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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Active member
Bubble bags can make very pure hash with a high altitude head buzz, but with all things being equal, the high from pure dry sift is better in my opinion, I find it hard to describe the difference between the two, but one way would be to describe dry sift as having a more complex, more "rounder" high.

completely agree with you. i prefer good charas or paki/maroc hash over bubble. maybe it's cause of memories or something sentimental, dunno...


New member
if the weed today is stronger then in the past, doesn't it follow that the hash made from todays weed would be stronger?? in our experience it does not..

There's probably a couple of reasons...the main one would be purity. I'm sure that if you grow most decent modern hybrids or potent landraces to their maximum potential, handle them carefully, do a long slow dry, cure and store in optimum conditions for at least several months then dry sift the material with absolute purity in mind the results will be as good or better than the just about all best commercial hashes I smoked from the 70's or 80's.

Is cannabis stronger today than say 40 years ago?...from my experience the answer is yes and no....the best ganja or hash today, with all things being equal, would be as good as the best ganja or hash from decades ago, but lots of hash or grass from back then was crap too, while some of it was fantastic, while most of the stuff now is at least ok...I'd say the average stuff now is better than the average stuff I used to come across back in the 70's or 80's...but nothing is as good as the very pure dry sift I've made from tropical landraces I've grown in the sub-tropics....anyway, that's my opinion, I'd love to hear from others!
Hello there.I believe then it was more organic and pure more natural and earthy and because of this were more psychotropic effects.of course in both periods exist bad and good qualities.Now are hybrids mostly and not so organic and natural..
Personally i experienced until the start of 90's amazing quality and extremely psychotropic effects more than the last years.Now maybe are more strong but not so trippy like before.anyway it's just my personal opinion..


Well-known member
So can we talk about what prices people are paying for their hashes?

Say per gram or oz.....

Hmmmm all quiet on the prices front......

I get my ketama for £80 an oz and the "RS7" for £130 an oz

Everything else like Moroccan Isolator to the Eggs I get for about £9 a gram.
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So can we talk about what prices people are paying for their hashes?

Say per gram or oz.....

Hmmmm all quiet on the prices front......

I get my ketama for £80 an oz and the "RS7" for £130 an oz

Everything else like Moroccan Isolator to the Eggs I get for about £9 a gram.
Sounds about right on the eggs and high quality caramello [melty dark hash].Can get hash for 80 a zed but low oil content pollen or worse.Whats the rs7 like?[or is it R57?]ive seen the bars but not the inside,any good?


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    OCT1515.1 019.jpg
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my m8 has just got these in really nice each one weighs 25gram so much better than the little 10 gram eggs


  • 2015-09-26 19.47.31.jpg
    2015-09-26 19.47.31.jpg
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Well-known member
Sounds about right on the eggs and high quality caramello [melty dark hash].Can get hash for 80 a zed but low oil content pollen or worse.Whats the rs7 like?[or is it R57?]ive seen the bars but not the inside,any good?

Yeah it's some nice bubbly hash,nice fresh flower taste with an up high,really good if you can get it at a decent price.

Yeah I thought it looked like R57 at first too but I reckon it was "RS7" after the audi model,the pressers seem to like to put flashy car makes and other baffling stamps.


Active member
you can say that again

you can say that again

some 'nice moroccan' ... in the late 60's/70's, Moroccan was total shit...green... not worth smoking... guess times have changed...

in the 60s and 70s Moroccan and Lebanese blonde and red were both sub par when comparing to Nepalese and Afghani , with Afghani primo being the best .