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It's the Climate, stupid

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I was career Forest Service. Forestry Tech…Firefighter. Resigned in 2006. I can talk fire to you all you want. I followed the money clouds for a long time. I am very well versed on the subject.

All over this country. Boots on the ground. Real life. Comfortable in the arms of the Dragon. A sanctioned pyromaniac

I wouldn’t even give a National Geo documentary much credence.

View attachment 18741514

^ Clear Creek Complex…Idaho…2000…finishing up a 3 day burn out operation. Sleep? No. This book documented that season…and the fire situation in the west. Written that year.
Do you think any of the 'wildfires' over the last few years were politically motivated arson or acts of asymmetric warfare?

Do you think Antifa played any role?
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Jericho Mile

Do you think any of the 'wildfires' over the last few years were politically motivated arson or acts of asymmetric warfare?

Do you think Antifa played any role?
My god! Yes! Of course Antifa was lighting the forest fires for political reasons! Where were you on Jan 6th?!…why were you not there…fighting for freedom…stopping Antifa from entering the Capitol?!!! The country needed you!

…and you let us down
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Active member
I’ve worked with government biologist of all sorts in the field. Butterflies and land regeneration mostly. Before and after prescribed burns…there is a long song and dance. Not like all science is on the same page or even believes the same things. Government employed scientists are…not always…at the top of their fields. You learn this after a while.

The land repairs itself. “Destruction” is part of the process to “Creation” …just how it is
Then why didn’t you let the fires continue to burn?


Active member
Mine is that I've met scientists on the ground doing work in the forest and in riparian zones. Somewhere in this forum I posted an experiment done by a forest-fungi scientist who proved the mycorrhizal trade between trees through an experiment in the forest. When we constructed bendway weirs in the river, a scientist came out to advise but we also taught him a mathematical equation to calculate the angle of the weirs. When I lodged a complaint about over-logging at our creek headwaters (basin) a scientist came out to see and evaluate.
Dad was a soil scientist. A conservationist. He did get out of the office quite frequently. While he didn’t work in the forest. He did do some early work in ND during the early 50’s or maybe even late 40’s. There were areas where trees didn’t grow well. According to mom, they found the soil lacking in a “certain bacteria”. I suspect she meant fungi. He was an expert on desert soils. He also dug a lot of holes including one he was proud of in Eisenhower’s back yard. It was part of the job. Very dedicated and hard working. He helped a lot of farmers. They were farmers, not soil experts, though some had some good insights.
There were disappointments. He got some of the farmers to line their canals to save that precious Colorado River water. In response the water district started losing money, selling less water, so they raised their rates.

Jericho Mile

Then why didn’t you let the fires continue to burn?

….because people cherish their homes…and insurance companies don’t want to pay to build new ones.

Why do you think we put in fuel breaks? For the good of nature? Or for the good of people? Why bother fighting fire at all? People and Property.

Mexico has the same fuel models. They don’t have…as big of… fires. Why? Because they don’t have the resources to fight all their fires…so they have lots of smaller fires. Over the decades : Lots of little fires prevent big fires. It’s not science.

You’re worse than a spoiled child. I picture you confined to a baby seat…in the back…of a hot car…in a Walmart parking lot…forgotten by mama
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Active member
I went by one of their “smaller” fires a few months ago.

You have some weird visions.

Jericho Mile

I went by one of their “smaller” fires a few months ago.

You have some weird visions.


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Three Berries

Active member
Is it not true that the total acers burned is a lot lower nowadays compared to the last 150 years?

If it weren't for termites the world would be buried in wood.

Jericho Mile


If anything that’s a booger eater type 2 crew…not far from a road. They’re too clean. That dude kneeling with the dolmar over his back (the arrow point) is a swamper for the sawyer. That’s saw gas. A typical…and standard way of carrying saw gas.

What does this prove? That people know how to manipulate a picture to promote a bullshit made up narrative?

…and people like you…who cry “fake news” are completely…utterly fooled…targeted.

…and still…you never will act. You’ll just regurgitate puke

You have no respect for your liberty. That’s my rub with you. Not your constant trolling…or your cult behavior. You’re straight disrespectful.

Jericho Mile

At the time, Antifa was tweeting the phrase "Bring water, spread fire." Or, something very similar.
And again….anybody can say anything. Doesn’t make it so. Listen to the shit you repeat. Listen to who says it. Hearsay is not recognized

For claiming to be so smart…you sure do overlook the very basics of how propaganda works.
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Three Berries

Active member
…I just lit fire in my bowl. Since when did you start concerning yourself with truth?
How many forest fires of late are started by man? How many firefighters are arsonist?

And explain to me how all those houses in California all burnt down row after row with the trees left standing along the backyard property line.