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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Well-known member
There can/will always be the opposite, but to my experience, the more "advanced / branded / hey look at me" the brick stamps are, the more commercial the quality is.

The real deal usually comes without a stamp or a small one, which might only prevail itself to the ones in the knowing.


True that! As you said there are exceptions(as it sadly isn't a regulated market and in the end most often only about profit), our clique is always buying in bulk and all these stamped slabs we came across over the years always leave a bitter taste to some degree(the better ones seem only to be cut with a knife or something as you said too or no stamp). Luckywise I can stick to organic homegrown from other sources so it's more of an occasional thing(only get mostly mid grade unfortunately but would always prefer excellent imported moroccan of any kind to any weed)and I'm excusing myself with life isn't without risk anyway. When stamped it seems importeurs in Spain or whereever either repress and stamp it or press their own slabs including stamps from imported loose pollen. In both cases they most probably cut it. It's all guesswork though. Shame no one gave real insight here https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=315539 about techniques as I'm sure some people in the know are on here as well. Matter of experience of course but I can only figure out henna as an cutting agent myself. I'm not talking about the old shoepollish thing but have seen strange stuff in the last couple of decades like moroccan hashish staying really, really soft in a fridge. Suspective to say the least! Especially these ultra goey so called high end moroccans(from often foreign genetics) available in some Amsterdam coffeeshops needing to be stored in a fridge as well. I mean I've done dry sift and water hash from primo indoor myself and even though its straindependent and all that it never was that oily.
It's somewhat sticky but not that oily(I'm aware of the fact that it's an art turning dry sift into hashish but hope you guys know what I mean). To me it's targeted at the younger generation more or less only looking for bho-like resin. Just a theory though. Maybe we can discuss cutting agents and how to recognize them(not talking about 'if it bubbles it's good', that doesn't work anymore). Would be greatly appreciated! Sure everyone got scammed over the years at least once:biggrin:.

Long story short I wanted to comment the following: I too like the look of the slab Sixsix posted but when he talked about the texture(what about effects and taste by the way?)I was reminded on a fake egg I was scammed with a couple of years back. I mean those ones discussed in this thread as well. You only get scammed once with this crap(or with other types). They were rock hard(dry) and even though I noticed something was wrong I went for it as my source was asuring it's proper gear as I bought the real ones from them as well before. Needless to say I never went back when I realised they're very low grade(heard they often go to prison for some reasons and of course to scam people). They clearly consisted of two types of pollen when cut open. Texture was like Sixsix already described.
I remember some pictures but couldn't comment due to not being a member on here back then. No offence intended, Mack 10, but they're looking like the fake one I had(and still get offered every now and then, about 10g but have seen bigger fake ones as well), maybe I'm wrong though: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=6129990&postcount=2336 / https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=6129991&postcount=2337 / https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=6129994&postcount=2338

Let's discuss:)!

mack 10

Resin Herder
That's just a cut mark.
Put a knife half way through then snapped it in half.
I wouldn't smoke that low grade mixed up crap.
(Maybe when I was 12)

Kinda funny how that pic looks, looking back at it now.
But I can ashore you it was not the case.


Active member
I have a few more pics, this piece was taken from the slab pictured further up.

You can see the hard material on top, and the soft, sticky on the botton. The small piece on the bottom left is also from the hard material.

Again, hard material on top, soft on the bottom.

The same piece broken in two. This is the pic where it`s easiest to see the big difference between the two materials.

The quality isn`t bad, seems like it`s made of "old school" genetics, with a piney, spicy chocolate aroma. The hard material is a bit harsh on the throat on exhale. I haven`t had a look in my microscope yet, but I would guess that the soft material is a bit cleaner than the sift from the harder area.


True that! As you said there are exceptions(as it sadly isn't a regulated market and in the end most often only about profit), our clique is always buying in bulk and all these stamped slabs we came across over the years always leave a bitter taste to some degree(the better ones seem only to be cut with a knife or something as you said too or no stamp). Luckywise I can stick to organic homegrown from other sources so it's more of an occasional thing(only get mostly mid grade unfortunately but would always prefer excellent imported moroccan of any kind to any weed)and I'm excusing myself with life isn't without risk anyway. When stamped it seems importeurs in Spain or whereever either repress and stamp it or press their own slabs including stamps from imported loose pollen. In both cases they most probably cut it. It's all guesswork though. Shame no one gave real insight here https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=315539 about techniques as I'm sure some people in the know are on here as well. Matter of experience of course but I can only figure out henna as an cutting agent myself. I'm not talking about the old shoepollish thing but have seen strange stuff in the last couple of decades like moroccan hashish staying really, really soft in a fridge. Suspective to say the least! Especially these ultra goey so called high end moroccans(from often foreign genetics) available in some Amsterdam coffeeshops needing to be stored in a fridge as well. I mean I've done dry sift and water hash from primo indoor myself and even though its straindependent and all that it never was that oily.
It's somewhat sticky but not that oily(I'm aware of the fact that it's an art turning dry sift into hashish but hope you guys know what I mean). To me it's targeted at the younger generation more or less only looking for bho-like resin. Just a theory though. Maybe we can discuss cutting agents and how to recognize them(not talking about 'if it bubbles it's good', that doesn't work anymore). Would be greatly appreciated! Sure everyone got scammed over the years at least once:biggrin:.

Long story short I wanted to comment the following: I too like the look of the slab Sixsix posted but when he talked about the texture(what about effects and taste by the way?)I was reminded on a fake egg I was scammed with a couple of years back. I mean those ones discussed in this thread as well. You only get scammed once with this crap(or with other types). They were rock hard(dry) and even though I noticed something was wrong I went for it as my source was asuring it's proper gear as I bought the real ones from them as well before. Needless to say I never went back when I realised they're very low grade(heard they often go to prison for some reasons and of course to scam people). They clearly consisted of two types of pollen when cut open. Texture was like Sixsix already described.
I remember some pictures but couldn't comment due to not being a member on here back then. No offence intended, Mack 10, but they're looking like the fake one I had(and still get offered every now and then, about 10g but have seen bigger fake ones as well), maybe I'm wrong though: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=6129990&postcount=2336 / https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=6129991&postcount=2337 / https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=6129994&postcount=2338

Let's discuss:)!

hello sorry for my terrible English by google translator ... I wanted to say that to me recently came across a similar hash, unfortunately I can not upload pictures right now ...
panetta 50 gr mold rhino soft to the touch and ... strangely x a fake hash .. became hard in the cold !! then soft but not sticky, clearly it sizzled like oil of McDonald ... great scent, fuck this time they did just well enough to fool even me, who usually unmasked the false quickly ...
but they have become so good as to present a product very similar to the original and with the same features ...
to make matters worse this shit sample was also good to smoke, the taste left in your throat that bitter / sweet aftertaste typical of good hash ....
but then the buzz, it's always the litmus test ...
After a brief period of euphoria I find myself in a knockout dish, confused, sad ... to force majeure was driving the car because I had to go to work and I weighed crazy ... I was walking around like a zombie .....
trapped in a trip of shit !!
no emotions, no feelings straight and annoying ...
I have really understood that I was fucking great !!
then looking on the web I found a site that has taken away many doubts and now I will only smoke hash homemade, because now ste shit evolved and mixed resins of various types, completely devoid of THC, so even if they should discover the offense is not committed because the product itself is not illegal
then these bastards add synthetic cannabinoids powder and that's it ... now the tendency is to do exclusively profit
Adulterate hashish in general is something that starts from Morocco, from Spain and has a specific recipe handed down for generations, but now even these Eastern countries began to make sense of it and to make their products
this is a very sad reality, however, I found that even in Amsterdam last year .... sucks everywhere ...
the only breakthrough auto production ...

This is the site I told you about, look at everything carefully ...



Well-known member
I have seen that http://www.legal-hash.net/ website and the like before - its scary stuff. They say you get the fake block, open it, pour on the synthetic thc, microwave it, let it cool and it done.

And I agree about the suspicious texture of some of the very oily Moroccans. But I cant put my finger on what it might be.

Recently I have been smoking:
Hard Eggs


Gooey Egg



mack 10

Resin Herder
God dam! Greasy plates and eggies, just how I likem.
Should last you the week! Hehe.

Sativa or indica high

Good price ?


Well-known member
Cheers mack & sandsmp, these pics are slightly old so there is no much left of any of them :nono:
The first gooey eggs were the most stoney, definitely foreign genetics.
The Lightly pressed bloc was the most up lifting high.
The rest were all somewhere inbewteen :biggrin: & All around £6/g
Peace & Hash Boulders


Well-known member
That's just a cut mark.
Put a knife half way through then snapped it in half.
I wouldn't smoke that low grade mixed up crap.
(Maybe when I was 12)

Kinda funny how that pic looks, looking back at it now.
But I can ashore you it was not the case.

@Mack 10

Thanks for clarification, nice to see you can kinda relate. As said before no offence intended! Hope you enjoyed it!
Mine was just looking quite similar. In my case rock hard and only got soft with a lighter or after you warmed them up for like 10 minutes with your hands(but this goes with a lot of hash, even with low grade pollen so no sign of quality, really. On the other hand soap bar will always stay that hard I assume:laughing:); qualitywise not more than cheap pollen with okish smell(two types mixed as said). Especially since you mentioned 'brittle' as the good ones I came across yet were differing from light soft to black squidgy(colours don't seem to matter as well though).
By no means myself nor a couple of older mates bullshitting as some seemingly respected members on here reported them a good while ago, too: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=113202 . Also that Jorge Cervantes guy was obviously fooled(not a fan of his marketing approach to this plant anyway to say the very least); don't know about his growing skills though. Just look at the comments as the majority is praising him and only a few saying they're fake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO_I5eGwBy8
Sure we all don't know for sure at the end but they look so bad, I'll eat my hat if it's the real deal.
I could get these fake eggs all the time and still see them a lot(freak out if I was offered the real deal in the meantime without bein aware though:bashhead:), only takes me an hour but I don't trust these hypocrites anymore. Unfortunately they have quite an impact on the local market for moroccan hashish and they were delivering quality eggs before but that only means I have to try harder.


I didn't know about this particular site but heard of such methods before, also about chemical cannabinoids involved. Disgusting! Beyond that I doubt any coffeeshop owner would risk his licence selling this fake hash, I'm only talking about containing chemical cannabinoids! I mean I know they're more or less ruthless and it's such a unregulated business(see backdoor policy, so hypocrite!)but they can't even sell bho anymore and goverment having quite an eye on them since a couple of years, only waiting to close them down. Of course you can never be sure again, as stated in my first post, too. You can only risk it while being as careful as you can or grow your own. Hard to strike a balance it seems. Good luck with your grow, enjoy!


Thank you for more pictures and descriptions. Enjoy!


Very, very nice, cheers for sharing! Can you tell me about the difference between the dark hard eggs and blonde hard eggs compared to the gooey ones? Came you across the fake ones yet and if so how to distinguish 'for sure' (sure the proof is in the pudding but mentioned source will give you a sample and fuck you over when you buy in bulk what I heard from others so only option is not supporting them. Old hat I know.70-80€ for about 10g by the way in retail, ranging all between worst and superior quality.)? Would be greatly appreciated. I'm afraid it's all about trustworthy connections again like with so many things in life:).
Last edited:

mack 10

Resin Herder
6-10 retail.
The only way to tell is smoke tests.
The new "sticky/oily" supposedly best hashish is blatantly mixed with some type of oil.

The best Moroc will either look like what Peng posted above (100g slab) or see Mr Hazes older pics.
It should be soft when handled but will go hard when cold.
If you dropped it on a tile floor it would shatter but will melt/soften when handeld.
The taste is unmistakable.

The newer eggs are much softer.


Well-known member
Thanks, its a Paki/Maroc varietal which terpene profile is closely related to the description of Chimeras "Medina" and "Sweet Skunk XL"

Its classic Maroc, dry sandalwood in the backend as base layer, enriched with a round floral bouquet, wrapped in honeyed notes.


Well-known member

The dark and blonde hard eggs were similar, the darker ones the more solid and needed more warming/ blonde one bit more pliable. The texture was like hash I have had many times. The Gooey eggs and the one I posted here https://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=7166742&postcount=2786 were insanely gooey and had suspicious textures for dry sift, making me think they were water extracted or mixed with oil. They were also the stoniest smokes.

Thankfully I haven't come across fake ones yet, that really sucks getting a good sample then dud ones when you get more. But as you and mack suggested the proofs in the pudding as it seems drug dealers have a lot of hard to detect ways of adulterating product. Hope you get your hands on some real ones :)

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