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Joe Biden Thread


Active member
Great job showing your Soviet side. Only cowards, and tyrants support censorship.

Oh, please big evil government, protect me from those evil words.

It will come for you, but your not smart enough to realize.

Just curious, what other constitutional rights are you prepared to lose?

If you lose the right to free speech, you also lose the right to protest. I guess we better lock up the BLM, Antifa protesters.

Why don't you lobby Gypsy on here to allow porn and personal insults????

This place is a microcosm of FB and other social media.

Pretty sure you would be the first to complain about FB when your wife's page is filled with dick pics and dudes saying what they would do to her.

Do you really think Gypsy doesn't allow that on here to protect us from "Evil Words"?

He does it to keep some decency around here same for FB and twittter.

You should also learn that FB and Twitter don't have to guarantee you shit for constitutional rights if using their platform. They are private companies. Derp.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I'm glad Twitter, FB, and Instagram censor people.

Does anybody want those sites filled with porn, porn ads, beheading video's, and allow a 4chan atmosphere to run amok?

There is a huge difference between a policy which is applied evenly and the political censorship that they have engaged in.


Active member
There is a huge difference between a policy which is applied evenly and the political censorship that they have engaged in.

They don't have to apply anything equally in regards to politics. Any more then Fox News has to have equal time for Dems on all their shows. Remember, corporations are people. Hahahahahahaha

Your type tried to have the platform you guys wanted. It became the cesspool of 8chan/4chan


Well-known member
i'll just post these headlines here for the third time and again probably get no responses from the trumpahs lol




Active member
Tru Dat.

Conservatives are just sensitive people who overreact to everyday normal life.

I'm outta reps.


The television told me those figures are propped up by Covid relief payments ... which will shortly stop.
I know math is hard and everything. But that's not how that works.

When you start at one baseline and lose 31.8% like we did in Q2, you you start at the new lower baseline for Q3. We're still upside down about 8 points. And if you go from Q1, we're upside down about 11.


“Some say it's fiction, some say Egyptian
Others prayed with strangers and they somehow traded land and culture for religion

Slavery ain't color, bodies for these private prisons
Military biz is booming, private armies pilot missions

Fisa courts unchecked, watching prism watchers, NDAA
Interpretations, now the system got ya
The net has been bugged, call for the exterminators
Micro drones have been home, Darpa's building terminators

Watch out for the shills, traitors cut a deal
Or agents planted, manipulating games from the field

Republicans want the old days, Democrats new slaves

Bigger business wants it all and they don't care who pays”


ICMag Donor
mark my words, white nationalist evangelist christian terrorism is the next big threat in the u.s.

There is something to this.

No abortion and no condoms so they can make more.
Separation of church and state only applies to other religions.
Legislating their values on others.

It does have that Middle Eastern stench to it.

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