There is a movie documentary on Bob Marley not sure if it was called Jamaican sun set i saw at the drive inns i think 1980 that showed Bobs favorite smoke being the Lambsbread.
It was growing in the Jungle not out in the open or in a clearing it looked like a high land sativa they were in veg stood well over 7ft no flowers.The American guy that was part of the Doco picked a leaf put it in his pipe and smoked it to his surprise he got .
I picked up some beans from a fundraiser run on IC a few months back and cant find the info again. Any help appreciated.
Beans were
Blue Mt Jam/Lambs Bread x Col Gold 72
Lambs Bread/JCR X Red Thai
I have over 50 seeds of the Double Jam. That line sold out quickly both times it was available but there has only been one thread on here. Dont know if it was the long flower time or what. Would like to know. Supposed to be a great strain.
I am going to start some soon and will post a thread when they get going.
that is nice promise.. hope it stays like that.. it should be spread among people who have use for such herbs imo.. not with seed businessmen..Yep our JLB VibesCollective's line comes from the true old Rasta community from Trenchtown in Kingston... With the promise that there would never be money generated from this rare, old and spiritual lineage transmitted in the ages, probably from the sadhû in India at first.
hmmmTo sell seeds of a pure landrace is no problem imo, but when you sell seeds of an open pollinated landrace, which was given as a gift, i think you cross the line.
I come to check in regulary in this thread hoping that the Vibes Collective has decided to release their Jamaican Lambsbread to the general public. But no luck still.
A promise was made not to profit off of the line so I dont think that will happen Cvh.
Ouaip this line Lambsbread was collected backstage on Bushman's concert by a french rasta lover called GrowDan few years ago. Then the seeds came in the hands of another french landrace lover called Rahan, who has with friends worked and selected P1s from the Jamaican singer to produce multiple generations and reduce hermies.
First of all Thanks to these two individuals GrowDan, Rahan and the old VibesCollective around for preserving and sharing this precious by Mr Bushman. Several generations were born and work over time and today a new one apparently with a new friend in the person of JGL.
Personally i think such a thing in pure form cannot be sold, she's too holy^^ we cannot imagine money around, simply respect...
hola roms,
many thx bro
I think the friend Roms responds well to the question of the sale of such variety!
I collected the seeds from two friends, Breizou and Rahan and I promised that I would not sell this strain in pure form
best vibes