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I've Never Had A Job ...


i understand the essense of the point you are trying to make, although i believe your analogy is amiss

credit scores are essentially big bankings way of portraying who the best/most reliable customers are... if you continue to commit to their banking system, you have a more favorable 'score'... why not, you are further bolstering their position as the "men who have the gold" and they lend on more favorable terms.... if you're all cash/no debt, the "men with gold" cannot profit from you and like many said, you are deemed "un-credit-worthy"

we have a right to our privacy and those layers are slowly being peeled away everyday, but our credit score/info is NOT actually owned by US, it's information kept ON us.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i understand the essense of the point you are trying to make, although i believe your analogy is amiss

credit scores are essentially big bankings way of portraying who the best/most reliable customers are... if you continue to commit to their banking system, you have a more favorable 'score'... why not, you are further bolstering their position as the "men who have the gold" and they lend on more favorable terms.... if you're all cash/no debt, the "men with gold" cannot profit from you and like many said, you are deemed "un-credit-worthy"

we have a right to our privacy and those layers are slowly being peeled away everyday, but our credit score/info is NOT actually owned by US, it's information kept ON us.

Yes you are right it is information kept on us but it is still our info. Sure the bureaus deserve to keep some of the profit they make off of it for collecting the info and creating a system that gives it value but without us they have nothing and in light of that we should also benefit from the profit it generates. Maybe not to the same degree but to some extent if not only free access to it so we can make sure it's accurate and we have a solid understanding of where we are in the system. Like for example did you know that the score they sell us individuals is not exactly the same as the scores they sell to companies looking to do business with us?



All valid points.

The reason credit cards get so much bad press... they're "evil", etc is because of misuse. People get themselves into massive amounts of credit card debt, etc, and all of a sudden they're deemed evil. Years ago they were handing them out like candy to college kids because they knew if they got into trouble mommy and daddy would get them out. That's not the case anymore. They don't hand them out as easily, but they're still easy to get.

For young people... just starting out... it's the easiest way to establish credit. Period. There's more upsides to having one than not having one.

You don't become a slave to Visa/MasterCard/Discover/AMEX. I don't know why that's the perception. Get a no-annual fee card. Cashback. Link it to your checking acct. Automatic Billpay. Treat it like a second debit card. Whatever you spend... will come out of your checking acct a month later... when your bill is due.... acts just like a second debit card... When you use it this way, and realize you can't spend more than you have in your checking acct... you can pay it off in full every month and will never have to carry a balance and pay interest on it.

Easy peezy, up and easy. They're nothing to be afraid of. Worst that can happen is you'll receive offers in the mail from other institutions that you can just throw away. 1 card is enough for now.


I don't know how I even started reading this thread LOL but it was full of good info.

I am in my late twenties now, but was a lot like you (well...I've had bunches of different jobs throughout my life, but never a 'career') when I was 25. I grew and sold cannabis to make money, along with other little things here and there. Wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life, etc... just chilling out really.

I'm amazed only one person has said this, but someone a few pages back said the lifestyle was able to be maintained until you become a DAD.... and that is the most important bit of advice in the whole thread.

If you ever think you will ever have kids, you need to start thinking about that now. If you don't live in a med state, move to one if you want to do this professionally. If you want to do something else, get on it right now, because like everyone else has said, experience is what is hard to come by, not degrees, and you need to start now. You're already a little late to the party and people will look at you strange, so imagine if you ever needed to do get a job when you were 30 or 35....

I was actually 25 when my girlfriend at the time told me that she was pregnant. I don't live in a med state, and can't really do something that would land me in jail if I have a child to support. I went back to University to finish up my degree for two years, busted my ass off in school to land an unpaid internship (I had to be top of my class just to get an unpaid internship, if that says anything about the market these days and getting your foot in the door) and was then hired on full-time for 2 years. I recently took a leave for an indefinite amount of time to raise my daughter. I've had full-custody of my her since she was 9 months old, but her mom has gotten progressively worse and I just needed to spend all my time with her, she was 3 and very confused. Also, the corporate world is so FUCKING PLASTIC that I don't think I will ever go back to a job like that. At first I was very excited, then that turned to a 'could give a fuck' attitude, which evolved into a 'If I have to sit here anymore and do this I will soon be a broken man' type feeling.

My job was about as exciting as you could get for me personally, it was exactly what I had always wanted to do. I've realized, though, that if I am going to continue doing it, it will be solo or at least with myself as lead consultant. I loved my boss and the people I worked with, it was the work and the meaninglessness of it all... I'm in the situation right now where I am saving to move to a med state. When sitting indoors in that corporate world, I would day dream all day of nature.....I like having dirt on my hands and smelly jeans and work boots on, not clean shaved and wearing a tie. Some people dig that, but it ain't me....

I will probably still do what I have been trained to do. It is highly specialized and I can charge $100 an hour, and do it by myself, the only hitch is that I can only deal with small/medium sized businesses. I won't be getting the 6 figure contracts or working with a team anymore, but I'm OK with that =) I also like having something else to work on besides strictly growing weed, and it is what I can tell people who ask such as my daughters school, her doctor, the IRS...

The plan now is getting good farmable land in a legal med state. Grow a crazy organic farm, with the cash crop being cannabis, but also fruit-tree orchard, some cows/chickens/goats, and 'all other types of ill shit'. Do what I have my degree in to pay the bills, and do everything else for the love =) If I can make enough just farming then that's great, but if not I can always pick up a few jobs in what I do to make ends meet.

Oh, and get a credit card now. That's another one of those things where you need experience borrowing money and paying it back, or else no bank will ever give you a loan worth a damn. I used to hate credit as well, and didn't get my first card until I was 27. You can hate on it all you want and try to live your life without it, or just play their stupid game well (just pay your bill on time) and you will not have anything to worry about when 'credit history' is one of the considerations. It will save you money in the future, and all it takes is paying your bill on time.

Hope that helps you make better decisions brother, you've got to think about moves that you'll make in the future =)

(PS)I had just smoked a fat pipe of some new chron so I am sorry for the length...I was kind of ranting I guess...


TC Nursery est 2020
Depends on where you stay at this world! Lived in the wetsern part of the world. no really chance without a job.

But there a still a few places in this world where you can live without a real "job".

Live now for about 5 years like king without a job.


,..except hustling and growing. Almost 25 years old now with a college degree that's been collecting dust since '09.

is this bad or good?

I just visited my old college buddy. He made a good living for many years, hustling and growing. Then he got busted and did five years in the Federal Prison system. When he got out he had to do five years of supervised release, where he either had to have a job or go to school and got piss tested every month.

He went to school and got a Master's degree but then his parents were old and ill and he spent a few years taking care of them until they died. After he took care of settling the estate, he had a house and some cash. He has been living on the cash ever since, but the cash is running out.

Now he is 63 and doesn't have enough work history to qualify for social security or medicare. So he is in a rather difficult position now, with his record and lack of work history it is hard to get a decent job, so he will probably have to work for a couple years in some menial job just to qualify for social benefits that most of us take for granted.


if it smells like fish
,..except hustling and growing. Almost 25 years old now with a college degree thats been collecting dust since '09.

is this bad or good?
depends on how much you wasted on that degree....all my education has paid off bigtime....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i understand the essense of the point you are trying to make, although i believe your analogy is amiss

credit scores are essentially big bankings way of portraying who the best/most reliable customers are... if you continue to commit to their banking system, you have a more favorable 'score'... why not, you are further bolstering their position as the "men who have the gold" and they lend on more favorable terms.... if you're all cash/no debt, the "men with gold" cannot profit from you and like many said, you are deemed "un-credit-worthy"

we have a right to our privacy and those layers are slowly being peeled away everyday, but our credit score/info is NOT actually owned by US, it's information kept ON us.

Yeah I agree with all that but keep in mind, regardless of the fact that the bureaus believe they can claim ownership because they collected the info, it's still a product they sell to people looking to profit themselves of that info. How much value would that product have if everyone was late on payments, carried too much of their balance, etc? Asking for you to have free access to your info seems like a more then reasonable exchange for them to profit off of it. Plus if people had free access to their info, then they could keep it updated and more immediately catch errors or potentially guard their own identities.

If people put their minds to such things more and find ways to work with each other rather then just accepting things, they can move mountains.

Case in point, after Microsoft had Vista on the market for a fair run and managed to stabilize it as best as they could, they announced they were going to end support and updates for XP. Well the public still felt Vista was a piece of crap and so they refused to buy it leading to an accelerated Windows 7 release. Plus they demanded Microsoft keep updating XP for at least another year to which Microsoft conceded to. It didn't get much notice in the main stream media though because that's the kind of influence and power entities like the credit bureaus and software giant have.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You don't become a slave to Visa/MasterCard/Discover/AMEX. I don't know why that's the perception. Get a no-annual fee card. Cashback. Link it to your checking acct. Automatic Billpay. Treat it like a second debit card. Whatever you spend... will come out of your checking acct a month later... when your bill is due.... acts just like a second debit card... When you use it this way, and realize you can't spend more than you have in your checking acct... you can pay it off in full every month and will never have to carry a balance and pay interest on it.

The insidious part about the credit system is you can actually be penalized if you don't let them make a little money off of you by paying the debt you establish, in multiple installments. Alternatively they have been known to penalize someone for carrying large amount of unused credit.


Active member
Fuck a job.
Save ur $ from ur grows. Buy a buisness n have some poor saps go make $ for u.
The irs N banks have a serious hustle n u gotta give them their cut or theyll fuck u up.
But if u claim some decent income (art, gambling, consulting, whatever.. ) pay the irs, establish a little credit.. There is zero reason to ever have a "job".
Ive seen ur grows schrews, ur a smart capable guy..
If u play the irs/bank/ $ game for a few years 3-5
Theyll have no problem giving u loans to buy property or whatever...
Growing it n then selling it is only half the battle.
Imho being invisible (not paying taxes and not claiming income is unwise.
I didnt give a shit about taxes or banks until i started to want my own property..
N realized without claiming income it was impossible.

So imo not having a job is a good thing.
It frees u up to do ur thing..
Just figure out a way to turn ur thing into taxable income n pay the man.
Ull thank me when ur older..
Or not..
Who knows whats right for u, more than u?
Pretty much in the same boat OP, except I took a 3 year hiatus from hustling when I got caught with 16 bows getting on amtrak, and had to be a good boy for 3 years :) As soon as I got my felonies expunged I got right into growing.


if it smells like fish
I have always had several sources of income..some legal some not..and if I aint paying taxes all the better....cash rules


Idle hands r the debils workshop!!!
Get a job u fugnlooser..

Sike :), if u don't need a real job,, that's cool. Shit, artists get away with it, lol.. why can't we??? Hmmm.. horticultural artists? Think that's what I'm claiming on my taxes next rip,, c how it goes..