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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....

Zeta Reticuli

Well-known member
@goingrey It wasnt afghan,i smoked afghans over the years and they was all soft type of hashish,black with
golden seal and others,this what he sells me was very hard and so much compressed hash,when you put fire
from lighter close to him he will start to boil from oils inside and if you didnt take chunk to crumble it he will
go back and stay hard as a rock.Maybe he wished to say gano,not ghano.

Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
I saw a video recently of fresh frozen buds being tumbled in a pollinator type sifting machine but they were doing it in a walk in freezer at -20C so no problems with buds melting and clogging the screen.

Problem is you get a lot of broken plant fragment contaminant, but if you then spent time cleaning it up with diff micron screens you'd probably be able to get something incredible.

I wonder if the moisture left in the fresh sift would cause problems with mold once sealed. I suppose it could be freeze dried immediately after.



Well-known member
Hi !

here is the new year beldia ,

excellent entry for 2024 ...

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very sativa in smell , taste and .... effect !

happy new year
This slab looks delicious,I like the blond color it reminds me of what was called Aya in the 90's, the first commercial grade of quality coming from Morocco. You're lucky to be able to score this kind of resin, I'd love to smoke a piece of golden delight. Is it expensive to buy this quality today ?


Well-known member
This slab looks delicious,I like the blond color it reminds me of what was called Aya in the 90's, the first commercial grade of quality coming from Morocco. You're lucky to be able to score this kind of resin, I'd love to smoke a piece of golden delight. Is it expensive to buy this quality today ?
excellent analysis about the aya thing , since i thought the same thing ,
about price , i know the retail price is 10€/g , but only available for those who are in touch with my beldi-man ,
from my side since i short-circuited all the middlemen , i got the 100g slab at 550€ wich is really fair for this quality ,
for comparative i got the last beldi slab showed few posts before at 420€/100g slab ,
and the critical (mid-grade ) at 180€/100g slab ,
so a bit more expensive but really worth it ...



Well-known member
First of all: happy new year to all members and readers of Icmag! Hope you all had some fine festivities if you celebrated!

Ok, finally got round to report with delay[did anyone say Crimbo? Commitments? Life in general?] from our recent holiday in Nederland this December, 2023 which included the usual roundtrip and also a stopover in Amsterdam[usual picture this time shows busy Damrak when going down after arival].
Looks like here are some posts coming since too many mediocre pictures were taken so this is part I.

Coming ones are the Mulberry 90u to the right[first picture]
I mentioned in my previous post .
This time with noticeable less odour. I was very sceptical whether to pick up or not because of that ; especially since seeing other coffeeshops now selling it though with the same odour from Octtober when it was discovered[Did they got the vacuum sealed ones from the same batch, haha?].
Bit suspicious but I didn't try other sources so I can't say they whether identical from the same batch or not ; will keep that in mind.
Gladly concerns haven't come to pass as taste and creamy smoothness was spot on as last time ; berryish. sweet and lovely potency, good yet very good price/performance ratio.
Easily the best price/performance ratio and bordering hard on being the best again!

The sorta poor looking blondish one[photo skills? missed glasses?] when unopened[proof for indeed the proof is in the pudding, isn't it? Whitish inside, anyone?] to the left[first picture] right is my most favourite classic Moroc I could finally again acquire privately and was of the usual good quality so all in all best Moroc this time ; sorta solid consistency, smooth, flowerish/spicy in taste and more uppish in effects or as a mate put it in terms of smoothness and taste 'unintrusive' compared to the mid-grade schwag too often coming with bizarre tastes.
1 Selection Of High Grades.December.2023.JPG

2 Blondish Traditional Moroccan High Grade.December.2023.JPG

3 Blondish Traditional Moroccan High Grade.December.2023.JPG

4 Blondish Traditional Moroccan High Grade.December.2023.JPG

5 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

6 High Grade With Foreign Genetics Supposedly From Morocco From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

While I'm on it the next one is the best from Morocco picked up from a coffeeshop. Immediately caught my eye when tub was presented
as I have a soft spot for these resinous solid ones so had to give it a go. Of course easily warms up in one's palm ; whitish inside.
Had that smell I always – beware, another of my dreaded associations - relate with pencils plus traces of pine[Fancy another dreaded association even more stupid? I only say Stilton, Roquefort and Gorgonzola when talking about that idea of sharpness! ] which ended up in a not so deep but too sharp taste for my liking if that makes sense ; almost to the point
of this acrid taste when old dried-out hashish is concerned as far as I remember. Still not disgusting or so but weakish taste and boring.
Surprisingly that stuff at least was potent and coming with a strong body stone. All in all best this trip from a coffeeshop.
While this type seemingly at least in my case isn't so common anymore[read: special] I have to say due to its too subtile but still too sharp taste if that makes sense it still is only a commercial high grade to me sadly as it doesn't tick all the boxes[basic requirements of a genuine high grade] so that is my opinion as a compromise. Matter of taste indeed.

Though it was the only classic gear tested from a coffeeshop. The best Moroc is the one from above even though weaker in effect but the better overall product ticking all the boxes.
7 Dark Traditional Moroccan High Grade From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

8 Dark Traditional Moroccan High Grade From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

9 Dark Traditional Moroccan High Grade From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

10 Dark Traditional Moroccan High Grade From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

End of part I.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Part II

This lot with foreign genetics is from a new section in Morocco[now they use poor primates for their crew names or is this a hint of irony? Maybe even a dig at my most favourite section?Questions upon questions.] entering the market with 'great quality' I was told by the salesman also known as budtender behind the counter praising it.

Great? The left bright one was tested with about 60% cannabinoids and only had traces of taste[still better than some official product reviewed below, lol] while relatively smooth. Effects in opposite to budtender were of the usual strength of those new foreign genetics these days coming with a strong body load ; crumbled easily by the way.

Very commercial high grade at best as lacking taste. The other one had that mediocre kush taste to a relatively deep level and wasn't again what mid-aged budtender described it as[who prefered oldschool Moroc for some reason when approached], strong but not particularly stronger than the previous despite tested for 10% more total cannabinoids[again, the proof is in the pudding and numbers are only a factor]. Considering the mid-price for both this is what I expect from this type these days at least and would say this is even good price/performance ratio. High grade but not 'great'.
11 Selection Of High Grades With Foreing Genetics Supossedly From Morocco From  Coffeeshops.De...JPG

11 Selection Of High Grades With Foreing Genetics Supossedly From Morocco From  Coffeeshops.De...JPG

12 Blondish High Grade With Foreing Genetics Supossedly From Morocco From  Coffeeshops.Decembe...JPG

14 High Grade With Foreing Genetics Supossedly From Morocco From  Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

15 High Grade With Foreing Genetics Supossedly From Morocco From  Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

16 Damrak.December.2023.JPG

What else was tried[no pictures]? Among a few others similar to the duo with foreign genetics above two others come to my mind.
One static filtered with a just creamy delicate kush taste and a particularly strong effect, also a fast onset which is remarkable[not talking about the one supposedly from the Usa but from my most favourite section from Morocco ; best of this trip in regards to foreign genetics].
The other one was from a section in Morocco I had not before which was quite around not only in Amsterdam but other provinces at the usual spots as well ; also rich taste hard to describe as not only mainly kushy but other notes included -. second best from the foreign genetic hashes this trip.
@sandsmp81 @NotYourSaviour have you guys tried anything from the brand golden heads warrior? I know you two are quite familiar with the brands offering higher quality modern genetic hashes, but would appreciate anyone else who has any experience with this brand to also chime in if possible.

@A lil spanish how is the new season sift looking this year? The weather was good this summer so I’m hoping for an exquisite vintage!

@Piff Rhys Jones

Yes I know GHW they are from the USA, they had excellent products last season but very expensive for what it was.

Their apple fritter static was around 25 to 30e a g and tested at 51% THC, you can get other farm plates for 12e a g that were testing at 70% and that wasn't even static.

Europe made GHW famous and now I've heard for this season they are using not as good genetics and lower quality sift, riding on the back of their previous season.

Heard quite a few folk not happy with the latest season but a few others saying it was good, but I think they were just trying to justify the high price they paid, again allegedly over priced for the quality level.

This season with other top farms is looking good.

VSOP has a very nice static line, I've just got 2 bars of their frozen sift and will get some static at some point as I've been very impressed with the frozen.

Mtriff farm is another to look out for with some nice static by all accounts.

Family farmz also do some nice frozen, I've got 4 different strains of theirs and all excellent.

BMP has a new frozen drop, last season was some of the best of the year and this year's is supposed to be the same, I'll grab some soon for Xmas as I'm running low on the ones I got the previous season.

Got a few other bits coming like some Nepalese, Caramello and some Hindu Kush traditional hashes, I'll post up when I get some time.

Since you guys talk about non-traditional hashish in this Import thread I with my pedantry shouldn't comment this[and would never comment if I couldn't provide some content for traditional hashish at the same time, sorry as said I'm anal and quite sure no one noticed this yet:laughing:.]
but do so as an exception since I stumbled across the following.

Budtender raved about that and got told it's again from California, Usa. As a hint out of sheer generosity and of course weirdness as not mentioning names for various reasons I can say tthe producer had a logo of a hand on the small glass jars it came in ; budtender
tried to hoax us into believing this producer only uses this glove technique for their static but while I know this could be done for a let's say small/personal quantity

I strongly doubt they would use this for a real quantity especially in so called western world economically speaking as I got told by someone during this trip when discussing static techniques over there linked to static producers in Morocco that using a card or glove for example is not advisable for quantity so all in all just a marketing bluff again.
Ok, again the shadiness of a black market we all should be so familiar with. They as a producer collaborate with certain famous farms from California and static process their gear.
Quality ? Yes, indeed. Strong kush profile as well as stone and turns quickly from grainy state to oily one when handled without being too gooey. Similar expensive to the 'Golden Head Warriors'[pissing myself laughing]I by the way reviewed some months back on here in this thread[do the math] and elsewhere when it freshly appeared in Amsterdam.
Hard to decide which one is bettter, the hand or the other. From this 'Golden Head Warriors' I had something off this trip as well[no pictures] but not sure if it was from the current season but I pretty much enjoyed it and I couldn't notice a difference in very good quality at all.
Since Sandsmp81 mentioned their now sub range 'Cali Plates' I can say the second strain I tried here I'm talking about wasn't that less quality stuff as it was as expensive as the first lot I got and the 'Cali Plates' I saw during our trip too but it was cheaper what I think is fair then and not pretending it to be the same as from the first season.
These 'Cali Plates' were sold for roughly the same price as the 'double/tripple/120u/BlahBlahBlah' from the 'better' more famous sections[read: hype of the month/week]bringing the sorta best quality ; same price catergory.
17 Static High Grade Supposedly From The Usa From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

18 Static High Grade Supposedly From The Usa From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

19 Static High Grade Supposedly From The Usa From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

By the way while picking up in Amsterdam this time at one shithole they sold a special edition of static which is supposedly a collaboration between two producers, 'Golden Head Warriors x Doja'. Unfortunately it was sold out already and we didn't make it back for several reasons[did anyone say holiday?].

Even though this Doja seems to be a very hyped brand since some years it would have been funny trying this[never tried their gear yet as far as I can remember but they among others are a good example for this lame marketing when it comes to imported grass from certain states in the Usa kids of today seem to fancy for their identity crisises in this lovely consumerist society we are living in worldwide].

@sandsmp81 [refering to this and that]

Thanks for your input again! We already had this discussion about stupid numbers of cannabinoids and I'm still member of 'taste, smell and potency as the overall package' party even though I'm still as focussed on and greedy for the highest potency possible
since I still consume recreationallly for effect[thus also main point for my consumption rate as no one can escape tolerance unless biological science intervenes somewhere in the future in the end I tried everything and recherched that deeply - a break is necessary in the end ; at one point it just turns boring effectwise otherwise] as hard as I still would be 16 but today I need the full package now with being an adult at the age of 19[at least psychologically, ok?]but I see your point to some degree.

Too I'm member of team 'good grass and hashish can be produced everywhere legal or illegal with the right circumstances' and one could condemn Usa growers sending their mids elsewhere but again this is how the black market is working sadly in every country so Morocco, Afghanistan et cetera could be blamed, too. Again, the masses want not pricey product but quality and they get not so pricey product but less quality, basic economy as said before if they don't order the right quantity as simple as that.

Follow this development since the first imports from Usa appeared here in Europe and it was often the case that these crops were overfertilized and shit not meeting the standards of dispensaries so were sent to the black market there, Europe and fuck knows where else as usual.

The sections you mentioned bringing the best material this season I knew no name of except for as said 'Blue Magic' but will keep in mind. Had to think of yours as I noticed this trip a section is hot all across Netherlands at coffeeshops you enjoed some Garlic Cookies 9 months back. One of the best when it comes to foreign genetic ones this whole trip I picked up in 'Dam was from them as said above ; will keep an eye on them.
Hope you got sorted for Crimbo as intended! What is your final evalutation of the curing process you started roughly 9 months back as well and stashed away in jarrs? Would like to know your personal opinion, thanks.

Thanks too for the information about 'Drytech' and fingers crossed you can try their gear one day. This trip I had two other products of them and one only was standard[read: potent but sorta tasteless] and the other good.
Though they were all in the price category of Mulberry so all in all still a good price – performance ratio[especially on the black market].
Unfortunately I missed their static products I am always very keen to try.
[The thing with the less Mulberry smell I mentioned in the previous post[Part I] isn't uncommon but taking the described context into account I will keep that in mind but haven't noticed anything else with the other gear I tried from them.]

I saw a Mulberry static as you mentioned but not from them but my most favourite section which looked tempting as usual but decided for an other strain of them at the same price which was the 'static' I mentioned above ; 'static' as this trip too I noticed an inflated use of this term again even at trusted coffeeshops
[compared to all the ones jumping on the train ususally] which always happens with terms over the years and I'm used to this but the price now was halved and the quality while being still good was less compared to the first batches I tried as reported in this thread.
One budtender approached on that stated that the producers in Morocco indeed static clean the harvested resin and some now already start to call their
product 'double static' which confirms my thoughts from the beginning meaning they do some static on a pile of
resin and amount of heads rise but still one should apply static technique again and again to get at best legendary 99% heads[which I doubt they will do there as again a mass market and even there work intensive and costly].

So I take it some sections do a few static clean ups to a certain quality and other indeed less[ 'at least static, customer, what do you want more?', haha]so both can label their product static ; let alone the crooks just naming their resin 'static' without background. We should probably prepare for silly terms like 'single, double, tripple, quadro, BlahBlahBlah static' in the next months or years me thinks, :biglaugh:.

@Piff Rhys Jones [refering to this and that]

Your legtitimate theory of Moroccans fake their better gear to be from Usa[new batch from Usa look like plates from Morocco and such]would be possible in this illegal filthy game as ususal but Sandsmp81 gave plausible reasons why they are doing so above and thus it probably is the case.
The thing you mentioned about this new static approach and what you posted later here is very interesting by the way so cheers for that!

Your critizm of the online presence of these illegal producers no matter where is also insteresting and I can imagine since you are familiar with that 'Social Media' as well as linking it to the usual practices of the black market.
They more or less are illegally producing in a somewhat backyard sometimes more sometimes less professional dodging taxes and official quality standards , see e.g. Usa and Moroco.
As again Sandsmp81 rightly said it is a cash crop and sadly most of their customers 'only want something cheap and effective'. Old hat.
Would like to try an official static one from overseas produced in a clean[/sterile] room[which I don't say illegal operations never have but definitely not on the average]and meeting official standards
to prevent contaminations and all that, lab tested! Again, I am ambivalently not saying there would be a huge difference but one which is noticeable not to forget it would be at least a safe quality healthwise every consumer deserves in my humble opinon.
Again, all this circumstances and happenings on an illegal black market keeps my bias against them burning even though without them I would have never experiencied this plant but again it reminds me of why we started growing our own.
Even though I still can't grow my own some of our circle can every now and then again. So since ice-o-lators are still only a substitute to me as prefering dry sift I as a compromise[no quantities for dry sift]probably see myself becoming a rosin head at one point and my consumption rate helps a lot and a bonus is as always anachronistically having consumed pure switching to this shouldn't be too difficult.

Even though consumption like every aspect in life nearly is becoming a bit too digital and focussed on devices for my liking ; too I'm not an indoor person and like nature. Time will tell and although I preach this since years I know it will become a reality for me. It always takes its time in my experience.

Too funny indeed by the way your scenario of importing resin from Morocco, processing it in a legal environment in the Usa and selling it there for 'Cali hashish' at a high price, lol.

By the way: how was Barcelona before crimbo and could you compare what you intended to? I see you go to coming Ic cup again, enjoy your time there!


Sorry, for this late reply but I have – no offence intended again – to remind you and others that I am still not an internet person but a digital neanderthal trying to spend as less time as possible in front of any screen thus
I am definitely not online daily and such ; it is a real hassle for me posting here for various reasons even though I enjoy to post here so if anyone asks something especially on time please don't count on me – you probably get one but I can' never say when and I try
to let my posts speak for themselves in the most clear way possible for me so no questions necessary as even though I like to discuss I know I don't have much time ; so this is my compromise, anyone? Vicious cycle and all that, lol.
Hope for understanding!

Saying this I saw your post but as said above that means nothing but I thought you would figure out inbetween that I refered to my last report as you asked too before herehttps://www.icmag.com/threads/imported-moroccan-afghani-nepalase-hash-photos-and-discussion.16620/page-215#post-18438416 for a hint in regards to traditional Moroc.
I then sorta recommended the Honey Hash from coffeeshops Hashtag here and you took note but probably only focussed on the foreign genetic ones I recommended.
Taking a closer look now I realise you indeed could have been more focussed on the foreign genetic ones and you didn’t plan to try the Honey Hash as I said anyway it wasn't a real recommendation as it still was a commercial high grade.

Funny to some degree you thought when I mentioned the Honey Hash in my last post in context of setting up a rating system that I found it on our last visit but this was a trip exclusively to some provinces and not Amsterdam otherwise I would have mentioned we've too been to 'Dam.
Too it would be very offensive towards you à la 'I mention a certain hashish to you as a personal recommendation but don't tell you where to find it' and I can assure you I am not that type of person even though I for certain reasons I explained before do not mention names and places where I picked up apart from a report every now and then as a compromise.

Hope you had a lovely visit to town then!

If you haven't then you know where to find it but again batches change. As a compromise I can tell you that the best Moroc from this time, at least from a coffeeshop , I mentioned above[second lot of pictures, dark one] was picked up at Original Dampkring for 14€ per gram and according to person behind the counter was supposedly named after the region it came from which is 'Bab Taza'. Compared to the Honey Hash which
also was commercial high grade the Honey Hash was slightly better and only would recommend
the Bab Taza if you really want to compare opinions[if they still have it]. That is up to you again as I said while it would be funny and interesting priority should be your fun in the city just follow your nose as I don't start crying if you just enjoy yourself, no way, quite the opposite!

Nonetheless as sorta decided yourself last time we talked about it you still should check out coffeeshop Reefer or Terpz Army for the high grade Morocs with foreign genetics[preferably Reefer as they ususally list
the sections from Morocco and one can relatively clear read the background[fresh frozen/micron/static]on the menu, too.
As said go for a fresh frozen one though I can't give you a pointer as I didn't pick up such there this time just ask the budtender for ones with a rich flavour but again be prepared to pay 20€+ ; save name of section if quality it is up to your liking, contact your sources at home, tell them and order for a way better price – just saying!
Just another thought let them show you a couple of items you are interested in and even the ones you would like to try but find too pricey you can memorize the name of the section producing it and contact your source at home for the same quality as you seem to be good connected as well. Just saying again!]

Not to forget: congratulation on picking up this traditional Morochttps://www.icmag.com/threads/impor...s-and-discussion.16620/page-220#post-18505692! Indeed looks good and indeed a good start for 2024 ; looks at least similar to my favourite Moroc I could again pick up this time! Hopefully many even better ones to come for you and all other enthusiasts for hashish!:D

Of course enjoy your other lot as well!

End of Part II.


Well-known member
Final Part III

Last but not least:

Since as stated before in this thread and elsewhere I follow the sorta serious 'efforts' of Dutch goverment to get rid off outdated coffeeshop tolerance policy since the beginning of talking about so called 'wiet experiment' in 2017 I of course noticed even though a bit later than usual
the starting point for Breda and Tilburg this last December of 2023[expected the start of the general experiment in 2024]. Guess what? We were lucky to celebrate this personally on site. History-making, anyone?

As usual us idiots set up our traditional crimbo holiday to avoid horrendous commercial crimbo traffic around town too late.

That almost happens every year as reported before on here but this time it even was the week very close to Crimbo taking place which is even worse than so often but at least because of that we could take part in this historical moment since[ blessing in disguise, anyone?] our accomodation well hidden in the countryside was booked although last minute indeed surprisingly on time beforehand.

Since I mentioned before the Netherlands – no offence intended again – are handy as one can be everywhere in 1-2 hours maximimum it meant that it was very easy from our holiday home we as usual chose as a base to reach out to grey but inside-out known Tilburg[did anyone say Toermalijn since ages?]to pick up along some other provinces as usual. Win-win me thinks!

Please note: province Noord Brabant is still a sorta patchwork rug which means foreigners are only allowed to enter coffeeshops in Tilburg[and to be fair Eindhoven] and that only again since 2018 with a hiatus for roughly 6 years before that sadly ; as a solace Tilburg is in my humble opinon the best town for coffeeshopping qualitywise in this province.

So according to my comment above[Imports from the Usa / Part II] I still know this is the Import thread but while I'm on it as an exception I will post opinions about the legal hashish accquired there as a sneak preview to the full report[grass] I have more or less ready to
release 'close ups' and opinons included and will post it in the coming days/weeks for various reasons[still watiting for the brown envelope to arrive for my reviews the coffeeshops and supplier companies involved promised as they profit so much from them for the obvious corrupted human being I am is one of them].

Since it is legal gear I have less of a problem mentioning names so at the counter at The Grass Company we went since not all coffeeshops in town had the legal grass ready for selling[most will follow this January, 2024] there was a choice of two legal ones[ This coffeeshop wouldn't have been our choice for some reasons but as far as I understood it the wares are indeed everywhere the same so after running around town with mixed results we went here but would have ended up for some reasons anyway, see coming report].
Forgot, compared to the grass, how they were presented as all the gear from the experiment is basically coming pre-packed but one could smell and see the stuff prior to purchase.

One silly 'traditional something[10€/g]' and the other similarily cringe 'Hasj Royal Medic'[12€/g], haha.

Since the last one seemed better despite making me smile this it was then. Came in a bag containing a plastic jar with -guess what – the hashish inside[broke it apart for showing purpose] ; somehow these bags remind me
of hashish reports member ToBeDetermined posted in the past but while I can find them they don't come with such bags so tend to think I mixed something up[probably have seen grass sold in such bags from the dispensaries there somewhere],
I'll get back to this memory link though sorta, :biggrin:.

Ok, beforehand I can spoiler I didn't expect much when reading the menu spotting legal hashish being too available ; too important to mention is I'm
still a realist following the reports
on the internet about grass and hashish in legal states, especially Canada and the Usa, so I know it takes some time for companies to bring on the good quality since they need to find growers knowing their shit
and it is a learning curve anyways, et cetera, et cetera – it just takes months, years or what ever and not to forget , no offence intended again , sadly consumers tend to wet themselves especially the average consumer just because they can consume and purchase legally so they tend to be satisfied with mids until them and the supplier company realises they need to get better and of course I can understand this to some degreee but an honest analysis is still necessary, anyone?

Yes, I know they promised to bring legal hashish but I thought this would happen at a later stage.

Anyways, I saw the piece and it immediately reminded me of the first batches of Dutch hashish from indoor crops at coffeeshops back in the day or even our own first attemps with growing and
processing at home – though to be fair as ususal it looked way better than the mentioned ones. 'Sterile' sprang to mind though.​

I had a sense of foreboding! Light lemon smell it had and somehow still looking better than the 'traditional' they sold from the experiment, also higher potency.
Fluffed up wettish.
Smooth smoke though with room for improvement and taste was funny – sorta green and tasteless if that makes sense.

While I treat special stuff accordingly this was not worth a wake and bake or a 'long enough' break inbetween strains so was just consumed inbetween and it didn't cut through remarkably.
Merely medium potency - bad point! It didn't bubble too at that price which is another[I still know it doesn't have to in some rare cases but c'mon....!]. Second bad point.

Interlude: Would say this is merely mid-grade 'bubble' without bubble.

Funny thing was I tricked one experiencied mate during our stay into blind testing it through my pipe and it was mistaken for grass, haha. Go, figure!

All in all: beforehand I say even though this is overpriced mid-grade I would recommend this to any newbie compared to black market gear and I pretty much appreciate it is legally available - I am just an anal wanker myself and this is basically better than nothing.


Though for our circle with some experience and knowing what could be possible this is not advisable and this is no disrespect[most of us didn't like the legal hashish] as I bascially welcome legal hashish and grass big time but I say my part ; of course
I'm well aware of the fact that I'm despite trying to be as objective as this is possible I'm quite biased but somehow quite sure a (double]blind test wouldn't have come up with a better result.

Back to square one sorta!

I file that under 'Making use of leftovers' and either the clone they used was crap or it is indeed made of trim or both, lol.

Ok approach and not garbage but room for improvement ; if it would have been half the price it would be a different story as well but again this will take some time.

Personally I wouldn't even want it on a desert island and definitely would quit pot if this would be the only thing available which is of course exaggerated but you get the picture if you have some experience with resin.

Funny thing when leaving the coffeeshop I couldn't resist as ususal giving our impressions about said hashish and female budtender said after contacting someone else in the know
it was grown outdoor in greenhouses on site by one of the three suppliers Canadelaar yet supplying this weed experiment[also she then said the Black Cherry Punch grass we smelled when picking up was outdoor grown in greenhouses as well but failed instinctively due to look and smell before indeed].

I wonder how this works in the end with such a greenhouse and take it they only use sunlight as this summer was quite ok? Or extra lights, too?

Since 'medic' is medicinal in Dutch I wonder too if the harvested grass before procession has been radiated since I heard medical grass companies doing so in some cases.

Sadly compared to other suppliers for this experiment their website doesn't provide such informations, bad point as well and not the desired transparency I expect from a legal market ; if I want hocus pocus I go to the mostly crooks from the black market again.

Bummer as I said a hundred times before I definitely prefer grass and hashish kissed by the sun in opposite to the substitute of indoor grass and resin but not at all costs or in this case just ok yet nice enough quality. Even though it could be a hell of a lot worse!

'At least something to consume.' isn't still on the agenda but quality for a fair price.

Otherwise: each to their own and in the end one can get used to everything qualitywise!

So again back to the legal markets elsewhere I as said know it takes some years getting a certain quality and member ToBeDetermined proves this easily when one is comparing his reports of the very past and nowadays . P a t i e n c e is the term for us passive consumers!​
Hope dies last and all that.
That's it!
20 Selection From The Legal Weed Experiment From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

21 Legal Mid-Grade From Canadelaar From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

22 Legal Mid-Grade From Canadelaar From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

23 Legal Mid-Grade From Canadelaar From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

24 Legal Mid-Grade From Canadelaar From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

25 Legal Mid-Grade From Canadelaar From Coffeeshops.December.2023.JPG

On a final note:

Evaluating the general quality of hashish in 2023 I got my hands on I say it was even increased to 2022 and I'm looking forward to this year. Sure, at one point I reckon there will be no quality improvement itsself and merely faster and more effective in regards to processing let alone strains will change but this is still a long way to go me thinks!​

Side note: nothing new or really interesting appeared at home at my ususal sources too. Though to give you an idea how bad the situation is[though a common practice in the end]and why apart from other reasons we formed an interest group to go regularly to the Netherlands I can report that mid-grade Captain Kush just returned last week and docked at the same source I tried it half a year ago - it was the same material and even one € more expensive than last time.
Go figure:laughing:!

Currently on my main yearly detox for at least a month since New Year since this is always necessary and the best time of the year for an extensive one plus others inbetween ; best start of the year in my case for planning life roughly.
In retrospect my consumption rate was as low as in the last years, maybe even a bit less but for sure with more quality. I am satisfied!

See you guys in March probably! Keep it up and enjoy yourselves!​
Final Part III Last but not least: Since as stated before in this thread and elsewhere I follow the sorta serious 'efforts' of Dutch goverment to get rid off outdated coffeeshop tolerance policy since the beginning of talking about so called 'wiet experiment' in 2017 I of course noticed even though a bit later than usual the starting point for Breda and Tilburg this last December of 2023[expected the start of the general experiment in 2024]. Guess what? We were lucky to celebrate this personally on site. History-making, anyone? As usual us idiots set up our traditional crimbo holiday to avoid horrendous commercial crimbo traffic around town too late. That almost happens every year as reported before on here but this time it even was the week very close to Crimbo taking place which is even worse than so often but at least because of that we could take part in this historical moment since[ blessing in disguise, anyone?] our accomodation well hidden in the countryside was booked although last minute indeed surprisingly on time beforehand. Since I mentioned before the Netherlands – no offence intended again – are handy as one can be everywhere in 1-2 hours maximimum it meant that it was very easy from our holiday home we as usual chose as a base to reach out to grey but inside-out known Tilburg[did anyone say Toermalijn since ages?]to pick up along some other provinces as usual. Win-win me thinks! Please note: province Noord Brabant is still a sorta patchwork rug which means foreigners are only allowed to enter coffeeshops in Tilburg[and to be fair Eindhoven] and that only again since 2018 with a hiatus for roughly 6 years before that sadly ; as a solace Tilburg is in my humble opinon the best town for coffeeshopping qualitywise in this province. So according to my comment above[Imports from the Usa / Part II] I still know this is the Import thread but while I'm on it as an exception I will post opinions about the legal hashish accquired there as a sneak preview to the full report[grass] I have more or less ready to release 'close ups' and opinons included and will post it in the coming days/weeks for various reasons[still watiting for the brown envelope to arrive for my reviews the coffeeshops and supplier companies involved promised as they profit so much from them for the obvious corrupted human being I am is one of them]. Since it is legal gear I have less of a problem mentioning names so at the counter at The Grass Company we went since not all coffeeshops in town had the legal grass ready for selling[most will follow this January, 2024] there was a choice of two legal ones[ This coffeeshop wouldn't have been our choice for some reasons but as far as I understood it the wares are indeed everywhere the same so after running around town with mixed results we went here but would have ended up for some reasons anyway, see coming report]. Forgot, compared to the grass, how they were presented as all the gear from the experiment is basically coming pre-packed but one could smell and see the stuff prior to purchase. One silly 'traditional something[10€/g]' and the other similarily cringe 'Hasj Royal Medic'[12€/g], haha. Since the last one seemed better despite making me smile this it was then. Came in a bag containing a plastic jar with -guess what – the hashish inside[broke it apart for showing purpose] ; somehow these bags remind me of hashish reports member ToBeDetermined posted in the past but while I can find them they don't come with such bags so tend to think I mixed something up[probably have seen grass sold in such bags from the dispensaries there somewhere], I'll get back to this memory link though sorta, :biggrin:. Ok, beforehand I can spoiler I didn't expect much when reading the menu spotting legal hashish being too available ; too important to mention is I'm still a realist following the reports on the internet about grass and hashish in legal states, especially Canada and the Usa, so I know it takes some time for companies to bring on the good quality since they need to find growers knowing their shit and it is a learning curve anyways, et cetera, et cetera – it just takes months, years or what ever and not to forget , no offence intended again , sadly consumers tend to wet themselves especially the average consumer just because they can consume and purchase legally so they tend to be satisfied with mids until them and the supplier company realises they need to get better and of course I can understand this to some degreee but an honest analysis is still necessary, anyone? Yes, I know they promised to bring legal hashish but I thought this would happen at a later stage.
Anyways, I saw the piece and it immediately reminded me of the first batches of Dutch hashish from indoor crops at coffeeshops back in the day or even our own first attemps with growing and processing at home – though to be fair as ususal it looked way better than the mentioned ones. 'Sterile' sprang to mind though.​
I had a sense of foreboding! Light lemon smell it had and somehow still looking better than the 'traditional' they sold from the experiment, also higher potency. Fluffed up wettish. Smooth smoke though with room for improvement and taste was funny – sorta green and tasteless if that makes sense.
While I treat special stuff accordingly this was not worth a wake and bake or a 'long enough' break inbetween strains so was just consumed inbetween and it didn't cut through remarkably. Merely medium potency - bad point! It didn't bubble too at that price which is another[I still know it doesn't have to in some rare cases but c'mon....!]. Second bad point. Interlude: Would say this is merely mid-grade 'bubble' without bubble. Funny thing was I tricked one experiencied mate during our stay into blind testing it through my pipe and it was mistaken for grass, haha. Go, figure! All in all: beforehand I say even though this is overpriced mid-grade I would recommend this to any newbie compared to black market gear and I pretty much appreciate it is legally available - I am just an anal wanker myself and this is basically better than nothing. Really! Though for our circle with some experience and knowing what could be possible this is not advisable and this is no disrespect[most of us didn't like the legal hashish] as I bascially welcome legal hashish and grass big time but I say my part ; of course I'm well aware of the fact that I'm despite trying to be as objective as this is possible I'm quite biased but somehow quite sure a (double]blind test wouldn't have come up with a better result. Back to square one sorta! I file that under 'Making use of leftovers' and either the clone they used was crap or it is indeed made of trim or both, lol. Ok approach and not garbage but room for improvement ; if it would have been half the price it would be a different story as well but again this will take some time. Personally I wouldn't even want it on a desert island and definitely would quit pot if this would be the only thing available which is of course exaggerated but you get the picture if you have some experience with resin. Funny thing when leaving the coffeeshop I couldn't resist as ususal giving our impressions about said hashish and female budtender said after contacting someone else in the know it was grown outdoor in greenhouses on site by one of the three suppliers Canadelaar yet supplying this weed experiment[also she then said the Black Cherry Punch grass we smelled when picking up was outdoor grown in greenhouses as well but failed instinctively due to look and smell before indeed]. I wonder how this works in the end with such a greenhouse and take it they only use sunlight as this summer was quite ok? Or extra lights, too? Since 'medic' is medicinal in Dutch I wonder too if the harvested grass before procession has been radiated since I heard medical grass companies doing so in some cases. Sadly compared to other suppliers for this experiment their website doesn't provide such informations, bad point as well and not the desired transparency I expect from a legal market ; if I want hocus pocus I go to the mostly crooks from the black market again. Bummer as I said a hundred times before I definitely prefer grass and hashish kissed by the sun in opposite to the substitute of indoor grass and resin but not at all costs or in this case just ok yet nice enough quality. Even though it could be a hell of a lot worse! 'At least something to consume.' isn't still on the agenda but quality for a fair price. Otherwise: each to their own and in the end one can get used to everything qualitywise! So again back to the legal markets elsewhere I as said know it takes some years getting a certain quality and member ToBeDetermined proves this easily when one is comparing his reports of the very past and nowadays . P a t i e n c e is the term for us passive consumers!​
Hope dies last and all that. That's it! View attachment 18943682 View attachment 18943683 View attachment 18943684 View attachment 18943685 View attachment 18943686 View attachment 18943687 On a final note:
Evaluating the general quality of hashish in 2023 I got my hands on I say it was even increased to 2022 and I'm looking forward to this year. Sure, at one point I reckon there will be no quality improvement itsself and merely faster and more effective in regards to processing let alone strains will change but this is still a long way to go me thinks!​
Side note: nothing new or really interesting appeared at home at my ususal sources too. Though to give you an idea how bad the situation is[though a common practice in the end]and why apart from other reasons we formed an interest group to go regularly to the Netherlands I can report that mid-grade Captain Kush just returned last week and docked at the same source I tried it half a year ago - it was the same material and even one € more expensive than last time. Go figure:laughing:!
Currently on my main yearly detox for at least a month since New Year since this is always necessary and the best time of the year for an extensive one plus others inbetween ; best start of the year in my case for planning life roughly. In retrospect my consumption rate was as low as in the last years, maybe even a bit less but for sure with more quality. I am satisfied! See you guys in March probably! Keep it up and enjoy yourselves!​
Top tradicional hash ! My favourite hash


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Well-known member
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ICMag Donor
So again back to the legal markets elsewhere I as said know it takes some years getting a certain quality and member ToBeDetermined proves this easily when one is comparing his reports of the very past and nowadays . P a t i e n c e is the term for us passive consumers!


We are 5 years into legalization. One thing that should be stressed is that as countries accept the inevitable, you can expect pain. Legislators (and their bureaucratic minions) know nothing about cannabis and they will make crazed assumptions that dictate the products that are finally allowed. As long time consumers, we always think of hashish as a product of Morocco, Lebanon etc etc but . . . to those bureaucrats, those are all evil illegal druggie countries, so no imports will be allowed into a legal market . . . so you can forget your traditional smells and tastes . . . :cry:


Well-known member
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ICMag Donor
I have always wondered if a lot of the anonymous black hash that we had here in the 70s & 80s in middle Canada was Pakistani. Sure we had the two Lebs, the blonde & brown & black Moroccan, black Afghan and black Nepalese but then there was that hash with the dark greenish interior . . . hmm. :rasta:

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