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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Active member
CBD can be quite high in hash, especially in the "middle eastern"/morrocan kinds. But it can vary from farm to farm. Much of the really narcotic genetics where destroyed by Russians years ago. And the primo stuff left is in high demand ofc, so it's not that available anymore. The afghan pictured a couple of pages back is the closest you'll get to the primo narcotic high of 60s-70s hash.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
we make bubble hash with our popcorn all the time... and it bubbles when hit with flame.. our popcorn comes from sdkush,chemdog(s), and a few others..

and I am not impressed with the quality . same with our dry sift...both good, not on par with hash we used to buy...

G `day Z

Shit in = shit out .
Try making hash from buds that you would like to smoke .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
G `day Z
Shit in = shit out .
EB .

exactly my feeling... the weed we are using is really nice.... and most of it is popcorn...very little leaf material left after the grow... people who smoke our weed are impressed , so if the weed is good going in, the hash coming out should be good... and it is good, but not ass-kickin from years ago...

most say todays weed is stronger then yesteryear... if that is the case then the hash should be stronger toooo... and its not...


exactly my feeling... the weed we are using is really nice.... and most of it is popcorn...very little leaf material left after the grow... people who smoke our weed are impressed , so if the weed is good going in, the hash coming out should be good... and it is good, but not ass-kickin from years ago...

most say todays weed is stronger then yesteryear... if that is the case then the hash should be stronger toooo... and its not...

In a nutshell ..

The hashish used to be cured for at least a year....since It got popular the growers shifted to higher yielding strains and no curing process's...thanks Howard marks RIP

That's why its not the same as it used to be, take your homemade hashish and store it for a year then report back amigo

Peace and merry Christmas to one and all

BTW would love a hashish link as I lost all mine


Well-known member
In a nutshell ..
The hashish used to be cured for at least a year....

well that's good news then, as I have a shitload of bubble and dry sift sitting since for almost a year ... I haven't checked it out recently as testing the newer hash made 2+ months ago... I mite be in line for a xmas treat...thanks:tiphat::tiphat:


Active member
well that's good news then, as I have a shitload of bubble and dry sift sitting since for almost a year ... I haven't checked it out recently as testing the newer hash made 2+ months ago... I mite be in line for a xmas treat...thanks:tiphat::tiphat:

But if it's made with THC-only plants, cure won't make it feel like import hash because it misses the CBD, which is bigger factor than cure. A long cure for my THC-only bubble didn't make it feel like trad. imports.

If you like making hash and want to enjoy it more, get some CBD-rich plants in your stock, and the difference will be noticable.
CBD-rich weed is nice daytime smoke also, cause the THC-buzz is lighter and the effect more focused and calm tan with THC-only..

I like smoking CBD-rich stuff with my THC-only buds, cause the effect is more like trad. hash and the THC rush doesn't feel so over powering.


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day GC

Yes the trad hash had CBD .
Also a share of CBN as well . Plants let die in the ground then sun dried . I would expect them to have higher ratios of CBN .

CBN will make you want to take a nap .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Zachrockbadenofwe make bubble hash with our popcorn all the time... and it bubbles when hit with flame.. our popcorn comes from sdkush,chemdog(s), and a few others..

and I am not impressed with the quality . same with our dry sift...both good, not on par with hash we used to buy...

There's probably a few factors involved, here's a few guesses ....the first one that comes to mind is purity, so try dry sifting or ice hashing with absolute purity in mind and then compare that with your memories of great (70's?) hash. Keep in mind that to produce great hash you have to be very careful with the resin on the plant when it's growing and of course during cutting and drying as much as you do with your technique when actually separating the resin from the plant.

Tolerance could be a factor too, as this is usually not factored in when looking back at memorable hashes that were smoked decades ago...

and as mentioned previously, try to compare apples with apples, so make hash from bud, not just trim and popcorn bud cos lets face it, a joint from a top bud will get you higher than a joint from the bottom popcorn buds from the same tree and it's the same with hash (probably even more so), the difference between hash made from bud and hash from just trim or low level fluff is noticeable. Another thing at play here is all commercial hashes are sun grown, are the popcorn buds you use grown indoors? In my opinion, the high from sun grown plants (in a good grow season with a dry last month) is superior to indoor grown.

Another point is you mentioned that hashes back then were better than what you produce, which is odd as while there was some good and great hash, a big lot of it was mass produced and just ok at best...so that could mean you must of been getting the great stuff all the time and we weren't!
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giant steps

New member
Peng, that's a lot of nice hash you've got stacked there.

I'll have to check out that Bubblegum Ice, I've seen it on the menu's in the shops but have never scored it. Is that Dutch origin or Moroccan origin Bubblegum ?

I usually get some Indian or Nepal black hash for that "ok, now I wanna get very stoned last vape of the evening" hit but if that Ice hash is as good as you say.....:tiphat:


Active member
G `day GC

Yes the trad hash had CBD .
Also a share of CBN as well . Plants let die in the ground then sun dried . I would expect them to have higher ratios of CBN .

CBN will make you want to take a nap .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Good point, the CBN.

Here's some info

How Do THC said:
The best results seems to come from using marijuana that has a mix of cannabinoids that are suited to your needs.

For example, high-THC strains have many positive benefits, yet too much THC by itself, without other cannabinoids like CBD and CBN, can cause disorientation, lapses in memory and anxiety.
For those who find these effects unpleasant, choosing strains with higher levels of CBD, or using harvest and curing methods that promote the creation of CBN often prevent many of these negative side effects.

In other words, the levels you want of THC, CBD, and CBN are truly a matter of personal preference..


From the same article:

How Do THC said:

CBN (Cannabinol)

Quick Summary of CBN

  • CBN is also psychoactive, though much less so than THC
  • The presence of CBN with THC may reduce the feelings of anxiety that some people feel with high levels of THC
  • CBN contributes to more of a body "couchlock" effect
  • CBN promotes uninterrupted sleep
  • Too much CBN can make people feel groggy or sleepy

How to get high levels of CBN in your buds:


CBD (Cannabidiol)

Quick Summary of CBD

  • CBD is not psychoactive and doesn't make you feel impaired
  • CBD seems to have many positive health implications
  • The presence of CBD can alter some of the subjective effects of THC. Higher levels of CBD reduces the psychoactive effects of THC, which can be a great way for some patients to get the medical benefits of THC without having to feel "high".
Learn more about CBD on ProjectCBD.org

We've always known about CBD, but originally we didn't think it had much of an effect on people. Further studies have proven we were very wrong, CBD has a big effect on the subjective experience of using marijuana, as well as for your health.

CBD appears to:

  • Reduce pain
  • Prevent seizures and spasms
  • Relieve some types of inflammation
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Protect Your Brain (has neuroprotective effects)

CBD has also been shown to:

  • Have a calming effect
  • Act as an antipsychotic for people suffering from schizophrenia
  • Offer relief for some patiens suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia and Epilepsy
  • Possibly help stop the growth of cancer by inhibiting cancer cell growth
  • Prevent the memory impairment and disorientation associated with THC

How to get high levels of CBD in your buds

  • Like THC, CBD content in buds is primarily determined by strain (genetics)
  • CBD is often confused with CBN, which can be affected by harvest methods
  • There is not much you can do to increase levels of CBD besides choosing a high-CBD strain
  • CBD is often naturally found in higher amounts in low-THC varieties of cannabis such as hemp, and is also often found in higher levels in auto-flowering strains which are derived from a type of wild hemp
  • In recent years, some high-THC strains have been particularly bred to also include higher levels of CBD



Active member
When I ran sensi's hindu kush I made a bunch of hash and oil and found the mixed batches to be considerably better than the ones made from the individual plants. There's just something about the mixture that completes the high which I found odd at the time as I expected the best plant to give a better concentrate alone than I did having it mixed with it's lesser siblings.

I think due to prohibition home growers are having a similar experience and that mixing their modern and uber potent cuts together won't help in the slightest. It'll make for a different experience for sure but it's not the same as mixing up thousands of plants of a single landrace together for the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terps that line has to offer.


Well-known member
When I ran sensi's hindu kush I made a bunch of hash and oil and found the mixed batches to be considerably better than the ones made from the individual plants. There's just something about the mixture that completes the high which I found odd at the time as I expected the best plant to give a better concentrate alone than I did having it mixed with it's lesser siblings.

I think due to prohibition home growers are having a similar experience and that mixing their modern and uber potent cuts together won't help in the slightest. It'll make for a different experience for sure but it's not the same as mixing up thousands of plants of a single landrace together for the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terps that line has to offer.

your are probably right...and the growing of weed outdoors... the 1000watters we are using are good, but nothing can beat the sun...


"nothing beats the sun"....but according to Sam Skunkman (and please correct me if I'm wrong here) who has grown same clones under the sun and under lights then tested for THC levels, the indoor grown clone's bud samples tested higher in THC.

Scientist tell me that hydroponically grown tomatoes have the same levels of nutrients, minerals and vitamins as soil/sun grown tomatoes...but once you take a bite into both you know there's more to this than lab analysis as the outdoor tomatoes just taste better.

I feel it's much the same with the highs from indoor and outdoor grown buds, the indoor plants will have more resin and terpenes but when compared to outdoor grown (even those plants that were not blasted by rain and wind storms in the last trimester of flowering), but I have found that outdoor grown usually have a better high (this is more noticeable with long flowering thin leaf equatorial strains...but I've yet to do blind tasting on same clones, so at this stage it's just opinion).....to me it seems that the sun affects the high )positively) and since lab results from shown that THC and terpene levels are lower with outdoor grown then there is either another factor involved here that has not been discussed or the sun does something to the terpenes or THC that affects the high? ..or maybe I'm wrong and my belief or feelings are affecting my opinion?

by the way........why are the words "terpene" and "trichome" underlined as incorrect spelling? Is this a UK / US thing or can't I spell?
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Well-known member
99%.. I've grown tomatoes in hydro (waterfarms) indoors, and for sure they are better then store bought winter tomatoes, but they can't compare with outdoors sun-grown...

and while Sammy mite be rite that indoors has a higher thc level/etc, I'm with your that there is something...maybe it can't be measured , that makes outdoors unique...


Well-known member
@Giant steps - what unit do you recommend for vaping hash? I have tried to vape hash(alone no weed) in my crafty and airizer q a few times but don't get much vapor and its messy to clean up. I also have a MFLB and the concentrate tray and I haven't have much better luck with that either.
The BBgum ice was made in Morocco as far as I know. Its a strong special occasion and not everyday smoke. If you see it for a reasonable price take a look - I got it a home for a decent price but Dam can take the piss with ice prices.
@Jon54 - hahaha
@99% - you hit the nail on the head - Bubblegum Bubble hash!
@Goat Cheese - yes I had a cheese ice a few months ago, the western hybrids seem to be all the rage these days. Ill be taking pics of what Amsterdam has to offer in a few days!


Well-known member
@budaholic2 / giant_steps / pengaleng

Great looking stuff, keep it coming!


Agree with most what you said, cheers(artificial light vs the sun, effects from indoor and outdoor grown stuff and so on)


I think you can't compare hashish from indoor grown or outdoor grown gear at all. Too I think most people started back in the day when Nepalese and Indian were omnipresent compared to moroccan hashish are a bit too positive about the stuff available back then.
Sure it wasn't mass produced in the beginning but you always have to consider it was new to you guys back then and all that(biased memory).
Wonder what you guys would have said when you started with lets say highgrade moroccan today and compare this to the same grade available from Asia. Let alone hash from indoor grown weed.
Hope you get my point.
In the meantime things have changed and other products are more available now.
Still you can find that stuff from back in the day from Nepal and India as oldschool smokers telling me.
Though has nothing to do with quality(proper gear considered)in itsself but a matter of taste as quality hashish is quality hashish no matter from which traditional producing country.

Anyway, almost feel ashamed posting my stuff here considering all current posts but got me a bit of highgrade indian handrubbed hashish in addition to my christmas stash as not much else was available apart from what I had already posted. Unfortunately don't see much excellent moroccan around here but am well connected when it comes to indian gear from very reliable sources.
On one side that stuff costs me an arm and a leg for some reasons but more importantly on the other it just isn't my cup of tea really(tried a lot and know different qualities from Nepal, India and Afghanistan)as just not what I'm after effectwise(bit too weak no matter what grade ; special high indeed though).
Every now and then I'm enjoying it though. Again, each to their own!

This latest batch(with flash / without flash) here has a sort of pronounced leather-like smell and a strong body stoned while keeping your head clear.



Well-known member
@budaholic2 / giant_steps / pengaleng
Sure it wasn't mass produced in the beginning but you always have to consider it was new to you guys back then and all that(biased memory).
albumid=66603&pictureid=1689026&thumb=1]View Image[/URL][/URL]

Are u trying to say that the 40+yrs of smoking has dulled my senses???... mine were dull even back in the late 60's... but I see/get your point... :huggg::huggg:


most say todays weed is stronger then yesteryear... if that is the case then the hash should be stronger toooo... and its not.

I can't speak for the strains you are using, but the dry sift I make myself from crosses of modern hybrids and landraces is stronger, purer and has a way better high than 99% of the commercial hashes I've tried (been smoking since the early 70's)....but you can't beat the exotic flavors of some good or better quality commercial hash.

but, hey...Some of the hashes I've made have been good, some very good, esp hash made from Zamal (a magic carpet ride of a high) the very best, most memorable hash was a little block of hash I bought in Hong Kong in the 90's...I still remember the high and years later, friends who tried it still talk about it.
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Zack, you (and many others here) are obviously an experienced grower and smoker, but for those who aren't it's hard to appreciate the difference in the high that purity makes. If you dry sift some material over a 100 Mesh and smoke it you will be pleased with the high, if that same dry sift was made purer (with re-sifting over finer meshes or with other techniques) so most of the contaminants are separated the effects of the high would be "out of this world" memorable for life as the difference between sifting for quantity and quality is incredibly vast, far greater than anticipated...and that''s why purity should be your goal. Regular hash gets you stoned or high, while very pure hash will zing your brain into space.