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Joe Biden Thread


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It never needed to be this way. The only one to blame is Trump. He would have been re-elected had he pretended to be a moral person, stopped insulting everyone, kept his corruption more secret as all politicians do..


he's always been a fascist. as we've been saying in these threads now for a long time lol.

I almost always ignore your posts. Listening to a commie is like listening to a religious zealot, no thanks. I'm all for conversation but most of the time I just find you to be annoying and skip right over your posts. It ain't my first week in here I know what you're all about.


ICMag Donor
Trump had to go. He made Tricky Dick look like a saint.

I just can't figure why so many were willing to overlook all the criminality.


Well-known member
There won't be a country worth running for after harris has the reins.

Why are people so happy about a coup, and now a fraudulent election? Don't you realize what is happening?

when did winning an election by counting valid votes become a "coup"? and what do you see as "fraudulent" other than the GOP voter suppression tactics? "STOP COUNTING THE VOTES! I DESERVE ANOTHER TERM!" LOL!!!:biggrin:


Well-known member
It never needed to be this way. The only one to blame is Trump. He would have been re-elected had he pretended to be a moral person, stopped insulting everyone, kept his corruption more secret as all politicians do..

chump could no more impersonate a moral person than he could play a round of golf without cheating. it is what he does, and how he got to where he is...waiting on karma to bite him squarely on the ass & send him to prison. myself, i can't fucking wait for it. CHUMP & PENIS FOR PRISON IN 2021! fuck yeah...here comes the tax man...:yay:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lol, He lies about everything else why not lie he has morals. For reasons unknown to me he conned a lot of people easily and they loved him for it:D .


Well-known member
lol, He lies about everything else why not lie he has morals. For reasons unknown to me he conned a lot of people easily and they loved him for it:D .

some women stay with a man that beats them regularly because they think no one else will have them. stupidity takes many forms...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That is very true. I was def caught off guard by the number of people that turned a blind eye to his character.


he even said, he could shoot somebody on times square and still keep his cult groupies... now the house is slightly stronger in the red direction, right? prolly wouldn't even get impeached.

please nevada, come through... i wanna see this crooked motherfucker sent up, clinky... orange pjs to match his complexion.

he'll prolly highjack navy 1 and tuck tail toward russia :/


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
they didn't that's what they liked about him...

I don't think they thought he had a bad character or if they didn't care that's so messed up. If I knew someone with a personality like that they're not coming around me. The odds of them back stabbing you is high..


ICMag Donor
That is very true. I was def caught off guard by the number of people that turned a blind eye to his character.

Maybe a blind eye, but I think more so, sticking with their Republican party, not DJT. Back when I was a Republican, I voted for who best could help me, our state so it was both (R) and (D). Last several elections, it has been straight party (D) ticket.

Bravo, Joe! 264- corrected. Every time I plug in #Election2020, the AP, Assoc Press numbers pop up) and awaiting to cross the finish line, breaking the tape at 270!
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The news channels here have been full of your election with endless crosses to the US for explanations of yr Electoral system and yr Legal System. Blah blah.
This morning our national televiser interviewed our previous Ambassador to the States. The first piece of advice he gave was for the interviewers to keep calm, this will not be over overnight.

Good luck Biden. The alternative has been unthinkable for a while now!

Maybe a blind eye, but I think more so, sticking with their Republican party, not DJT. Back when I was a Republican, I voted for who best could help me, our state so it was both (R) and (D). Last several elections, it has been straight party (D) ticket.

Bravo, Joe! 268 and awaiting to cross the finish line, breaking the tape at 270!


ICMag Donor

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