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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Elite StrainCloneHunter
Gorilla Gule #4 blonde ones​



nice staff with good potence ;)


Well-known member
Another visit to the Dutch North Sea with a priority focus on the still ongoing Legal Wiet experiment, wrote a report here[someone's gotta do it, right?]:

Convinced my mates that prior to testing we needed to get high properly as grass still is only a substitute if we can consume quality hashish instead so in some other provinces hashish was acquired as well.

First one[pictures #1-3] is instead of fresh frozen supposed to be a 'frozen sift' by whoever in Morocco.
Creamy kushy and strong smoke it was.
Bit of a standard kush taste these days hashwise already to me but very welcome at that level of quality at home.
Good to know that one can finds such also in the provinces since a while even though price in bigger towns would be a few € less.
Still, lovely high grade!
Funny thing was that it was stored in the fridge and had a wettish texture.
Strong yet very strong up high as well as on the body.
1 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, May, 2024.JPG

3 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, May, 2024.JPG

4 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, May, 2024.JPG

Second one[pictures #4-6] is a blonde one from Morocco. Best the coffeeshop had according to experiencied budtender but only was said cheap pollen compared to the real deal classic blonde Moroc I presented in my previous post.
5 Classic Blonde Moroccan Mid-Grade From Coffeeshops, May, 2024.JPG

6 Classic Blonde Moroccan Mid-Grade From Coffeeshops, May, 2024.JPG.JPG

7 Classic Blonde Moroccan Mid-Grade From Coffeeshops, May, 2024.JPG.JPG

Third one[pictures #7-11] was a surprise as after talking to the budtender it appeared to be what an other member on here tried four months before so it was Bibi40's best then since said budtender mentioned the section producing it prior asking.
So a no brainer since I missed it in March as reported.
Was told it is the same batch from January so very fresh, haha(the devil take the hindmost, anyone?) ; supposedly this section an others as well hold some back every now and then before it again hits the market.
Also relatively creamy smoke and compared to the second best above('frozen sift')the kush taste profile indeed was extra modified to mandarine indeed.
Modified since this standard kush profile when high grades with foreign genetics are concerned is to some degree noticeable but overshadowed in a positive way respectively underlined by a sweet sour fruit note similar to mandarines ; formed a taste orchestra, sorta.
Also strong effect more on the mind but compared to the second best this trip above a bit less, also not that creamy compaed to said one ; was tested almost 80% cannabinoids by the way but again funny that those numbers again fail as the frozen sift above felt stronger, old hat again.
Though these are minor points of critizm as all in all the best smoke of the trip and lovely we could indulge.
Good yet very good gear!
Beyond question welcome at home!
Special prize for being a very good price/performance ratio as we got told the black market price along the way as well, kudos to them.

Slightly prefered the one off them I tried also on my recent trip[see also previous post in this thread] which also was even cheaper, also on the black market[my version I got here a few € cheaper than at boutique Reefer which is notorious for charging extra, too].
Had such a taste[oranges/mandarines] from my personal 2nd best section['price/performance ratio'] as well but here it was significantly better. This section here is probably becoming my new 2nd best as soon as I tried more product of them
Still very keen to try some better grades from them here [could be though the best I had yet last time as said could have been 'static' sifted as well]. My most favourite section still has not so common flavours ready and thus still have minor competition.
Just saying:biggrin:!
8 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, May, 2024.JPG

9 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, May, 2024.JPG

11 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, May, 2024.JPG

13 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, May, 2024.JPG


, enjoy your slabs but apart from what I found this trip: where is finally some real deal high grade with foreign genetics? Your source probably only saves this for personal stash:D!

Secondly, nice I could try the Tangerine Squeeze now and nonetheless can only add that you found a high grade product of the foreign genetic ones but there are other more unique flavours out there, let alone better quality. Only splitting hairs here and glad you found a good one don't get me wrong, hands down a high grade!
Now you only have to admit that you don't want to smoke something else anymore:D!
Still hope your personal fresh frozen is in good progress and looking forward to you presenting it.


Well-known member
Another visit to the Dutch North Sea with a priority focus on the still ongoing Legal Wiet experiment, wrote a report here[someone's gotta do it, right?]:

Convinced my mates that prior to testing we needed to get high properly as grass still is only a substitute if we can consume quality hashish instead so in some other provinces hashish was acquired as well.

First one[pictures #1-3] is instead of fresh frozen supposed to be a 'frozen sift' by whoever in Morocco.
Creamy kushy and strong smoke it was.
Bit of a standard kush taste these days hashwise already to me but very welcome at that level of quality at home.
Good to know that one can finds such also in the provinces since a while even though price in bigger towns would be a few € less.
Still, lovely high grade!
Funny thing was that it was stored in the fridge and had a wettish texture.
Strong yet very strong up high as well as on the body.
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Second one[pictures #4-6] is a blonde one from Morocco. Best the coffeeshop had according to experiencied budtender but only was said cheap pollen compared to the real deal classic blonde Moroc I presented in my previous post.
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Third one[pictures #7-11] was a surprise as after talking to the budtender it appeared to be what an other member on here tried four months before so it was Bibi40's best then since said budtender mentioned the section producing it prior asking.
So a no brainer since I missed it in March as reported.
Was told it is the same batch from January so very fresh, haha(the devil take the hindmost, anyone?) ; supposedly this section an others as well hold some back every now and then before it again hits the market.
Also relatively creamy smoke and compared to the second best above('frozen sift')the kush taste profile indeed was extra modified to mandarine indeed.
Modified since this standard kush profile when high grades with foreign genetics are concerned is to some degree noticeable but overshadowed in a positive way respectively underlined by a sweet sour fruit note similar to mandarines ; formed a taste orchestra, sorta.
Also strong effect more on the mind but compared to the second best this trip above a bit less, also not that creamy compaed to said one ; was tested almost 80% cannabinoids by the way but again funny that those numbers again fail as the frozen sift above felt stronger, old hat again.
Though these are minor points of critizm as all in all the best smoke of the trip and lovely we could indulge.
Good yet very good gear!
Beyond question welcome at home!
Special prize for being a very good price/performance ratio as we got told the black market price along the way as well, kudos to them.

Slightly prefered the one off them I tried also on my recent trip[see also previous post in this thread] which also was even cheaper, also on the black market[my version I got here a few € cheaper than at boutique Reefer which is notorious for charging extra, too].
Had such a taste[oranges/mandarines] from my personal 2nd best section['price/performance ratio'] as well but here it was significantly better. This section here is probably becoming my new 2nd best as soon as I tried more product of them
Still very keen to try some better grades from them here [could be though the best I had yet last time as said could have been 'static' sifted as well]. My most favourite section still has not so common flavours ready and thus still have minor competition.
Just saying:biggrin:!
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, enjoy your slabs but apart from what I found this trip: where is finally some real deal high grade with foreign genetics? Your source probably only saves this for personal stash:D!

Secondly, nice I could try the Tangerine Squeeze now and nonetheless can only add that you found a high grade product of the foreign genetic ones but there are other more unique flavours out there, let alone better quality. Only splitting hairs here and glad you found a good one don't get me wrong, hands down a high grade!
Now you only have to admit that you don't want to smoke something else anymore:D!
Still hope your personal fresh frozen is in good progress and looking forward to you presenting it.
Hi mate !

like you said fresh frozen in progress ...
like 6 monthes of curing sounds good for a first try ,
will be very soon ;)

had to try it before the next makin' , lol
have to say i'm not so hurry since i like the curing process (and so much stuff to try , lol ) , and don' t want to mess up my first attempt ,
will try it soon , then let it apart for comparative run with next a'dam scored ...

nice about the tangerine squeeze try from your side !

Cheers !


Well-known member
That time of the year: summer coming with rain and heat and holidays[everyone deserves as much as possible in my humble opinion]. This indeed was a fruitful month. For some reasons we visited some provinces with focus on the ongoing Wiet experiment again which I reported about here[even found a regulated 'hashish' again]

since I still think it should be documented.

However, priority or not but again we decided to start the days with hashish for a proper high[ you see @tobedetermined, rinse and repeat, haha]and looked for this in neighboring towns/provinces so the next one is a static sift supposedly harvested in Morocco with foreign genetics. Bright, crumbly-oilish but sticking together coming with a very sweet smell which is transfered to the creamy taste and smooth smoke.

Strong all over effect satisfied our needs easily[by the way all pictures presented here could again contain some grass off budtender's hand].

By the way from the producer of the Mulberry 90u back then! Remarkably different texture than their other gear but not too sure this is really static when compared to some supposedly imports from the Usa or very first batches of my most favourite section from Morocco. Relax though, minor critizm and in the end welcome at home any time!

Will have to do further tests on their higher grades. Also tried some other 'dry sift'[no pictures ; as ususal some other pictures in my gallery I couldn't place here] which was embarassingly overpriced mid-grade in fact sold for too much money and from a legitimate coffeeshop ; shame they sell such swindle.
1 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, June, 2024.JPG

3 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, June, 2024.JPG

Next one is for some reasons from an other trip along with a strict focus on hashish among the provinces.

On the left hand[pictures #6+#7] is one of those supposedly imports from the Usa and the original brand supposedly coming from a town in California, Usa now having a sublabel for a while imitating the Moroccan style slabs since half a year or so as reported.

Finally I could try the original brand here.

Look is very fudgey and resinous. Smell is kush with that hint of sorta cherries.

Too can taste the smell if not overwhelmingly but sttill creamy and strong!

First I thought not at all special compared to other static sifts but it indeed is since price was half as expensive. Still steep don't get me wrong but in fact is a good price/performance ratio taking this into account and so the best of this month's adventures.

No other pictures unfortunately from a few others.

On the right hand[picture #5] is another hashish with foreign geneticssupposedly a 'frozen sift'. Medium priced[t10 € less than the one on the left hand]and from my most favourite section from Morocco. Peachy kush smell was also transfered to the too creamy enough and strong uplifting smoke. Another fine product of them and the best this month when it comes to price/performance ratio!
4 High Grades With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, June, 2024.JPG

5 High Grades With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, June, 2024.JPG

6 High Grades With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, June, 2024.JPG

7 High Grades With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops, June, 2024.JPG

8 Amsterdam Waar Lech Dat Dan_ Part 26357423.JPG

Third one occured on our stoppover in København when too visiting Christiania for proviant for our then Scandinavian tour. Read way beforehand that they closed up Pusher Street and didn't care at all since this intention was stated over and over again before, almost what felt yearly, without happening much.

So pretty surprised it indeed was closed.

Also no daily raids as usual there anymore but one or two pairs of policemen patroulling on site all day now compared to back in the day[on site!]too fining consumers they see for illegal consumption ; charges sorta doubled.

This is the case since April we were told by locals. Quite different vibe now.

As said before I can relate with all the violence and death in the past linked to organised crime groups controlling the market there since a long time even though it mostly was peaceful. They had to do the job properly. so I can relate to locals there sick of this crap.

At this point congratualations to the Danish goverment for more restriction instead of legalising and getting rid of scrupulous people involved and such. Clever, thank you for nothing!

Not sure how this works out but quite sure dealers there will return as on one hand long established and on the other loads of money involved ; quote me on that despite I like to get proved wrong preferably.

It happened before for about 9 months some years ago but back then I can't remember people living there worked with the authorities[correct me if I'm wrong please] which is new this time.

Eventually they returned. Most probably it will happen again for some reasons.

While I still love the idea of Christiania I noticed it turnt into a hell of a corrupted place over the years as said before.

Smell of low grade hashish still was omnipresent, yuk.

For the record: if one is looking to score good hashish there under the current circumstances[but also if it would be business as ususal as I reported before here , haha]do not bother. I repeat: do not bother! One will waste his time properly otherwise. Merely one will find horribly overpriced low grade and even this seemed difficult for foreigners.

Since we are the definition of streetwise['Ye know, blood?' ] and connected hashish with foreign genetics shown below was obtained. Darkish oily skin with a leather smell one could taste whlie smoking as well. Relatively smooth, too. Commercial high grade thesse day I would rate this but welcome in this situation.

In fact one of the best I ever picked up there, haha.
9 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Denmark, June, 2024.JPG

12 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Denmark, June, 2024.JPG.JPG

13 Guess what_.JPG
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Well-known member
That time of the year: summer coming with rain and heat and holidays[everyone deserves as much as possible in my humble opinion]. This indeed was a fruitful month. For some reasons we visited some provinces with focus on the ongoing Wiet experiment again which I reported about here[even found a regulated 'hashish' again]

since I still think it should be documented.

However, priority or not but again we decided to start the days with hashish for a proper high[ you see @tobedetermined, rinse and repeat, haha]and looked for this in neighboring towns/provinces so the next one is a static sift supposedly harvested in Morocco with foreign genetics. Bright, crumbly-oilish but sticking together coming with a very sweet smell which is transfered to the creamy taste and smooth smoke.

Strong all over effect satisfied our needs easily[by the way all pictures presented here could again contain some grass off budtender's hand].

By the way from the producer of the Mulberry 90u back then! Remarkably different texture than their other gear but not too sure this is really static when compared to some supposedly imports from the Usa or very first batches of my most favourite section from Morocco. Relax though, minor critizm and in the end welcome at home any time!

Will have to do further tests on their higher grades. Also tried some other 'dry sift'[no pictures ; as ususal some other pictures in my gallery I couldn't place here] which was embarassingly overpriced mid-grade in fact sold for too much money and from a legitimate coffeeshop ; shame they sell such swindle.
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Next one is for some reasons from an other trip along with a strict focus on hashish among the provinces.

On the left hand[pictures #6+#7] is one of those supposedly imports from the Usa and the original brand supposedly coming from a town in California, Usa now having a sublabel for a while imitating the Moroccan style slabs since half a year or so as reported.

Finally I could try the original brand here.

Look is very fudgey and resinous. Smell is kush with that hint of sorta cherries.

Too can taste the smell if not overwhelmingly but sttill creamy and strong!

First I thought not at all special compared to other static sifts but it indeed is since price was half as expensive. Still steep don't get me wrong but in fact is a good price/performance ratio taking this into account and so the best of this month's adventures.

No other pictures unfortunately from a few others.

On the right hand[picture #5] is another hashish with foreign geneticssupposedly a 'frozen sift'. Medium priced[t10 € less than the one on the left hand]and from my most favourite section from Morocco. Peachy kush smell was also transfered to the too creamy enough and strong uplifting smoke. Another fine product of them and the best this month when it comes to price/performance ratio!
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Third one occured on our stoppover in København when too visiting Christiania for proviant for our then Scandinavian tour. Read way beforehand that they closed up Pusher Street and didn't care at all since this intention was stated over and over again before, almost what felt yearly, without happening much.

So pretty surprised it indeed was closed.

Also no daily raids as usual there anymore but one or two pairs of policemen patroulling on site all day now compared to back in the day[on site!]too fining consumers they see for illegal consumption ; charges sorta doubled.

This is the case since April we were told by locals. Quite different vibe now.

As said before I can relate with all the violence and death in the past linked to organised crime groups controlling the market there since a long time even though it mostly was peaceful. They had to do the job properly. so I can relate to locals there sick of this crap.

At this point congratualations to the Danish goverment for more restriction instead of legalising and getting rid of scrupulous people involved and such. Clever, thank you for nothing!

Not sure how this works out but quite sure dealers there will return as on one hand long established and on the other loads of money involved ; quote me on that despite I like to get proved wrong preferably.

It happened before for about 9 months some years ago but back then I can't remember people living there worked with the authorities[correct me if I'm wrong please] which is new this time.

Eventually they returned. Most probably it will happen again for some reasons.

While I still love the idea of Christiania I noticed it turnt into a hell of a corrupted place over the years as said before.

Smell of low grade hashish still was omnipresent, yuk.

For the record: if one is looking to score good hashish there under the current circumstances[but also if it would be business as ususal as I reported before here , haha]do not bother. I repeat: do not bother! One will waste his time properly otherwise. Merely one will find horribly overpriced low grade and even this seemed difficult for foreigners.

Since we are the definition of streetwise['Ye know, blood?' ] and connected hashish with foreign genetics shown below was obtained. Darkish oily skin with a leather smell one could taste whlie smoking as well. Relatively smooth, too. Commercial high grade thesse day I would rate this but welcome in this situation.

In fact one of the best I ever picked up there, haha.
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Sad to hear that about Pusher Street. I wonder why.


Well-known member
Sad to hear that about Pusher Street. I wonder why.

The residents got tired with the criminal organisations that have taken over the dealing in Christiania. The last couple of years there have been a number of shootings and acts of violence in and around Christiania linked to these criminal organisations. I also imagine the residents feel pressure from the government to take action and get rid of the gangs or the future for Christiania is in jeopardy.

It's a shame it had to come to this. Hopefully pusher street will be back in a more sustainable form.
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