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It's the Climate, stupid


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Yes…but I’m not running from anything. I’m just calloused over from a lifetime of doom and gloom rhetoric. There are reasons why mainstream media outlets are a 5 to 1 advantage to the negative storylines as opposed to positive ones. It’s a well known formula. Feed the masses guilt and fear. Mix in some science with hyperbole….shout it out…sell the narrative

Besides….what is anybody in this thread doing about climate change anyways? Nothing. Rapping on the technology that is a part of the destruction. Wasting energy. Wasting time.

Jericho Mile

Just mileage my friend. No way I’m living without a truck. Too many far out places I need to reach. I did unplug my indoor garden about 5 yrs ago…but not because I was about saving the climate. Just wasn’t cost effective.


Ranch truck….not mine..just a part of the collection here. Getting harder to find brick nose Broncos that aren’t beat to shit.
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Active member
Yes…but I’m not running from anything. I’m just calloused over from a lifetime of doom and gloom rhetoric. There are reasons why mainstream media outlets are a 5 to 1 advantage to the negative storylines as opposed to positive ones. It’s a well known formula. Feed the masses guilt and fear. Mix in some science with hyperbole….shout it out…sell the narrative

Besides….what is anybody in this thread doing about climate change anyways? Nothing. Rapping on the technology that is a part of the destruction. Wasting energy. Wasting time.
Yes…but I’m not running from anything. I’m just calloused over from a lifetime of doom and gloom rhetoric. There are reasons why mainstream media outlets are a 5 to 1 advantage to the negative storylines as opposed to positive ones. It’s a well known formula. Feed the masses guilt and fear. Mix in some science with hyperbole….shout it out…sell the narrative

Besides….what is anybody in this thread doing about climate change anyways? Nothing. Rapping on the technology that is a part of the destruction. Wasting energy. Wasting time.
There are actual hazards in this world. It’s best to be aware and to work your way around them. Or through them. It’s best to be prepared. Let me know when the fire is coming my way. I like to keep the weeds down anyway but I still like to know. I’ll get over the doom and gloom enjoying the adventure of throwing dirt on the fire. Remembering the story for future generations. Life is an adventure. There’s no good without the bad. It would be extremely boring.

I was up above Elsinore in the back of an old Norseman. I was watching the pilot and noticed a slight trace of smoke coming from under the instrument panel. I heard the motor sputter, then felt the drop. Not my first time. I was flying out of Blythe when I was 14. Doing power off stalls. This time was a little different though. I jumped out at pretty low altitude with a tiny field as my target. Surrounded by power lines, trees, and road, I made my turn at the last moment. Right into the middle of the field.
I don’t die. I don’t get hurt. I’ve believed that my whole life.

If you show respect for nature, live a simple life without a lot of excess, don’t get lazy and complacent in your actions, you’re probably already helping to fight the battle against global warming. If you believe in it or not.

Jericho Mile

There are actual hazards in this world. It’s best to be aware and to work your way around them. Or through them. It’s best to be prepared. Let me know when the fire is coming my way. I like to keep the weeds down anyway but I still like to know. I’ll get over the doom and gloom enjoying the adventure of throwing dirt on the fire. Remembering the story for future generations. Life is an adventure. There’s no good without the bad. It would be extremely boring.

I was up above Elsinore in the back of an old Norseman. I was watching the pilot and noticed a slight trace of smoke coming from under the instrument panel. I heard the motor sputter, then felt the drop. Not my first time. I was flying out of Blythe when I was 14. Doing power off stalls. This time was a little different though. I jumped out at pretty low altitude with a tiny field as my target. Surrounded by power lines, trees, and road, I made my turn at the last moment. Right into the middle of the field.
I don’t die. I don’t get hurt. I’ve believed that my whole life.

If you show respect for nature, live a simple life without a lot of excess, don’t get lazy and complacent in your actions, you’re probably already helping to fight the battle against global warming. If you believe in it or not.

It’s a crazy life. Why I don’t sweat the bullshit.


Jericho Mile

How long did you dangle and how high up were you when you dangled?
That was a routine practice jump…into an easy jump spot…but a tree top level wind gust pushed me towards the trees…when you know you are going into trees…you make sure to cap the tops with the chute…so you don’t burn out and fall.

In the right cargo pocket of the suit you have a 150’ of 1” tape…which you tie into the chute…then do a pull up and release off the chute (the moment of truth that you tied off properly) then repel out.

If it’s a fire jump you leave the chute in the tree and fight the fire…after the fire (the spotter in the plane has sent down climbing gear once they see you tree up) you have to climb back up and retrieve the chute.

Sometimes…if there is no good spot to land…and you are in big timber…you deliberately cap a tree. It’s pretty sketchy. We jumped round chutes (Forest Service) because they come down straighter. Better in timber but not so good in winds or in open mesas. BLM jumps squares. Different philosophies. You can fly square chutes and they handle winds better.

This was in Northern California…big trees…think I was 40-60’ up. I remember I was hung over from an all nighter with the boys (probably why somebody took the picture…some of us were 1/2 drunk)…should have been an easy jump. Instead I had to do a lot of climbing. Got down fast…but took me a while to get my chute out. Not allowed to top the tree to cut your chute out. Had to climb all the way up and work it out.

* Back in the day…jumpers always jumped with a flask of booze and a bag of weed…and a pair of flip flops in your left cargo pocket. Don’t tell anyone though.

Smokejumping is actually a lot easier than being a Hotshot. The fires are generally small…single trees hit by lightening…cut the tree down…snuff the fire…sit on it for a day or two…then hike out (at least 100 lb worth of gear on your back) to the nearest road. The hike out can be brutal though. Get a ride to the nearest airport or base…get ready to jump again. Initial attack resource. No long campaigning on a fire.

All you ever wanted to know
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Active member
Hard to beat that story. I only have about a half dozen static line jumps. I was smoking hash before the last jump. That’s when I figured I had to make a decision. I was getting bored with it. It took up my whole weekend for just a brief time in the air. It did find it changed my thinking. A stronger feeling of invincibility.
If only it was real. I don’t stand out on the freeway. I know what would happen. I enjoy life too much. I don’t want to get sick. I only want to cough with good weed. I want a good clean environment in which to do it.
If technology and greed leads to haphazard stewardship of the planet, the more folks yelling, even the hypocritical, the more folks yelling the better off things will be. There is a track record. The air in Orange County was once virtually unbreathable. There are alternatives to our current power system. Waiting on the existing power brokers is pointless. Tesla started out of public demand though it caters to the wealthy as does solar. It’s through good governance (society) that change will come.

Jericho Mile

Hard to beat that story. I only have about a half dozen static line jumps. I was smoking hash before the last jump. That’s when I figured I had to make a decision. I was getting bored with it. It took up my whole weekend for just a brief time in the air. It did find it changed my thinking. A stronger feeling of invincibility.
If only it was real. I don’t stand out on the freeway. I know what would happen. I enjoy life too much. I don’t want to get sick. I only want to cough with good weed. I want a good clean environment in which to do it.
If technology and greed leads to haphazard stewardship of the planet, the more folks yelling, even the hypocritical, the more folks yelling the better off things will be. There is a track record. The air in Orange County was once virtually unbreathable. There are alternatives to our current power system. Waiting on the existing power brokers is pointless. Tesla started out of public demand though it caters to the wealthy as does solar. It’s through good governance (society) that change will come.
I’m not disagreeing. Totally about being a steward of the land. That’s what I used to tell my people in Fire. “You are stewards of the land” bottom line our job titles didn’t specifically say that…but it also didn’t say we were firefighters. Official job title is 0462 Forestry Technician. A lot of my job was about maintaining our National Forests and other public lands.

Of course there is damage done by human society. There are a lot of us…and there are a lot of us concentrated into specific areas…and those specific areas are not designed (by nature) to handle those populations. We’ve totally modified the natural environment. We are living longer too.

Am I jesting when I say the answer is in controlling human population? I know it’s not politically correct but…objectively…that seems like the best solution. Ok…we can’t do that so…

…back to technology. The godsend. Technological advancements…the buying and selling of narratives to forward technology. That’s where we are now. That’s what Human Caused Climate Change is really about.

If I come across as a blunt asshole…a narcissist…a troll..a combative prick…it’s because I’m over the round and round regurgitating of the current pseudo science masked in propaganda sales. Realize the sale. What sounds good now (like the extinguishing every forest fire campaign from last century) might not sound so good in 100 yrs.

Climate changes are naturally occurring. The idea that humans have sped up climate change…to the red line…in just (let’s say) 200 years of industry is something that just doesn’t sell me. Sounds like : Sale! Buy Now Or It Will Be Gone!

naturally I am suspicious because I’ve been bombarded by consumerism my entire time on the planet. I recognize the tactics and the dumbed down emotionally driven chimp language for what it is. It has a cadence even. Rolls off the tongue just so.

Even environmentalism is a racket

…but ok….if repeating 1/2 thought out…1/2 researched storylines drives the fear of destruction into the human psyche…and makes it turn tail and be good stewards of the land and the overall environment….by all means…

not like our own history is against us
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I’m not disagreeing. Totally about being a steward of the land. That’s what I used to tell my people in Fire. “You are stewards of the land” bottom line our job titles didn’t specifically say that…but it also didn’t say we were firefighters. Official job title is 0462 Forestry Technician. A lot of my job was about maintaining our National Forests and other public lands.

Of course there is damage done by human society. There are a lot of us…and there are a lot of us concentrated into specific areas…and those specific areas are not designed (by nature) to handle those populations. We’ve totally modified the natural environment. We are living longer too.

Am I jesting when I say the answer is in controlling human population? I know it’s not politically correct but…objectively…that seems like the best solution. Ok…we can’t do that so…

…back to technology. The godsend. Technological advancements…the buying and selling of narratives to forward technology. That’s where we are now. That’s what Human Caused Climate Change is really about.

If I come across as a blunt asshole…a narcissist…a troll..a combative prick…it’s because I’m over the round and round regurgitating of the current pseudo science masked in propaganda sales. Realize the sale. What sounds good now (like the extinguishing every forest fire campaign from last century) might not sound so good in 100 yrs.

Climate changes are naturally occurring. The idea that humans have sped up climate change…to the red line…in just (let’s say) 200 years of industry is something that just doesn’t sell me. Sounds like : Sale! Buy Now Or It Will Be Gone!

naturally I am suspicious because I’ve been bombarded by consumerism my entire time on the planet. I recognize the tactics and the dumbed down emotionally driven chimp language for what it is. It has a cadence even. Rolls off the tongue just so.

Even environmentalism is a racket

…but ok….if repeating 1/2 thought out…1/2 researched storylines drives the fear of destruction into the human psyche…and makes it turn tail and be good stewards of the land and the overall environment….by all means…

not like our own history is against us
We have never had anything like the industrial revolution at any other time in history. We have never had mass consumerism before. Our population has increased from 2 billion to 8 billion in under a hundred years, at the same time as we have become more efficient at land clearing. Less trees, more people.

You seem to be intelligent and think deeply, but I completely disagree with what you are saying. You seem to think that because the sky hasn't fallen now, then it won't. You discount science around this as a scam, yet offer no explanation other than you seem to distrust everything from government to industry. At the same time seem aware of increased consumerism, people living longer, and population increases.

History is full of civilisation collapse due to people consuming their recourses until their population suddenly collapsed. The sky didn't fall sometimes for centuries, then it did.

Jericho Mile

We have never had anything like the industrial revolution at any other time in history. We have never had mass consumerism before. Our population has increased from 2 billion to 8 billion in under a hundred years, at the same time as we have become more efficient at land clearing. Less trees, more people.

You seem to be intelligent and think deeply, but I completely disagree with what you are saying. You seem to think that because the sky hasn't fallen now, then it won't. You discount science around this as a scam, yet offer no explanation other than you seem to distrust everything from government to industry. At the same time seem aware of increased consumerism, people living longer, and population increases.

History is full of civilisation collapse due to people consuming their recourses until their population suddenly collapsed. The sky didn't fall sometimes for centuries, then it did.
Sure. Everything fails eventually.

I’ll leave this thread. You’re either with the climate narrative or you’re not. It’s a pointless circle jerk.

Keep living. Enjoy what time you have.
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Active member
It’s not about what someone chooses to believe. It’s about what they chose to do that makes a difference. Using the MSM as a reference point of reasoning seems a bit observe but whatever. The first rule being “do no harm”. It doesn’t matter why.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Sure. Everything fails eventually.

I’ll leave this thread. You’re either with the climate narrative or you’re not. It’s a pointless circle jerk.

Keep living. Enjoy what time you have.
Or you fall in between. Of course there is dummed-down language used for the populace. Just look at them; it must be simplified, like all the advertising and bullshit they have swallowed all their lives.

As you and Chi have noted it is population explosion which is at the root. It is undeniable the ignorance applied to the harvest of resources and construction of industry. Greed wins over preservation. It is also undeniable that this activity has to contribute to atmospheric and terrain changes. What if pumping all the oil from the ground (the earth's fuel) has far more serious consequence than burning it?

As h.h. has mentioned, some areas have been cleaned up through restrictions on emissions. I've seen it. This is done with a scientific approach. You and I have seen forests, recovering from a more hands off and scientific approach. I have reversed erosion in one part of a major river, using a scientific approach, just as I managed my farm with a scientific method.

The whole climate change discussion is a pile of political crap; a narrative as you call it. The Q morons, latch on to the carbon element (the dummed-down bit) and make up all kinds of shit about an evil plot for world dominance and then the other side gets riled up and slings their verbiage and on we go. It has become a political argument instead of a responsibility.

Still there are the base scientific approaches and research which does exist and does point to our poisoning of the Earth (in the past 200 years). I'm 3 quarters through another rainy season here in Mexico like usual but the air is just a little more stinky than 5 years ago.

Jericho Mile


^ in the mean time…science (by popular demand lol) is on the verge of bringing back extinct species. Yay!!!! We’ll need a narrative to push for that to happen. Line up he investors! Get the public behind it! Sell the Dream (or nightmare)!!!

Nobody sees the paradox? The irony? Don’t think this happening?

Lighten up. The sun will come out to shine on your pet Woolly Mammoth (you can name him George)….as the glaciers melt…the sea rises…plastic decorates the skyline…electronic waves eat into brains…drought…fire…flood…UV waves…tsunami…earth quakes..hurricanes…tornados

…it’ll be biblical dude

Line up! Get behind your favorite political party! Get your rebate!

Ok…I’m done jerking

I have to go to the ranch and get stoned…and grow…and steward the land and my mind

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