way to consume Coca is by chewing the leaves, or by drinking the tea.

What about Mr. Biden though ? His Inflation Recovery Act ? HERE'S THE DEAL.

I just love Mr. Biden. He's working So Hard for the Country ! /sarc sarc sarc

It's not easy spending $445 Billion when you're 1/2 Senile 1/2 the time.

If a reporter asks him where the money is coming from, what will Joe say ?
Joe should say "the same place it comes from for the aircraft carriers and other military toys and wars..." carriers are obsolete, and truly have been unless used against an opponent with no missiles/submarines. nothing but shiny toys used to impress folks with. most cocaine has been stepped on multiple times before it gets to the consumer regardless of which form it comes in. nobody sells that shit in a remotely pure form (on the street corners), and nobody imports the leaves to this continent either...


Well-known member

Be careful out there, @Jericho Mile

Jericho Mile

View attachment 18749204

Be careful out there, @Jericho Mile
….technology is a funny thing. I want to believe that it’s for the greater good…but well…maybe not lol

St. Phatty

Active member
New dark Brandon just dropped! View attachment 18749228

Maybe Ashley is a Boy's Name.

On the other hand, that's not really comforting, is it.

Meanwhile the Fed is F*cking the General Public in the Derriere, by raising interest rates faster than I have ever seen. And I'm old ( or older ).

In the name of Covid19, they (the Federal Reserve) hand out $400 Billion to the General Public (who tend to have debt), and $3.1 Trillion to Special Interests (who have Debt by choice, if they have debt.)

This causes inflation, which the Fed denies for 18 months.

Then they say, "OH, INFLATION", and instead of taking back some of that $3.1 Trillion, they screw the General Public ... who has debt they can't afford to pay off.

And the Special Interests receive higher interest rates on their Savings !

And the General Public in the US puts up with it.

An AMAZING social-financial kinetic sculpture. Would be a form of artwork, but it's too big to fit in the Smithsonian.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
You think the 300 billion they gave to everyday folk compares to the 4.9 TRILLION the Fed pumped into Wall Street after the crash of 2020 so rich people could make it through the pandemic comfortably?

Shit. The US govt spend 3 times that much every year on defense. Yet somehow, poor people are the cause of inflation.


Well-known member
You think the 300 billion they gave to everyday folk compares to the 4.9 TRILLION the Fed pumped into Wall Street after the crash of 2020 so rich people could make it through the pandemic comfortably?

Shit. The US govt spend 3 times that much every year on defense. Yet somehow, poor people are the cause of inflation.
how much money did they give banks because they "were too big to fail" in the 2008 debacle? i'd like to have MY money back from that clusterfuck...and see the bankers responsible behind bars. but let the CITIZENS be helped, and these assbites are "outraged"... fuck 'em all.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
how much money did they give banks because they "were too big to fail" in the 2008 debacle? i'd like to have MY money back from that clusterfuck...and see the bankers responsible behind bars. but let the CITIZENS be helped, and these assbites are "outraged"... fuck 'em all.
Don't worry. We'll get your money back for you.


Well-known member
Maybe Ashley is a Boy's Name.

On the other hand, that's not really comforting, is it.

Meanwhile the Fed is F*cking the General Public in the Derriere, by raising interest rates faster than I have ever seen. And I'm old ( or older ).

In the name of Covid19, they (the Federal Reserve) hand out $400 Billion to the General Public (who tend to have debt), and $3.1 Trillion to Special Interests (who have Debt by choice, if they have debt.)

This causes inflation, which the Fed denies for 18 months.

Then they say, "OH, INFLATION", and instead of taking back some of that $3.1 Trillion, they screw the General Public ... who has debt they can't afford to pay off.

And the Special Interests receive higher interest rates on their Savings !

And the General Public in the US puts up with it.

An AMAZING social-financial kinetic sculpture. Would be a form of artwork, but it's too big to fit in the Smithsonian.
the fed govt
Yet somehow, poor people are the cause of inflation.

i must have missed the post that poor people cause inflation .... and the fed didn't hand out the 400bill n the 3.1trill - that was the pres and congress....