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jamaican "lambsbread"


Well-known member
Hey Willy, the rastafarism is older than the 70s, really start in the 30s and its construction is even more older! :)

About the Spanish i don't think that they have a really strong direct influence in the cannabis spread in America, it's only indirect by their slavery business of African people...


Dread & Alive
Hey Willy, the rastafarism is older than the 70s, really start in the 30s and its construction is even more older! :)

About the Spanish i don't think that they have a really strong direct influence in the cannabis spread in America, it's only indirect by their slavery business of African people...

I know, :) H.I.M. was incoroned in 1930,the Rasta movement come from Panafricanism, late 1800/early 1900, but indian weed was introduced in mid 1800...
One thing few know is that when Pinnacle, one of the first Rasta communities, was created, ganjah was the main source of income, and local authorities and policemen were kept quiet with money ....


Well-known member
Ah yes +1 for that bro, so Hindu first wave then African one...

About the other Colombian one hmmm that leaves me doubtful... ;)

Growers like JGL or Rahan who grew both should have better idea and intuition than me about this Colombiana relationship or not!


Dread & Alive
Don't get me wrong bro :) (ah, damn language barriers) I don't think Colombian is the basis of lambsbread, rather they entered towards the end, just before the Afghan hybrids arrived in the early 80s ... surely others are more experienced than me , I'm just repeating what I read in the old newspapers and looking at the history of the country ...

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I know some of you are gonna disagree with me, but I still believe that "lambsbread" is not a specific strain of Jamaican ganja,
but instead a term that was used to describe the best weed available at a particular time and location on the island..
This due mostly to the fact that some growers are just better than others...and two seeds from the same bud can grow an "ehh" plant and the other a "wow" plant..
You have to remember, Jamaica is a relatively small island, being about 135 miles long and about 30 to 40 miles wide...

There are trade winds here which blow pollen all over the island, so I feel that most of the ganja on the island in the 1970's was very similar to the ganja originally grown
from seeds brought over from Africa and India by slaves in the 16th and 17th century..
And I seriously doubt that any new cannabis seeds were brought to Jamaica from the mid 1800's until at least the 1970's.

I spent a lot of time in Jamaica in 1972, 1973 and 1981..
I spent more than half of that time walking down the small roads and footpaths thru the back hills of the island...
I met lots of local people of all walks of life, and was the house guest of many of them..
Most of these people I met had very little, but they all offered me the "shirts off their backs"...

In the early 70's, all the weed I smoked in Jamaica was awesome..
It was a pure Sativa weed, with a tremendous head high..
But some of the ganja was better than what I smoked on another day...

Mind soaring is a good way to describe almost all the ganja in Jamaica in the 70's.
It energized the body and made you want to get up and going hiking on journeys of discovery...

I want to share a few old pictures. I hope you enjoy them..
Even though I was just a young hippie guy. without a lot of money, I did have the foresight to carry a camera in my backpack on most of my adventures...

This is typical of many of the roads I hiked down in 1972..Almost all of the people I met wanted to stop and talk...

This is a paint can stuffed full of Jamaican ganja..
yeah it's full of seeds and stems, but don't let the looks fool you..
This was some very fine ganja. .I paid $12 for this can in 1972.

A view way back in the hills... I was hiking on a goat trail of a path near the camp of a Rastafarian man I stayed with in 1973.

In 1973, I took a very good buddy of mine with me to Jamaica on my second trip there..
We went into the hills and stayed for a while with "Bully", a Rasta man we had met, who invited us to spend time at his house..



Dread & Alive
Amazing pics @Bud green! I am agree, lambsbread is a name for good herb...

I know that arijan and company are not the best source of information, but in the footage shot in Jamaica, the farmers seem to use the term lambsbread to distinguish the old Jamaican strain from modern hybrids ....


Well-known member
I recall seeing an interview with bob marley saying lambsbread is just like stated above, a single plant that is better than the rest, you go for more but it's gone, kingsbreath is from the lambsbread that reveges and produces a second crop, not very common but very prized. None the less, this particular lambsbread is what the variety is called from the holder who shared it with the vibes collective member.


See the world through a puff of smoke
In the early days the ganja was from India.The British supplied also the US in the 1800s with medicinal marijuana that was originated from India.Later on the US began to cultivate by themselves.


Active member
Willydread, I heard the same stories about the Columbian coming in with the smugglers on their way north. I dont believe it has anything to do with the Lambsbread either and no idea how widespread it ever became on the island.
I also heard that Thai came in to Negril back in the 80's. There is a local variety called "Thyme" and I wonder if there is a connection. Havent run across it yet so no ideas on what it is. Having trouble getting ahold of friends down there due to the pandemic but I will update if I get any new info.


Well-known member
Great vibes Rembetis, say hi to your Jam friends, from Europe and the Vibesco, we keep in touch brotha!

Welcome to the THCV future back in the hills! :D


Well-known member
Bump re quote of all the great ChiefOrganic's F5 smoke report linked in the post n°899.

Special dedicace to Romanoweed
Just to explain its trippiness but without the stress or paranoia like other pure sativa... As for the end of the high less heavy than others... Sensible variance that makes its difference i think...

I experienced stronger hallucinogenic and uncomfortable feelings with Malawi for example and stronger electric and heartbeating with Swazi red too and both have heavy understone in comparison.

Hey guys! After 2 months of curing my Lambsbread I've been able to enjoy, what is undoubtedly, the best variety I've ever had the pleasure of smoking.

I thought I'd share a few experiences I've had with you guys. With the presence of THCV and other mystery compounds, the effects are not only unique, but they are very dose dependent!

First things first, aroma and flavor:

Aromas in order of prominence: Banana, Carrot, Black Pepper, Clove


0.5g Smoked in Joint:

Very uplifting. Feeling warm, happy, creative, and motivated. Very clearheaded and functional. Good for getting work done or just meditating and relaxing. Appetite did not change. No paranoia.

Very happy, peaceful, energized, with electric body feeling. Makes you want to dance even if no music is playing

I have NEVER tried a strain this magical before.

I found out that if I smoke some JLB first, other strains that normally cause paranoia do not cause paranoia. It is mostikely the low dose of THCV that blocks the fight or flight response.

1.5 gram smoked out of a bong:

Starts off energetic, hearts beating fast, body feels lighter, electric body pulses, psychedellic amphetamine vibes. No paranoia! Colors are way more vibrant. Tactile sensations are much more intense. Sounds are clearer and crisper.

NO CEILING!!! It's very easy to reach psychedelic doses because no CBD at all = no ceiling. Minds eye/3rd eye is extremely VIVID and clear. Everything I'm thinking about I can see/visualize crystal clear.

My mind is philosophically active: contemplating the beauty of nature, the mysteries of the universe, and my purpose in life.

I was in a trance-like state where I relived many memories that I had forgotten about. Many from high school and college.

I was so happy to relive these memories, and I was overcome with a sense of gratitude for how blessed my life has been. I feel very lucky for the chance to experience the gift of life!

Minds eye so vivid, seeing some colors and geometric patterns that morph in sync with the music.

Enjoying a Peter Tosh live concert. Deeply connecting with the lyrics with a heightened sense of warmth, love, and connection with nature.

I come up with some new creative ideas for my computer programming business.

Gets more dreamy feeling towards the end of the high.

Physical effects: Reduced appetite, racing heart, red eyes and cotton mouth.



This magical high should be studied deeply, maybe some new combinaison things of terpenes n' cannabinoids to discover i wonder?


Brand new oldschool
I know some of you are gonna disagree with me, but I still believe that "lambsbread" is not a specific strain of Jamaican ganja,
but instead a term that was used to describe the best weed available at a particular time and location on the island..
This due mostly to the fact that some growers are just better than others...and two seeds from the same bud can grow an "ehh" plant and the other a "wow" plant..

This was also true for many other cases, be it Oaxacan Gold, Wowie Hawaiian and so on. Just nicknames used to name the best primo buds from the time and certain region or grower, not specific cultivars. Each farmer or village had their best Lambsbread or Oaxacan types, yet they were all different ones. As many as them as different batches available. Every season quality was different, even in the same garden because of genetics and environment (terroir) changes too and that GxE interaction changing due to the genetic plasticity.

That's the reason why we use them to name generic landraces from a region or whole plant populations within an environment, not specific cultivars. If people are still looking for THE Oaxacan Gold or THE Lambsbread without realizing there used to be hundreds of them back then, they are failing to understand we are speaking about plant populations or ecotypes, not specific cultivars like nowadays clones, which often are just different phenotypes from the same genetics people name out.



Active member
Right on Mustafunk. The most common term I have heard for the old Jamaican Herb we are looking for is "Long Time" and would have to be any of the old lines.

One of the biggest issues I 've had on the island was finding anyone that has even seen the old narrow leaf. At the time of my first trip the population was much smaller. Like many places now the population demographics skew much younger. Most of the people I meet were not alive when I first went and the old lines were just never on their radar. They've known skunk and Indica their whole lives.

Trying to get them to understand what I am looking for is an issue at times. Some understand the difference between Indica or Afghani and Sativa but a lot of Jamaicans know the terms as feelings you get from smoking and dont understand that I am talking about tropical or sub tropical genetics.


Active member
Roms or Mustafunk, I dont remember reading it but is this in the hands of Dr Machel? Also was there any other efforts to get it back home and has anyone had contact with Bushman since then?

The old Rasta I like to visit with in Belmont Bluefields was growing the indica and didnt seem to care about the old lines. Was wondering if that had happened with the 12 Tribes and other communities. Might be difficult to maintain with all the pollen flying all over the island. Some of the young guys I visited with refused to accept that their neighbors pollen was making it to their grows. They believe that it can only go a short distance.


Active member
Yes Troutman. I dont argue with them at all. I try to keep a chill vibe and gently make suggestions on ways to improve.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Just think about how many old men in Jamaica, men in their 60', 70's and 80's, who still have cans or jars full of the old seeds left over from the ganja I was smoking there in the early 1970's.

I should go back down there again and visit some old, old friends, and see if I could find some ....


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