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It's the Climate, stupid

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
Christ that's a ton of mileage they're getting from a fake 97% consensus. That's right, 32% does not equal 97% no matter how hard you massage the numbers.
Now, I know people are going to ask, "where the hell did you come up with 32%?" Well I'll explain.

When the IPCC sent out it's AGW survey to scientists, only one third actually responded. Some scientists among the two thirds who didn't respond to the survey said it was because the survey was junk science. Of the one third that did respond, 97% agreed with the IPCC premise. So out of ALL of the scientists who were surveyed, only 32% agreed that AGW was the prime cause of global warming.
However the IPCC decided to ignore the two thirds of scientists and decided that the result from just one third equates to a consensus. Yet the ONLY true majority opinion about the survey was this it was junk science.


Well-known member
"Some scientists among the two thirds who didn't respond"... so, the few that said it was "junk science are "2/3" ? you are implying that EVERYONE that did not respond said that. in reality, 97% that responded agreed. since "some" does not equal two thirds....YOUR math does not hold up.

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
My math holds up fine buddy. Regardless of the reason(s) for NOT responding to the survey, 2/3 of the scientists surveyed did NOT respond to it. That alone makes the 97% consensus claim 100% bullshit.
Considering the survey took less than 5 minutes to fill out, I seriously doubt time was a factor for many of the 2/3 who didn't respond to a survey of such "pivotal importance".

Based on your metric, if only 10% of the scientists responded to the survey and they all agreed with the premise, then it would be "unanimous" among the scientific community. Twisting stats to fit an ideological narrative is not science.


Well-known member
My math holds up fine buddy. Regardless of the reason(s) for NOT responding to the survey, 2/3 of the scientists surveyed did NOT respond to it. That alone makes the 97% consensus claim 100% bullshit.
Considering the survey took less than 5 minutes to fill out, I seriously doubt time was a factor for many of the 2/3 who didn't respond to a survey of such "pivotal importance".

Based on your metric, if only 10% of the scientists responded to the survey and they all agreed with the premise, then it would be "unanimous" among the scientific community. Twisting stats to fit an ideological narrative is not science.
nope, i never said that it was a 97% consensus, nor would i pretend that 10% is "unanimous" when they were all that filled it out. disingenuous at best....bullshit at worst. YOU claimed that "a few" refused to take it "because" out of the two thirds that did not bother, and used that to imply that those two third ALL thought it was "junk science". people don't bother with surveys all of the time for a myriad of reasons. stop pretending that YOU know why... i don't, and neither do you.


See the world through a puff of smoke

Brother Nature

Well-known member
That's not a study, it's conjecture based of pictographs taken out of context from real research. That 'research institute' you linked to is also a PR company disguised as a 'think tank' that took millions from Phillip Morris to try to convince the US that cigarettes aren't unhealthy. They're also highly funded by the likes of your worst enemies, Bill Gates, nearly every large US pharmaceutical and tobacco companies. You're literally posting this on the internet, how can you not even use copy and paste to check your facts. Up your game bro.


See the world through a puff of smoke
That's not a study, it's conjecture based of pictographs taken out of context from real research. That 'research institute' you linked to is also a PR company disguised as a 'think tank' that took millions from Phillip Morris to try to convince the US that cigarettes aren't unhealthy. They're also highly funded by the likes of your worst enemies, Bill Gates, nearly every large US pharmaceutical and tobacco companies. You're literally posting this on the internet, how can you not even use copy and paste to check your facts. Up your game bro.
Cigarettes are still healthier than the Covid jab nowadays.

Here is a graph from globalchange.gov, probably also funded by BILL Gates.The 1930s are pretty high.



Well-known member
........And includes no refrence to said study. Must be really elusive.
they are not going to post the actual "study". it "looks" better for them to post what they THINK it says, rather than put it out there so others can read through it and come to their own conclusions rather than take THEIR "word" for it. can you say "cherry-picking"? of course you can...

St. Phatty

Active member

The failure to adapt is becoming more obvious with this local fire.
1000 acres - Friday August 26
14000 - Wed. Aug 31
15000 - Thursday Sept. 01

That's how big the fire is day by day. 6 days ago it was centered on the area labelled Argo Bar and Rand Recreation Area.

1750 fire-fighters + 250 support personnel (cops keeping tourists out, etc.) working on it for 6 days - and it's 0% contained.

Almost like a made for TV horror movie, the wind is blowing the fire right towards the county seat where the Moron Bureaucrats sit, saying "God will protect us".

It's one way to get rid of bureaucrats with a terminal case of Not-my-job-itis.

Meanwhile the situation is exceedingly delicate because if any other fire starts up ... there are no extra personnel to help out. A total do-it-yourself situation.

Second pic is the view on Sunday, looking West from the main shopping center. The fire is to the right about 10 miles North and 10 miles West. When I took the picture, the wind was blowing mostly from the North. Of course that tells you which way the fire is being blown also.

However, I couldn't say that "this is Climate Change", because there's not enough weather data.

All we know for sure is that there's a lot more CO2, and every plant that has enough water is growing "with alacrity".

Notice the smoke in the foreground under the power line, I believe that is a Barbecue place.



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Active member
My math holds up fine buddy. Regardless of the reason(s) for NOT responding to the survey, 2/3 of the scientists surveyed did NOT respond to it. That alone makes the 97% consensus claim 100% bullshit.
Considering the survey took less than 5 minutes to fill out, I seriously doubt time was a factor for many of the 2/3 who didn't respond to a survey of such "pivotal importance".

Based on your metric, if only 10% of the scientists responded to the survey and they all agreed with the premise, then it would be "unanimous" among the scientific community. Twisting stats to fit an ideological narrative is not science.
All members need to know that Blue Rhino is in fact an alias of Hempy McDoodle. That way s/he can give himself rep and write pleasant answers to himself.

Neither of these personalities knows what 'projection' is except at the Cinema although they feel good about the word and like to use it as a pretense they know what's going on.

Psychological study persuades me to believe both of these personalities were beaten and shouted at when they shit their nappies and this is why they are intolerant of other viewpoints today.

As well as being confused.


Active member
........And includes no refrence to said study. Must be really elusive.
I saw a map of the countries most affected by climate change on tele this morning (yes, it was a left wing upper middle class Arab/UK news program called Al Jazeera). The map showed the US as being among the least affected.

For me this is a sad, sad, irony and inclines my belief justice is not natural.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I saw a map of the countries most affected by climate change on tele this morning (yes, it was a left wing upper middle class Arab/UK news program called Al Jazeera). The map showed the US as being among the least affected.

For me this is a sad, sad, irony and inclines my belief justice is not natural.
How is China doing?

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