I have seen some good results coming out of the Organic Hydro forum with the buckets.
the thing about these indoor grow setups that people need to understand, imo, is that it is a system. or rather a system made up of smaller systems. a grower needs to dial in each system and make sure that the sum of the system is greater than all its parts. you know, if you got your teas dialed in, but your environment isnt perfect. or you get all the greatiest lighting equipment, but your air cooling fan is insufficent. or you have an awesome soil mix, but you got bugs and dont fix that. or you trim your plants up good, but dont clean your grow room, etc etc.
irie-i said:yes, but in a bucket system i could only fit fewer plants in the same space, thus needing more veg time to have as much volume as more plants.
vonforne, i am not trying to argue against per se, just a friendly discussion bringing up the counterpoints that come to mind. i appreciate your input