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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Well-known member
here is the new year beldia ,

excellent entry for 2024


damn, I had exactly these slabs in 2015 !
sold as Beldia, pure amber, same brittle plastic and all, no stickers

its a pain to get off clean, right? :ROFLMAO:

not just for the color I consider that my gold standard for Moroc ever since, so good.
made a bunch of macros and was just in awe how pure it actually is.
lost the pics in a data accident since, but this is so cool to see again.

gotta be the same family, it's a perfect match
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Well-known member
Still winter sleep here in this thread, anyone? Did anyone got hold of hashish this year already? No? You are kidding, right;)?

I for my part finished my yearly main fasting[detox included]after this time two months without effort as usual fortnunately.
Would have probably even lasted longer until the first trip to Amsterdam this year I now speak about and reported about here

wouldn't have one mate come up with some delish bubble hashish from Spain very close before so fast-breaking with extra style!
Very good high grade it was, fresh frozen Kushness heavily tastewise and equally strong!
Amazed by what is possible with water extractions these days either in Spain, Usa or Morocco. standout but no pictures:whee:!

The piece on the other hand below[pictures #1-3] is from the trip mentioned above and it was the only traditional Moroccan hashish tested this time from coffeeshops for several reasons. Though only midgrade as old and stale.
Shame to them they are selling such gear!
1 Mid-Grade Moroccan From Coffeeshops, March, 2024.JPG

2 Mid-Grade Moroccan From Coffeeshops, March, 2024.JPG

3 Mid-Grade Moroccan From Coffeeshops, March, 2024.JPG

Was balanced out gladly by a pick up at a private source who came up with the usual good high grade quality fortunately.
Pretty blondish which could sadly not to be noted during cloudy weather that moment[in general weather was quite sunny, see picture of Dam] in the picture[#4-7] - though outshines the offence taken above easily - but I can assure you it is[too not a shitty blonde standard pollen]!
Piney yet woody goodness providing a lovely relaxed uppish effect.
4 Classic Moroccan High Grade, March, 2024 .JPG

5 Classic Moroccan High Grade, March, 2024.JPG

6 Classic Moroccan High Grade, March, 2024.JPG

7 Classic Moroccan High Grade, March, 2024.JPG

8 Dam, March, 2024.JPG

By the way one budtender told us that some sections now starting to sell their static à la 'double static' and such and it was also confirmed that most of the prior static lines indeed only once static sift their what ever sift from harvests. So prepare, folks, 'tripple static', 'quaddro static' ad infinitum, except for '99% heads static', coming, haha! Can relate to some degree they only do one takes on static technique and thought so in the past too as reported when picking up as such it is work intensive and many customers just don't want to pay this effort unless more effective and cheaper techniques coming of course
Fingers crossed!

Unfortunately too no interesting hashish available at home this year yet - always keep my eyes open if fasting/detoxing or not but only have seen the usual mid-grade garbage at riddciulous prices[even for free would be too expensive to be fair though, haha].


Thanks, checked back on this and you are right. Could be the producer used this strain but somehow doubt it[read: hope, haha]. As far as I know this very 'seedbank' doesn't take part in the Wiet experiment which buffles me but this is very welcome to say the least! Unfortunately on the other hand it is quite likely they will be in if legalisation will come one day in the still probably distant future as they are scarily big already. Life isn't fair, innit?

By the way video from Pakistan you posted I have seen a while ago, good stuff. While I am on it I can say that there are not much imports from Afghanistan, Nepal and India to find on menus at coffeeshops since damn Covid19 – just saying as not after them myself as stated a couple of times before. Only merely mostly mids about, too.

Too my Indian source who provided first class high grade Indian to their community around here[direct import] since ages at home easily on par with and also often better than the best available in Amsterdam when such hashish was big I haven’t seen since a long time already moved back prior to Covid19 already ; not to forget I am not still into this but each to their own.

Member Bibi40 had no luck this January with his take on Manali Cream even though it wasn't the right spot for such it probably was pretty representative for low quality in general available from those areas at coffeeshops in the Netherlands – as said before often they have a huge market seemingly over there and best stuff is sold locally or in the Middle East I hear[apart from exclusive mules every now and then bringing something].


Firstly I read about your recent trip to Amsterdam and noticed you really bit the bullet in regards to testing the foreign genetic ones. I now could write certain bullshit[teasings] but I can only say: my deepest respect to you for doing so.
Especially once again I respect your honesty heavily:tiphat:!

I wonder how your favourite as you too announced compares to your private take on fresh frozen ice-o-lator which seems is currently in the making. Since I follow 'your' thread about ice-o-lators since the beginning I realised nonetheless only recently that you never did fresh frozen before.

Would be interested to know since in said thread you mentioned very good quality you produced yourself how this compares to your favourite you tried in Dam this time?
Is it on par? Is it better?
Suggesting my ususal rating scale here I reckon your best would be 'very good'. So is the fresh frozen also 'very good'?
Or 'just' 'good'?
What ever the result is I think at one point you will leave the quality you tested in Dam behind but to me this indeed is the purpose of testing, inspiration and getting to the at least same quality level respectively trying to do it better.

Instead of looking in the mirror and telling onesself how great the quality is one produces ; it is sorta worthless without taking a look at other approaches so to speak and hopefully intended friendly competition!

And not to forget the fun while reaching that level and enjoying the learning curve. Enjoy your final product then and looking forward to the results in the ice-o-lator thread!

Secondly, of course I have a bit of constructive critizm: when you wrote about the Blue Cookie your final comment was '[...]not as good than the Tangerine squeeze ?
no , to be honest really good , but really far of the Tangerine squeeze quality ...[...]' which due to your used terminology is just confusing to me[as well as your ratings in the ice-o-lator et cetera thread].

While I get it it is less than your favourite but still good I wonder if it would be '25%' less good or instead a '9 out of 10' a '8 out of 10'?
Or in my approach: 'good' instead of 'very good'?
As I mentioned in my previous post if we could establish a rough rating scale it would be easier to compare but in the end this is just theory if we wouldn't meet up for some sessions deciding for a common one[which from my side won't happen as mentioned].
Maybe it would make sense nonetheless working out a rough scale to avoid spllitting hairs[as we could never relate to if we would't sit together at a table testing the same gear and discussing a tad deeper rating system.]

So I suggest again just keep it rough[ 'low-,mid-,good, very good, top[more of of an ideal hopefully never be achieved]quality'] as '1-5/1-10' or percentages are a bit complicated and in the end not at all describing stuff more precice[philosophically speaking as one could go more and more into detail but not without petering out].

Just a thought again and in the end your thing of course! Do your thing.

Now about the Bab Taza :

you made me sit up when you wrote it was as good as the traditional one you can get at home but you would get it cheaper.

I am not refering to the price as we talk about coffeeshop prices but about the quality itsself. If that is the quality level you rave about when you presented your last batches in this thread over the let's say last two years then I have to point out
due to fairness that this is not the quality member Ojd and also myself[plus hopefully others] are looking for as this discussion was up a few months back in this thread.

Please remember I wrote in my review in December it was 'commercial high grade' and I can go into more detail: I will mark the era before Covid19 happened as that age where one could find commercial high grade Moroccan hashish at roughly 50% of coffeeshops known for having a good turnover in this type of hashish.

I am not talking about the very good quality! It was still 'commercial high grade“[indeed not 'good high grade' which at least in my book it is anyway as a 'high grade' - I am refering to 'good', everything below this is just mid-grade indeed. Then above this quality there is 'very good high grade' or even 'top high grade, latter one in fact not existing as indeed perfect if you know what I mean. I hope that makes sense and is simple enough as a rating scale.] back then and for many not knowing about what is possible already 'very good' but the Bab Taza is let's say a level below in this 'commercial high grade' range if that makes sense bordering hard on a mid-grade.

Must have(?) to do with the landrace really getting rare and farmers produce a less good product to keep up with quantity mostly and come up what now is sold too often under tradtional Moroc.

Still I take it the stuff you get is more fresh than the Bab Taza was.

Still taking your comparisation into account it will be the stuff going around. I am not saying you have no clue or shit but have to remind you that you said some time back when I asked you how you would compare your local quality to the pre-Covid19 Tbisla from Tweede Kamer[which is a prime example for the commercial high grade being around in abundance in those times]and you honestly said you can't say at all since you were more into grass back then but can remember it from the 1990ies. Again, kudos to you.

Which I think is indeed the case as it reminds you of those times but it is a different product nowadays[ again, if one has not a refrence product saved in a freezer after all those years science proved that our mind is playing tricks on us].

Again, not saying you are a nutter or shit but this is my theory.
Too doesn't care personally what your source or any other dealer says[respectively someone paying his bills from selling such]as witnessed this what feels a thousand times before with those types of people, they just wanna sell and people get used to stuff
and especially are focussed on prices[Moroccan family I got the good high grade above from in the end has to rely on their customer circle as well only willing to pay a certain price mostly.].

I am aware of the confusion in regards to what I wrote about the Bab Taza back then as it is an additional term['commercial high grade'] within the term 'high grade' but I can't describe it any better and I know this is ambivalent, sorry ; I should have mentioned back then that this Bab Taza is 'commercial high grade' of today but not pre-Covid19 age.

Don't want to start a stupid argument, just my two cents!

By the way prices: considering what you have shown in this thread already hashwise[and also to some degree where I think you are based]it should be very easy for your sources to supply you products from the section you found best
or something on par for 1/3-2/3 of the original coffeeshop price easily if you are looking for a treat every now and then[come on , you can't go back now since you opened Pandora's box and got infected, I know you alredy save your money for it, haha]! Of course depends where you are in the food chain but those prices are possible and not for kg(s)but slab(s)!
Much scuccess!

Last and least a fun fact:
you mentioned that Banana you tried off the foreign genetics was particularly strong. You know what? The first batches named that way from Morocco about 3-4 years ago until this very day always had a certain strength noticeable.
Strong yet very strong to say the least!
So is this a slang in this intransparent lovely business for something?
Added rosin off harvest leftovers[always seems to be they try to sell everything without wasting something[pun intended]. How ecological uhm economical of them, haha!].
I hope not!
Or indeed a super hybrid strain secretly bred in the Rif[read: cross pollinated]so their marketing department decided due to potency for a phallus symbol when choosing the strain name:laughing:?
Had tasty batches with more variation too by the way but as you said more often one dimensionally.
Just saying!


Interesting but a bit confusing article about legal harvests in Morocco since despite they mention their original landrace was just planted for this project at the very minute it is not clear for me to what this project refers to.
Cbd plants(not if it is the(ir) landrace obviously)?
Medical exports(landrace is possible then but still unlikely somehow)?
The recreational market(and if so where they export it to? Canada? Uruguay? Fingers crossed!) - I somehow doubt that. There have been a few misleading articles about Morocco's intention and progress of legalising in the last year.
I read about the export permits Moroccan goverment allowed in this article you linked as well but they refer to last year. So what product and where it went to?
I will recherche this in more detail and see what I find.
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Active member
Grahan cream Indian charas
It doesn't taste very nice,seems to have contaminants?? BUT the stone makes a potty1 very relaxed and makes my face glow 😆


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Well-known member
Anyone know why the

Afghanistans "cook" their sift instead of just pressing it like the Lebanese?

watch "Making hash in Herat Afghanistan" on youtube
I was going to say so that adulterants can be added in, which is done for low grade hash there, but after watching the video I see he is just hand-pressing with heat and a little bit of water.

They do it because it is tradition. It is tradition because it was prepared in small amounts for local use, not huge amounts for export.


From "Hashish!" by RCC, page 139

PDF available here: https://vbook.pub/download/robert-connell-clarke-hashish-1998-k2kndmv8892y


Well-known member
Back from track through the Netherlands. Bit belated but here we go:

First one is a duo of high grades[Beware: contains traces of grass off budtender's paws.]. The left one is another product of a brand supposedly from Usa imitating the appearance of Moroccan style hashish I mentioned in my previous post ; strong kush taste indeed and equally strong on the mind, more uppish though[which doesn't mean weak as usual by the way]. Compared to the 'frozen sift'[which means only sifted in a cold chamber supposedly]on the right hand definitely better and prefered by myself but also about 30% more expensive ; supposedly over 80% lab tested thc.

Tried an other product of them on this trip and this then was significantly better, especially on the taste, though too again about 30% more expensive than this one here, haha. Nonetheless a very strong kush taste again, so strong it almost blocks one's palate and one is only tasting kush but still natural build up of said taste in my humble opinion. Second best import from the 'Usa' this time, both fresh frozen bubble by the way supposedly.

Second one on the right hand is supposedly from a new section in Morocco I haven't tried yet[did anyone say continent reference?].
Nothing special these days in my humble opinion and coming with a noticable kush taste as well but not very strong - nonetheless the effect was quite strong for the price and long lasting ; marginally less in thc compared to the other one supposedly and this could be true as far as the effects went. Though still with a selection not that special and thus the minimum of quality I expect these days. Of course welcome at home any time.
1 Selection Of High Grades From Coffeeshops, April, 2024.JPG

2 High Grade Supposedly From Usa From Coffeeshops, April, 2024.JPG

3 Moroccan High Grade With Foreign Genetics From Coffeeshops, April, 2024.JPG

Next set of pictures[#4-9]represents not one's average Moroccan pollen[read low grade]but the real deal classic Moroccan goodness also known as 'Mr.Boombastic' as it was labelled by them this time picked up privately, haha.
Despite sun still pictures doing this no justice as it was a genuine blonde Moroc so a special drop occuring every now and then in my experience over the years, almost white ; haven't seen this type for a while now, very limited quantity. Creamy, smooth taste, spicy yet gherkish and providing a focussed, relaxed state of mind.
Good high grade and thus best this year yet:biggrin:!
4 Blonde Classic Moroccan High Grade, April, 2024.JPG

5 Blonde Classic Moroccan High Grade, April, 2024.JPG

6 Blonde Classic Moroccan High Grade, April, 2024.JPG

7 Blonde Classic Moroccan High Grade, April, 2024.JPG

8 Blonde Classic Moroccan High Grade, April, 2024.JPG

9 Blonde Classic Moroccan High Grade, April, 2024.JPG

Standout of the trip[#1] was again the section which produced the Mulberry 90U some months back! Very sweet, supposedly 90U, kushness with a few fruity notes thrown in it was and so were the very strong effects ; budtender claimed it to be static sifted this time but I doubt that though it was already lovely cured! Nevertheless again a very good product itsself an in regards to price/performance ratio as it was inbetween the mentioned duo above. The taste again makes me almost paranoid thinking it is too good to be true but just shows what is possible these days.
Kudos to that section in that case then!

By the way price/performance ratio: too my seemingly eternal second most favourite section[did anyone say they produced the 'Lemon Ice' an other member reported about a few weeks back?]was the most expensive one and least in supposedly lab tested thc[under 50%] it again shows that stupid numbers don't say much since it[#2] packed a complex flowery taste sensation with a strong enough effect. Was said to be fresh frozen bubble!

Last and definitely not least another standout off my most favourite never-let-me-down-yet-section which pricewise even was cheaper than the okish priced standout of this trip[#1] and came with a complex flowery-spicy taste and strong enough effect again ; and this only was one of their cheaper lines budtender told us as if memory doesn't play tricks on me it was 105 micron sifted.
Kudos again to them!

Latest news overheard on site at least by myself was that producers from the Rif seemingly labelling a lot of their products to be 'static' while it is not and the next trend is probably old hat 'whole plants fresh frozen', which is a technique extremely new to this area as everyone should know, haha.

Too asked around if there are really stuff going on in Morocco with recreational but no one knew and I too didn't find much online so I take it it is still about medical purpose.


Hope you are doing well. Long time no see. Stay safe!


No offence intended but this indeed seems to contain a lot of plant material as far as I can figure these overexposed pictures out.
I take it it's for old time's sake in your case so either way enjoy of course!


I think those rolls are relatively good price/performance ratio and despite I got a 100g bar about two years back I was told it almost is always considered 'semi-dry' these days[mine back then included]. Enjoy yours of course in either way too as shape rarely says anything as we all know but I bet the slab is better.