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jamaican "lambsbread"


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MIS x JLB, F2ing in progress (7 x 4) ;)



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The knowledge drop on this thread is outstanding! Thank you to all contributing, it is inspirational.

I picked up some beans from a fundraiser run on IC a few months back and cant find the info again. :dunno: Any help appreciated.

Beans were
Blue Mt Jam/Lambs Bread x Col Gold 72
Lambs Bread/JCR X Red Thai


Active member
There is a movie documentary on Bob Marley not sure if it was called Jamaican sun set i saw at the drive inns i think 1980 that showed Bobs favorite smoke being the Lambsbread.

It was growing in the Jungle not out in the open or in a clearing it looked like a high land sativa they were in veg stood well over 7ft no flowers.The American guy that was part of the Doco picked a leaf put it in his pipe and smoked it to his surprise he got .

Hempy, ti kanis? I went up to Nine Mile to pay my respects not long after he died. They were still working on the Mausoleum. We walked up the hill where I was told they were maintaining his garden with seeds from his plantings. Good old style narrow leaf weed like on Peter Toshs album covers. That stuff was special for sure. One of his cousins sent me off with a wad of hand rubbed charas.

Marleys stuff wasnt ripe yet so later when we went to drop off the local guy that navigated the way up to Nine Mile he offered us some of his weed. Looked like the same stuff. I said sure I'll take a bag thinking I'd grab an ounce or so. Well, I about died! He came out of his shack with a big brown grocery bag full to the top! Said it was 20 dollars so I hand him 20 US. He freaked out saying he didnt have money for change because it was 20 Jamaican! I gave him another 20 U S and his wife was dancing around. They were going to eat good for months.
Good times, good memories


Active member
Scientist’s quest to grow lost ganja smoked by Bob Marley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDywDuDjknA


Yeah, he isnt going to re create Marleys weed with any of that stuff. Glad to see he is getting help from the community here. The younger growers down there dont understand what they have lost.
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Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
I come to check in regulary in this thread hoping that the Vibes Collective has decided to release their Jamaican Lambsbread to the general public. But no luck still.

I think Ace or TRSC might be interested in doing a collaboration or taken it into their assortment.

Peace my brother's.


Active member
A promise was made not to profit off of the line so I dont think that will happen Cvh. Best we can hope for is more of the Double Jam or maybe the JBM if Underground is still active.


Active member
I have over 50 seeds of the Double Jam. That line sold out quickly both times it was available but there has only been one thread on here. Dont know if it was the long flower time or what. Would like to know. Supposed to be a great strain.

I am going to start some soon and will post a thread when they get going.


I have over 50 seeds of the Double Jam. That line sold out quickly both times it was available but there has only been one thread on here. Dont know if it was the long flower time or what. Would like to know. Supposed to be a great strain.

I am going to start some soon and will post a thread when they get going.

Long flower time, people don't really give enough light also to get the most out of a tropical sativa. Definitely worth it if you do it right.


Active member
I love the long flowering strains. Good stuff there for those that have the patience. I got to experience the Lambsbread in Jamaica in 84 so I am anxious to get these going. The smoke reports on these is very similar to what I experienced.


atomizing haze essence
Yep our JLB VibesCollective's line comes from the true old Rasta community from Trenchtown in Kingston... With the promise that there would never be money generated from this rare, old and spiritual lineage transmitted in the ages, probably from the sadhû in India at first.
that is nice promise.. hope it stays like that.. it should be spread among people who have use for such herbs imo.. not with seed businessmen..
To sell seeds of a pure landrace is no problem imo, but when you sell seeds of an open pollinated landrace, which was given as a gift, i think you cross the line.



Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
I think I might go buy the Caribe from Cbg. Thanks for the tip.
Maybe one day I might still get blessed by the Vibes Collective.

Cheers en bedankt om het voortbestaan van deze soort te beschermen!


Brand new oldschool
I come to check in regulary in this thread hoping that the Vibes Collective has decided to release their Jamaican Lambsbread to the general public. But no luck still.

Some people seem to fail to understand that, even nowadays, not everything is subjected to be sold or put a price tag on. Unfortunately, those with a capitalist mindset believe everything in this life has a price. That may work for people who value money over ethics and respect for the community they take part into. But not even all the money in the world could buy certain people's honor, ethics and promise. And that's what really speaks for someone nowadays, where appereance and fakeness seem to rule the world.

Some things are just not for sale and will never be, either because of the value they have for some people or simply because some refuse to cross that line where you start speculating with cultural heritage or other people's work, passion or investment. No one has the legitimate right to sell a gift they've received and has been passing from hand to hand for years. And that's the beauty of it, how for years many different people from all over the world received seeds and always respected that without hesitating or breaking the circle of trust. This was originally a present from Bushman to GrowDan and the other members, and from GrowDan to Rahan, and from Rahan to others friends from the Vibes Collective and so on and on.

A promise was made not to profit off of the line so I dont think that will happen Cvh.

Yes, that's it. IMHO the promise nowadays is also about keeping a gift we received from a very special person, away from modern society's and cannabis industry's greed and egos, coming from a community where it was used mostly as a truly spiritual gift. Likewise it's always been shared with those who were ready to appreciate it, embrace it and had a clean soul and a lot of respect for the other members, but especially towards the sacred plant and community itself. Something that is actually becoming as extinct in the present as those oldschool heirlooms themselves. And the funny thing was that those who never asked or seeked it, actually found seeds in their gardens more often than not.

As far as I'm concerned, that promise will continue to be respected, despite in the past some people broke or tarnished it already, either sharing seeds with the wrong people because they no longer cared or respected what they were into once or if there were others who still believed on it, either trading them or selling them out. Even Snow High continues to sell hybrids with it today, without having ever asked anyone for his blessing or even giving any credit to the Vibes Collective for the preservation work or at least those who originally shared the seeds with him, showing his true colors. Rahan discussed about this with me in one of his last messages. Con artists are gonna con, and in the end that also causes people to become more protective and stop trusting others. After all, the Collective precisely collapsed because only a few were doing the hard work while others took advantage and became too self-centered, exploiting all that work to their own benefit without showing the respect expected.

In the past, some members from the Vibes Collective have released their own work with the Jamaican, including Jahgreenlabel, who released both the Double Jamaican and the Colombian Jam through USC. And I think that was great, since few people actually knew, respected or made the plant shine as much as he and some other members did.

On the other hand, I know from several members who still work with it, first one is of course Rahan, who still continues to do his work with the Jamaican to this days and to me he's the first person who should be respected since no one else has put more work on it during all this years, also as one of the original founders of the collective and first curator of this plant. Others are also doing their own works with the Jamaican and I'm sure in the future, perhaps some of those plants could reach and keep inspiring people, like Jahgreenlabel's work did in the past too.

On the other hand, I believe this is what this plant really needs, since it's been suffering too much after generations of inbreeding and careless reproductions. And that's what Jahgreenlabel understood and the reason why he outcrossed it to the Jamaican Blue Mountain 1987, personally collected by Siete during a trip, who was one of the original founders of CBG. Those two plants perfectly complemented each other, since the JBM was a vigorous, tasty and productive plant, with great qualities for the grower, including a better and more contained structure, faster maturing time and so on. A killer hybrid for any NLD lover who wanted to experience the true Jamaican rasta experience in my honest opinion, without experiencing the dissapointment of growing the airy, untamed, intersex prone and endless vintage Jamaican.

This kind of plants could become tools for future, and also those who appreciate the value from its history and the unique traits they could bring to such fatigued genepool of modern Cannabis, either medicinal or recreational.

We are just trying to carry with the legacy we were passed and entrusted:


Ouaip this line Lambsbread was collected backstage on Bushman's concert by a french rasta lover called GrowDan few years ago. Then the seeds came in the hands of another french landrace lover called Rahan, who has with friends worked and selected P1s from the Jamaican singer to produce multiple generations and reduce hermies.

First of all Thanks to these two individuals GrowDan, Rahan and the old VibesCollective around for preserving and sharing this precious by Mr Bushman. Several generations were born and work over time and today a new one apparently with a new friend in the person of JGL.

Personally i think such a thing in pure form cannot be sold, she's too holy^^ we cannot imagine money around, simply respect...
;) :ying:

hola roms,

many thx bro ;)

I think the friend Roms responds well to the question of the sale of such variety!

I collected the seeds from two friends, Breizou and Rahan and I promised that I would not sell this strain in pure form

best vibes


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Sad to hear that the Vibes Collective is no more.
This bowl is for you guys.

Bless up amigos.


Well-known member
@ Mustafunk
first priority: i accept your Thoughtprocesses, do what you like, and peace. I just wanna tell: Raho found his Lambsbreath was becoming depressed.

Then i often think: would 1000 People do wether open Pollinations, or Selections then this would probably not happend. Just a thoughtprocess of mine who strongly questions the Idea, a smaller Number of Plants will keep a Line Healthy.

For me this Story rings Alarmbells non the less. MY feeling is that trough Selectionprocess or open Poll any initial Fire can get lost faster than you can count, and i can imagine the Highnumbered Breeding at ORigincoutry is what made Legends, if not continued on such leveö will probably wash out legends.. Pure or not.

Im NOT saying you have to change your Ideology thats yours... But im saying your Lines will probably become weak with the Years. Just my Analysis, not saying anything.

2 reasons:
1:Its well discussed many other Species often have better Effet than a single extracted Substance of it. And the Richness is mainfactor for a good Effect. Strong selecting and Richness the Difficulty?

2: Todays Breeders never seam to create something stronger than actual Landraces. The only Races thet made People Trip were smoked directly at Source in SEAsia and such, or from imported Buds, sometimes from some Repros of them. I never ever heard someone increased Potency, and he made a Thaistick more Thaistick, meaning more hallucinogenic as before.

Romano the Tripweedexperienced


Active member
Mustafunk, well put and much respect to you and Charlie, Jahgreenlabel Rahan and the others. I was always envious that you all had your co ops where all could work towards a common good. I miss those guys posting here but can understand why they are no longer with us.

I am of the older generation, in my 60's so I understand where you are coming from. In my line of work everything was based on Integrity and Honor and being a man of your word. Business was done on a handshake, no lawyers or contracts. I would do what I promised and you were expected to do the same. That doesnt work anymore. And its sad.

I love Jamaica and have been many times. I always make it a point to seek out some of the old Rasta Elders and sit down "Fi to have a Reasoning" as they like to put it. I am very drawn to their spirituality and down to earth nature. I am glad that you and the others have protected the precious gift that they entrusted you with.

I Salute you!