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Joe Biden Thread


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Speculating about how Biden might get Nose Monkeypox ...

Some Speculations can not be un-Speculated.

St. Phatty

Active member
Can you get Monkeypox from the handle of a shopping cart ?

The occasional gay person shops at Walmart & Winco.

It is sounding like the Monkeypox is starting its spread from the gay community.

Better not pick my nose after I go shopping !

At least not without washing my hands 3 times.


Active member
Monkey pox can be spread by prolonged skin exposure. If you have multiple partners you’re at a greater risk of contact.


Active member
Bernie playing fuck it all up to get attention again, again. He is the showman. Of course they told him to shut up. Something is much better than nothing. You prefer nothing? It was a publicity stunt.


Well-known member
Bernie playing fuck it all up to get attention again, again. He is the showman. Of course they told him to shut up. Something is much better than nothing. You prefer nothing? It was a publicity stunt.
hahaha i pretty much expected this response. straight up DNC propaganda regurgitation. nary a peep about how Manchin and Sinema have spent the last 2 years UNCHECKED BY DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP straight up fucking tanking Biden's agenda on behalf of donors and probably the DNC's own leadership. Bernie is fighting harder for Biden's agenda than Biden is lmao. the bill is a handout to the elite. $40 billion handout to venture capitalists, 600 million acres of public land surrendered to fossil fuel companies. If Exxon and Shell are praising the bill, you know it's a steaming pile of shit.

incrementalist neoliberal policy approaches have led to fascists at the doorstep. whom neoliberals continue to enable. it's beyond time to remove all of these people from their positions.



Well-known member
so glad Pelosi and Clyburn went out of their way to support Cuellar over the more progressive Cisneros in TX.

there will ALWAYS be a Joe Manchin excuse within the DNC. they use people like this to stop progress while not having to take all the blame. they can always scapegoat an individual or two (who happens to be raking in mega millions from elite donors at the same time). so in other words, they're publicly shamed but privately rewarded and propped up by capital.



Well-known member
so glad Pelosi and Clyburn went out of their way to support Cuellar over the more progressive Cisneros in TX.

there will ALWAYS be a Joe Manchin excuse within the DNC. they use people like this to stop progress while not having to take all the blame. they can always scapegoat an individual or two (who happens to be raking in mega millions from elite donors at the same time). so in other words, they're publicly shamed but privately rewarded and propped up by capital.

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What really cracks me up is Manchin is in a predominantly red state. When the media with bias towards Democrats crack on Manchin they (unintentionally or not) bring those who would probably otherwise vote Republican to Manchin's support. Because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Reverse whst I said with Liz Cheney, she is most likely done for.


Active member
hahaha i pretty much expected this response. straight up DNC propaganda regurgitation. nary a peep about how Manchin and Sinema have spent the last 2 years UNCHECKED BY DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP straight up fucking tanking Biden's agenda on behalf of donors and probably the DNC's own leadership. Bernie is fighting harder for Biden's agenda than Biden is lmao. the bill is a handout to the elite. $40 billion handout to venture capitalists, 600 million acres of public land surrendered to fossil fuel companies. If Exxon and Shell are praising the bill, you know it's a steaming pile of shit.

incrementalist neoliberal policy approaches have led to fascists at the doorstep. whom neoliberals continue to enable. it's beyond time to remove all of these people from their positions.

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Yes. They have to deal with Manchin. He was legally elected in his district. There is no solid progressive vote. Bernie being an idiot doesn’t change that.


Well-known member
Yes. They have to deal with Manchin.
democratic leadership props him up in elections against progressive candidates. same thing the DNC just did with Cuellar against Cisneros (who would have won if the DNC endorsed her) and now Cuellar is pulling his own Manchin routine. When are you going to understand that the party relies on people like this as a back stop against left wing & progressive change? If the entire party came out against progressive policies, they'd lose too many voters, so they have rotating villains... Sinema, Manchin, Collins, Cuellar, etc. . Primary and replace them and you'll have someone else from the party step up to block popular democratic legislation.

He was legally elected in his district.
with huge help from the establishment and corporations. legality means fuck all when the establishment changes the law to whatever they see fit.

There is no solid progressive vote. Bernie being an idiot doesn’t change that.

The original BBB (Bernie's version) polled extremely well in WV

There are old polls and data that shows progressive policy in WV does actually have a solid vote.

The problem is conventional neoliberals who think the only people that can win states like WV are admittedly right wing/conservatives.


Active member
democratic leadership props him up in elections against progressive candidates. same thing the DNC just did with Cuellar against Cisneros (who would have won if the DNC endorsed her) and now Cuellar is pulling his own Manchin routine. When are you going to understand that the party relies on people like this as a back stop against left wing & progressive change? If the entire party came out against progressive policies, they'd lose too many voters, so they have rotating villains... Sinema, Manchin, Collins, Cuellar, etc. . Primary and replace them and you'll have someone else from the party step up to block popular democratic legislation.

with huge help from the establishment and corporations. legality means fuck all when the establishment changes the law to whatever they see fit.

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The original BBB (Bernie's version) polled extremely well in WV

There are old polls and data that shows progressive policy in WV does actually have a solid vote.

The problem is conventional neoliberals who think the only people that can win states like WV are admittedly right wing/conservatives.

You make stuff up.