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I've Never Had A Job ...


Andinismo Hierbatero
One of my sisters actually made a better living as a lounge singer than a teacher when she was living in Tokyo.

is your sister pretty and has a very nice voice though? :chin:

who would hire a lounge-drummer? just the thought makes me :biglaugh:

but still, you're right, there are always opportunities to be had when it comes to music, the thing is that there are so many talented musicians out there that the competition is tough and actually getting a steady paying gig is pretty rare for most musicians... many wait for it their whole lives and it never comes.

music is a beautiful thing, playing instruments well actually makes you smarter; but making good bucks out of it, not so common.


Bad or good? In who's eyes? Are you happy?

25? College degree in Sociology? No employment history? I hate to break it to you but that BA is worthless unless you're interested in becoming a social worker (shit pay for the cases they handle) or a PO or something similar.

How's your credit? Good? Bad?

Job market is pretty tough for new graduates. Look at the unemployment rate among new graduates and the general pop. and you'll see. Nobody really cares that you have a degree (so do 8 thousand other people). You lack experience, which is tough, but it is what it is. That's why someone suggested doing an unpaid internship - gets your foot in the door. And you go from there.

Starting from the bottom (no experience/no relevant work experience) is hard. Wait until you start looking for a job, and nobody gets back to you. Then things get really disheartening.

And you may have to brown nose a bit. Suck some dick to get something. That's just the way it is. I see retarded people I went to school with get halfway decent jobs and I just scratch my heads. And then I realize the only reason they got that job was because they're uncle's brother works there and hooked them up. What that means is that retarded people have a leg up on you just because they know so and so, and so and so put in a good word, etc. Again, that's just the way it is.

Someone mentioned diversify. That'd be the whole point of getting a job. Legit income. How long can you sustain 100% illegal income? What about benefits? That's a plus. Do you have health insurance? Makes sense to bust your ass just to get health insurance. When you're young, you're invincible, but god forbid something happen. Then you'll be up to your neck in hospital bills.

Keep on track of your finances/taxes. Your assets/expenses don't match up with declared income? Someone looks into it more thoroughly...?

Other option is doing a trade - heavy machinery, diesel mechanic, etc. (which is good pay, but requires further training/certs, etc)

Bottom line is: the longer you wait to get a job, the harder it is going to be.

But my best advice to you is to go to a temp agency/head hunting firm and try and setup an appointment and go from there. Depending on how well you do temp jobs often can lead to full time jobs.

Who the fuck 'didnt find this post helpful'?
This is some of the best real-life advice in this entire thread. This is how it is.


Active member
You could...

Start a service business. Cash based. Something fun. Get a plan on paper. Get a business license and bank account for it.
Go to FirstProgress to get a credit card. You have to give them a deposit, but it builds credit.

Have you added co2 to those verts? There's a good job for you.

As far as "suck dick to get somewhere." And, "you should have been flipping burgers." I don't think that's the best advice.



Active member
I never had a job I loved like the one I have now. Never had one that I worked harder at than now. Never had one that took such a toll... I will not stop wheelin dealin n healin
so the have a gun will travel deal was easier? maybe more fun but physically demanding.


If your making ends meet and have a savings built up, then why the hell would you want to work for someone else to make them rich? Keep it up, stay self employed, don't you like making your own hours and enjoy all your free time? Working for someone else is totally overrated. Unless you can find a job where you make tons of money. Good luck on that with your lack of work history. Unless you have a lifestyle where you need tons of cash, keep on doing your own thing, stay low key and no one will ever bother you. Like someone else said the only benefit would be working where lots of hot whores tend to go, and if it starts to suck, quit. Just my opinion. this is something you need to figure out on your own. Good Luck with the decision you make.


Active member
stay safe have fun be prepared. someday you might need to prove what ya got.or you will loose it all. i hope ya make a million.


It's mostly about being in the right place, at the right time, and know the right person.

And 'working for someone else' is not 'overrated' (unless that person happens to be a dick). Think of it this way. You start out in a retail store selling guitars/drums/whathaveyou. Your manager is into music. He listens to your stuff. He likes it. He knows some people. He's friends with a producer/guy who has a studio, etc. That guy listens to your stuff, likes it, etc, takes you under his wing, mentors you, etc. And now you're in a whole new place, doing new things, better things.

And what I meant by "suck dick" is ... politeness. Your boss says something rude/insults you because he's heated? Suck it up. Ignore it. Get over it. It's only temporary. You're starting at the bottom.

This is relevant. I stole this from Julian. From the movie Layer Cake. "The facts of life"

One day, it will be you sitting here... ...telling some Young Turk the facts of life. And they are, Mr. Temple? You're born, you take shit. Get out in the world, you take more shit. Climb a little higher, you take less shit. Until one day, you're up in the rarefied atmosphere... ...and you've forgotten what shit even looks like.

Welcome to the layer cake, son.


Active member
being a PO would be easy as shit! too bad i hate them... But you are somewhat confirming what i already suspect; it would be tough for me to get a high $ job even if i wanted one.

my credit is on the shitty side of nonexistent, never had a credit card, never wanted one. I figure i just need a girl with good credit who can get loans and credit cards for me in her name.
agreed on not wanting a creditcard, I've never had one either, but also know very little people who do, think at the moment no one I know has a credit card.

heard a few times about the 'good credit' stuff in america, especially one time on cracked, seems really weird to me that it is seen as a positive thing to have a history of lending...
I've been brought up with the idea that if you have money you can spend it, if you don't have money you have to get it before you can spend it.


East Coast, All Day!
agreed on not wanting a creditcard, I've never had one either, but also know very little people who do, think at the moment no one I know has a credit card.

heard a few times about the 'good credit' stuff in america, especially one time on cracked, seems really weird to me that it is seen as a positive thing to have a history of lending...
I've been brought up with the idea that if you have money you can spend it, if you don't have money you have to get it before you can spend it.

that the way the government is able to make more money off of you, by lending you the money you don't have at the moment, then when you pay them back the next day they ask for more then they lent you. it only gets worse the longer you wait to pay them to. but yes basically what I'm trying to say here is, you borrowing money and paying back extra gives you the right to label yourself as having good credit. crazy how we have to borrow money we don't have and most likely will never be able to pay off to buy houses and cars and such. what happened to workin and Savin up your money then buying something? why does a totally separate person from who your buying that product from have to make a profit off of you?


East Coast, All Day!
lol sorry, totally just went on a rant and took this thread off topic sorry guys! but this thread topic is against TOU anywayz


Shcrews, working "cash" how ever it is earned is all well and good as long as you don't get seriously hurt/injured.
As has been said by others....As long as you are happy.......


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
agreed on not wanting a creditcard, I've never had one either, but also know very little people who do, think at the moment no one I know has a credit card.

heard a few times about the 'good credit' stuff in america, especially one time on cracked, seems really weird to me that it is seen as a positive thing to have a history of lending...
I've been brought up with the idea that if you have money you can spend it, if you don't have money you have to get it before you can spend it.

The thing about people's credit ratings that is most whack is that all that info is huge business the credit bureaus make big bucks off of selling your history. How you established that history was work on your part and the score it generates factors into any loan or credit you ever hope to get, it also influences whether or not you get hired at many jobs and it can also influence things like whether you get a security clearence. Yet even though this number and your history is so critical to you and the credit bureaus make so much money off of reselling it over and over you get no royalties, they withhold the score from you and if you want it you have to pay them for it. Hell they wouldn't even let you see your history used to establish the score without paying for it until relatively recently the government forced them to give you one free peak per year (although the peek doesn't include the score).

I don't know about anyone else but it seems wrong to me that these companies can make all this money off of what you established and you not get at least some compensation for it. At a minimum they should give everyone the ability to see their history and score for free whenever they want.

Of course what you're talking about is crazy too. You're no good to them if you're not on credit yet in today's world anyone managing to live as an adult on their own without credit is amazing and should actually be given the highest possible credit score. Since you're no good to them that way though they label your no credit as actually worse then bad credit leaving you as your only option, to get a credit card or loan you don't really need just so you can build some credit history.

What really tops all of this credit insanity though is that we all just accept that our information is sold and resold without our permission and with no compensation and that we have to conform to the system designed to allow the bureaus to profit from our info. Nobody bats an eyelash at it but rather everyone just takes a "well that's just the way it is" view of it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
that's exactly how and why we got here hempkat

Didn't happen overnight

We collectively bend over

I know that, that's more or less what I just said but it's insane that we do this on our credit info. I mean lets change the product a little. Instead of it being something intangible like our credit info lets say there was a system that would come in and take whatever product of art or from a hobby we might make for ourselves and then sold that item on the market keeping all the profit for themselves and also charged us to find out what that art or hobby item was worth. We'd never sit still for that. We'd be up in arms and ready to revolt or at the very least we'd want to have everyone who stole from us our art and by products of hobbies, arrested and thrown in jail. So knowing that how is it we allow that very thing to be done to us with our credit scores and info?