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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


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Red Leb

Red Leb

Some Red Lebanese I just picked up, it smells very flowery compared to the black I usually get but its also a fair bit more potent :tiphat:


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Some Red Lebanese I just picked up, it smells very flowery compared to the black I usually get but its also a fair bit more potent :tiphat:
Ahhh,the real,holy grail!congratulations,my favourite,and a fave ive not seen for sometime.Is there much of it where you are?im wondering if their resuming large scale growing in Lebanon while the authoritys are busy with syria[what a mess theyve made of that!].heres some pics of some manali out of europe.


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Well-known member
I am not to be a judge or the master etc.

But thanks for saying it loud Luckypunch, I would also say its Maroc.


So with Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase hash' what is making it so popular to try and get a hold of? is it much better then dry sifted material grown locally in ones own country? Are these places in some sort of holy land for growing?


Well-known member
So with Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase hash' what is making it so popular to try and get a hold of? is it much better then dry sifted material grown locally in ones own country? Are these places in some sort of holy land for growing?

There are long traditions in these areas to produce hashish. Each variety has its own flavours and effect. Nowdays in some areas they grow western genetics as well. It can be better hash than locally made in your country but doesent have to. I love import hash for its smell and nice effects


Thanks for the replies dudes. It would be nice to get my hands on some tasty stuff such as what is shown in this thread. Being in Canada makes life so hard sometimes ;P. How would you describe the flavours compared to a western grown hashish? Are there certain terpenes present in eastern stuff that isn't so prevalent in west?


Well-known member
Some of the characteristics are also a product of the techniques used to cure and process the final products.

See it more like terroir and wine regions, some prefer Bourgogne others ...

Also the consistency is quite high (like a standardized product if knowing what buying), so its easy to go for "warm ears" or floating happiness.

Big up

mack 10

Resin Herder
Ahhh,the real,holy grail!congratulations,my favourite,and a fave ive not seen for sometime.Is there much of it where you are?im wondering if their resuming large scale growing in Lebanon while the authoritys are busy with syria[what a mess theyve made of that!].heres some pics of some manali out of europe.
Some of the best hash ever for me.
Scored in Dam circa '92. Still remember that daze!


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies dudes. It would be nice to get my hands on some tasty stuff such as what is shown in this thread. Being in Canada makes life so hard sometimes ;P. How would you describe the flavours compared to a western grown hashish? Are there certain terpenes present in eastern stuff that isn't so prevalent in west?

Much of them have earthy and very spicy tastes. The asian hashes do have this incense fragrances and activate the mind even through smell. If you want to try this kind of things, then book a flight to amsterdam. Its the only places where its quite easy to sample different hashes from around the world. There is also shit, but you can find very high quality samples as well.
Buying it apart from that is weird. A lot of strange and criminal people you would have to deal with...not my cup of tea

And yes, there must be different terpenes as these hashes are mostly made out of their local landraces

THS 420

New member
Hello People here is Couple of plates i got, They all are 100g plates and as u can see they are hardly even pressed. Maroc Primero in the middle, Royal Afghan Down there, Then there is 2 bricks Of Himalayan Cream on the left and right and the one on the scale is Malana Cream. They All are #1 from theyr kind. People Just dont have good contacts who say the best hashes down leave from Moroc or Nepal or what ever. They Sure do ;) You guys have a nice board, this is my first post so if I did someting wrong please tell me Peace.
3hits a day keeps illnesses away
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THS 420

New member
Sorry guys the last post did go wrong and the attachment didnt show up there, i would like to get that link to picture removed, if any admin is reading but anyways! Here it is. Same hashes listed above, picture comes now! Thanks - THS 420


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Well-known member
Hey THS 420 ..

Wonderful luggage resins You got there (very limited qty production)

Keep the pics floating.

Jah Bless