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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
Don't forget every republican voting against saving truckers pensions (while truckers were freedom convoying and hating democrats.)

They also voted against funding veterans health care until they just couldn't sustain that position anymore.

We could continue


Well-known member
ALL large industry has loopholes their lawyers lobbied for and got. our tax code is WAY out of whack when multi-billion dollar companies pay little to no tax because of the lobbyists influence. legislators voted for them hoping that the industry would locate in THEIR district & employ THEIR constituents. Americans fucking OTHER Americans has become the "American Way"...


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
87,000 agents for $163,000,000,000 in annual evaded taxes
That 87,000 number is misleading. That's over the next 5 years because there's a whole bunch of folks retiring. The net positive will be closer to 20-25,000 new personnel. And about half of those won't be agents but will be manning phones.

comfy markoth

Well-known member

St. Phatty

Active member
Combatting inflation by spending 1T and raising taxes on small businesses and hiring 87,000 irs agents. Lol. sounds awesome.

I actually bought a few books at an used book store a week ago.

The woman that helped me didn't have much to say about politics, other than to make it clear that she was a Trump supporter.

but she did comment on Inflation, how she got a big raise but it made no difference.

I didn't tell her that the primary money-printing that caused the inflation occurred in the first half of 2020, i.e. on Trump's watch.



Active member
I actually bought a few books at an used book store a week ago.

The woman that helped me didn't have much to say about politics, other than to make it clear that she was a Trump supporter.

but she did comment on Inflation, how she got a big raise but it made no difference.

I didn't tell her that the primary money-printing that caused the inflation occurred in the first half of 2020, i.e. on Trump's watch.

Yup. I hope you invested your djt stimuli Cuz it’s gonna end up costing a lot. Who would have guessed printing money and giving it away isn’t good for business?


Active member
Taxation is theft.
Who do you think prints the money? It’s not yours to begin with. It belongs to the government. If you don’t like it, find another system. Maybe collect rocks and shells. Trade them for bones.

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