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Joe Biden Thread


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
nah this really has nothing to do with the republicans.

this election should have been a cake walk and the democrats fucked it due to how weak and ineffective they are politically.

take for example the DNC's obsession with moving to the right trying to court "never trump" republicans. well guess what? republican voters voted for trump 3% more in 2020 (93%) than they did in 2016. $70 million bucks thrown at the Lincoln Party down the tubes. that money could have went to a better ground game in the states we all knew this was going to come down to (MI, PA, FL, WI) as well as hispanic outreach which Biden's campaign publicly said was "not their path to victory".

Democratic Socialists of America endorsed candidates won 19 of 22 of their races. Establishment Dems are losing races & seats including in what was assumed as "safe" disctricts.

Florida voted against Joe Biden but voted by a 23% margin to enact progressive/Bernie $15 min wage legislation.

72% of FOX viewers in their own exit poll want Govt healthcare and Biden repeatedly has shit on M4A. (also proves once again that these policies/social democracy are the true center.)

Colorado voted for 12 weeks paid family and maternal leave. Something Bernie supported and the DNC/Biden does not.

How many states legalized weed? Another progressive initiative that Biden does not support and Bernie did.

Zapata County TX - the second most hispanic populated county in the state. Obama won it by +43, HRC won it by +33, Biden LOST it by 5.

It's pretty clear to me that what I've been saying this entire time has been correct. It's almost as if Democrats moving to the right and shitting on the 40% of the party that considers themselves progressives/social dems/dem socialists wasn't the right play lol.

Abject failure on behalf of the Democrats. And I already know they're going to learn nothing, and continue to repeat the same mistakes. They will never capitulate to the left. They'd rather lose or keep shit at a stalemate (political paralysis) because they are making bank off of Trump hysteria.

Without covid, Trump would have fucking DESTROYED. Dem leadership and neoliberals need to be purged from the party or the party is dead.

Bernie would have won.

Rep party had a hostile takeover 4 years ago. All real Rep are disgusted with what they see going on with their party. Both parties are corupt. Our political system is in tatters. It needs to be demolished including the electoral college. The way we elect our POTUS is crap. The house/senate are crap. America will never be great until this is fixed:yay:.


Comfortably numb!
Rep party had a hostile takeover 4 years ago. All real Rep are disgusted with what they see going on with their party. Both parties are corupt. Our political system is in tatters. It needs to be demolished including the electoral college. The way we elect our POTUS is crap. The house/senate are crap. America will never be great until this is fixed:yay:.
So, if I catch what your saying correctly, America will never be great again!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
So, if I catch what your saying correctly, America will never be great again!

Pretty much with a corrupt gov. Look up our history. At some point the inequality will reach a point where we will revolt. It looks like every 100 years.

Bro 93% of Republicans voted for Trump. In 2016 it was 90%. It ain't gonna happen.

Hostile takeover. The new Trumplican party is different than the old guard. They will do anything to split the nation. As bad as the dmes are they at least try to keep us united.


ICMag Donor
The government has it's own agenda. It evolves around big money, greed, and payoffs.
The idea of working for and serving the people, making the country better, left them long ago.


Well-known member
Hostile takeover. The new Trumplican party is different than the old guard. They will do anything to split the nation. As bad as the dmes are they at least try to keep us united.
nah man. the "old guard" agrees with Trump. they simply disagree with his methods of breaching decorum and being an abraisive loose cannon. the old guard wants a mitt romney face w/ donald trump policies.



Well-known member
Trump just won the highest share of non-white support of any Republican in 60 years.



Well-known member
joes probably about to win WI and MI, which means trump is going to take it to the supreme court because he's an authoritarian manchild. 300 votes left to count in WI apparently.


Active member
Both a head scratcher and testament to the effectiveness of disinformation techniques on the non white support.


Well-known member
or the fact the Dem nominee is a kiddie sniffer who wrote the 94 crime bill, made it so students cannot file bankruptcy on student loans, and said hispanics wasn't his path to victory.


Bernie was dominating with latinos overall, and black youth.


Well-known member
WI has been called for Joe

Georgia has a good shot at going for Joe too. The last votes to be counted are I believe the Atlanta mail-in votes.

Expecting MI to go Joe too. It's all coming down to PA like I had originally suspected.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Candidates that would make life better for us peasants will never be chosen to run. Bernie was a perfect example of that. Trumps made the rich far richer, that gap between us and them will continue to get worse. Everything has risen in cost far greater than any income increases. The saddest part is we do it to ourselves voting for these pieces of shit.


Well-known member
FL voting in favor of $15min wage outnumbers both Trump & Biden's vote counts in the state (not their combined vote counts).

Absolutely incredible.




Active member
WI has been called for Joe

Georgia has a good shot at going for Joe too. The last votes to be counted are I believe the Atlanta mail-in votes.

Expecting MI to go Joe too. It's all coming down to PA like I had originally suspected.

PA does not matter if he gets GA, WI and MI

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