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It's the Climate, stupid

Three Berries

Active member
The US NRC famously included Greg Jazcko who singularly killed Yucca Mountain fuel repository promised by NWPA 1982.

US utilities paid over $100 B at 0.1 cents per kw hr tax to buy the repository by 1999.
DOE took the money, never delivered.

Utilities lawsuits have partially reclaimed money towards Dry Cask Fuel Storage Installations.
The SAME casks we had designed for subterranean storage are located on concrete pads all over the US.


What you see it the outer concrete shield cask.

The fuel is in a steel container - we call it Dry Cask because the atmosphere in the cask is dehydrated. That prevents corrosion which requires Oxygen or Water.

With the fuel loaded in, we purge dry hot Helium into the cask and vent wet Helium out. We run that through a multi stage refrigeration skid that dries out the Helium. In a couple days. The container internals are completely dry. No more water out ( similar to you're air conditioner ) drain tube.

Electronic instruments check dewpoint of the Helium as well as Temperature and Pressure.
We run that down to about zero Fahrenheit. We leave it with a few psi of Helium so we can detect leaks.

Emergency Operating Procedure = Any problems - we'd splash that cask down in the Spent Fuel Pool, flood it and start over.

With fuel that has been discharged from the reactor for 5 years, that decay heat can produce hot air leaving the upper vents right around 200 degrees F. There ain't no bird**** on these things. Not comfortable up there.

Three Berries

Active member
I'd have been happy with nukes, at least the newer technologies
frankly I'm not sure if nuke could keep up with the low production costs of wind power
wind is a win
Wind does not compare to 24/7/365 95% nukes, no way not even close. It takes a 100 wind towers for every nuke and spinning at full speed. But what do they put out when the wind isn't blowing?


Well-known member
Wind does not compare to 24/7/365 95% nukes, no way not even close. It takes a 100 wind towers for every nuke and spinning at full speed. But what do they put out when the wind isn't blowing?
lot of overhead with nuke too, the security, regulation, ...
but I'm fine with nuke being even cheaper, that's a win too
just saying it's wind that's being built and that looks like how it's going to be
a lot of clever design with incorporating the intermittent power sources into the grid infrastructure

Three Berries

Active member
I live in the wide open spaces. They aren't building anymore windfarms around me I can guarantee that. 4 already but they have a really hard time getting easement for the power lines.

How many acers of land need to be converted to solar or wind that only last 20 years or less before needing replaced? 500 wind towers at 2MW each =1 1GW nuke. And don't pay taxes on what they produce for 6 years. It's a giant boondoggle.

Electricity probably is the future of power consumption but not until it is easily and abundantly made and easy to transmit.


Well-known member
If it comes down to offshore electric production then wave technology should be the way to go. Waves are 24/7/365. I have invested in Eco Wave Power Global AB (publ) and Carnegie Clean Energy Ltd. I thought they would have exploded in value as soon as they passed their energy bills but they went down in value. Nothing makes sense anymore. They were higher before the democrats took over. WTF???


Well-known member
If it comes down to offshore electric production then wave technology should be the way to go. Waves are 24/7/365. I have invested in Eco Wave Power Global AB (publ) and Carnegie Clean Energy Ltd. I thought they would have exploded in value as soon as they passed their energy bills but they went down in value. Nothing makes sense anymore. They were higher before the democrats took over. WTF???
investing by fundamentals is hard
I salute your choice but I gave up on fundamentals in equities
it's just too complicated

St. Phatty

Active member
The US NRC famously included Greg Jazcko who singularly killed Yucca Mountain fuel repository promised by NWPA 1982.

The Yucca Mountain storage facility must have had multiple lives/ episodes.

I was offered a chance to work there in the late 1990's, by one of the sub-contractors, who I already worked for. 1998 maybe.

Nuclear technology is a Great power generation technology - if it is managed according to its needs.

However, that has not happened in the US. The US has demonstrated that they are not capable of safely managing nuclear technology.

One example being the 4 meltdowns at Santa Susana, which are never acknowledged by the mainstream news, even though one of them released far more radiation than 3 Mile Island.

The US also released 300+ tons of nuclear waste in Iraq & Afghanistan - the official count. Imagine blowing up one ton of Depleted Uranium in an American City. The US has officially done that 300+ times in Iraq & Afghanistan, FOR NO REASON other than to Fuck Them Up Bad.
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Well-known member
WAVE started in the $3 range when it went public in 2021 and then got to around $8 in Nov 2021. Then they passed the energy and covid bills and it is back in the $3. It actually went up and down since Biden.

Carnegie just never takes off. It went from a 6 to an 8 on Ameritrade smart score and still didn't go up.

St. Phatty

Active member
For those who are interested in Nuclear Fusion, I suggest acquainting yourself with Boltzmann's Constant.

All of the extreme effort that is put into heating plasma to 120 Million C/K, is simply to accelerate the Tritium & Deuterium to near the speed of light.

The same thing can be accomplished much more simply by accelerating the molecules one at a time, in an accelerator. Then increasing the feed rate.

It's called accelerator based fusion.

It is similar to the Calutrons (cyclotrons) that were used to separate U235 and U238 at Los Alamos and Oak Ridge during the Manhattan Project. Literally, one atom at a time.


Three Berries

Active member
Climate change is about control and depopulation.

Globalist depopulation. They have been at it since the end of WW2. But then again WW2 was global depopulation so......

All wars are banker wars. Going out to work in the beautiful November weather in Illinois today again. Enjoy it don't complain about it. Real winter is coming.


Well-known member
from the wiki on the song Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull

Lyrically, "Locomotive Breath" was inspired by Anderson's concern regarding overpopulation.[6] He explained, "It was my first song that was perhaps on a topic that would be a little more appropriate to today's world. It was about the runaway train of population growth and capitalism, it was based on those sorts of unstoppable ideas. We’re on this crazy train, we can’t get off it. Where is it going? Bearing in mind, of course, when I was born in 1947, the population of planet earth was slightly less than a third of what it is today, so it should be a sobering thought that in one man’s lifetime, our planetary population has more than tripled. You'd think population growth would have brought prosperity, happiness, food and a reasonable spread of wealth, but quite the opposite has happened. And is happening even more to this day.

Three Berries

Active member
The world isn't even close to overpopulated. Every human on earth could have 1000 sq ft of Texas if it were so divided.

What has really forced the acceleration of the Globalsit takeover (You will own nothing and eat bugs) is the internet and wide spread information to the masses. Wonder why they want to censor?


Well-known member
There isn't enough ways to feed this population without tractors, pesticides and chemical fertilizers. The earth is overpopulated if we try to go green. Land space isn't the issue with overpopulation and never has been. It is how to feed, clothe and provide medical care for all the people.

Three Berries

Active member
We seem to be doing OK feeding the world. Even with a dry late summer the corn in my county hit a record 230-250 bushels an acer.

Just more FUD.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
We seem to be doing OK feeding the world. Even with a dry late summer the corn in my county hit a record 230-250 bushels an acer.

Just more FUD.
Your magical land of corn country. lol

Meanwhile in other parts of the world like Australia;
Global heating in the Indian Ocean has shifted a climate pattern towards drier conditions across Australia’s globally important wheat belt causing a severe drop in yields over the past three decades, according to a new study.

Scientists from Australia and China warned as global heating continues, wheat-growing conditions would become more challenging.

The study, published in Nature Food, analysed different climate phenomena that influenced Australia’s rainfall since the late 1800s and used models to see how this affected wheat yields.
Farmers across eastern Australia brace for ‘wet drought’ as rain threatens major crop loss
Read more
Global heating has caused a shift in a climate pattern known as the Indian Ocean Dipole which, when it’s in a positive phase, can starve wheat growers of rain.


Well-known member
too hot in australia for wheat?
well, I believe soybeans can take more heat than wheat
so if you don't believe in global warming then you're helping create a new generation of soy boys