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Joe Biden Thread


Well-known member
they admit it themselves. deal with manchin and sinema, and you'll have others to take their place because the capitalist oligarchs who fund the DNC have no interest in moving left. we've moved right steadily for decades now.



Well-known member
Mr Sanders, who is chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, took to the Senate floor and criticised the legislation, calling it the “so-called Inflation Reduction Act” because the Congressional Budget Office said it would not do much to combat rising prices.

“I say so-called, by the way, because according to the CBO and other economic organizations this bill will, in fact, have a minimal impact on inflation,” he said in a speech. Mr Sanders delivered the speech as he hoped to add amendments during the “vote-a-rama” wherein the Senate would vote on multiple amendments.

Mr Sanders specifically criticised the fact that the legislation would allow for lease sales for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska and other provisions he considered a “giveaway” to the fossil fuel industry.

“Under this legislation, up to 60 million acres of public waters must be offered up for sale each and every year to the oil and gas industry before the federal government could approve any new offshore wind development,” he said.

comfy markoth

Well-known member
Soon Dark Brandon decriminalizes Weed & evolves into his final form, the immortal God Emperor of Mankind Brandon. It has been foretold. The Emperor protects!



Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

The ‘Dark Brandon’ Meme Has Died From a Terminal Case of Cringe​

joe-biden-dark-brandon-memes.jpg President Joe Biden Leaving the White House - Credit: Michael Brochstein/Sipa USA/AP

" If you spend any significant time online — and particularly in the nebulous, insufferable realm of Politics Twitter — you’ve probably met him: 79-years-old, a full head of silver hair, an immaculately tailored suit, and, frequently, a pair of sizzling red laser-eyes. He’s “Dark Brandon,” President Joe Biden’s alpha-male bizarro, and the latest star of the White House’s ham-fisted effort to convince people that the septuagenarian commander-in-chief is actually a Super Cool Badass Dude™. "

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Apparently, the Biden regime is trying out a new PR campaign to posture as "edgy" by trying to plagiarize the originality and style of Donald Trump and MAGA. Biden is a well know plagiarist. An empty shell. He can only hope to succeed by attempting to imitate his opponent. What does that tell you?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Donald Trump was the ultimate troll. He played these silly games for a reason. He made things better for the country all while being ruthlessly attacked from all sides by the pernicious Deep State. All with style and humor.

Biden is an empty shell of a man who has no business running anything, much less the United States. He should be focused on making life easier and promoting peace. But, instead he is being elder-abused by his handler-puppeteers, while his campaign comes up with stupid shit like 'Dark Brandon.' The thing is that Dark Brandon is no different from regular Brandon... An enemy of the people.

comfy markoth

Well-known member
Donald Trump was the ultimate troll. He played these silly games for a reason. He made things better for the country all while being ruthlessly attacked from all sides by the pernicious Deep State. All with style and humor.

No, you just live in a fantasy world where you perceive him as having all these dashing qualities because you are a delusional mental weakling.

You project your fantasies of what you wish to be onto an empty vessel, which is all Donald is. He is an empty vessel.

Dark Brandon is how all of Qanon and MAGA looks to the rest of the world. It's a parody. The joke is on you.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
No, you just live in a fantasy world where you perceive him as having all these dashing qualities because you are a delusional mental weakling.

You project your fantasies of what you wish to be onto an empty vessel, which is all Donald is. He is an empty vessel.
Then why are Biden's handlers attempting to imitate his style. Biden doesn't have any style. His personality is made up of little plagiarized shreds of other people's personalities which he tries to pass off as his own.