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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Hey everyone, long time
I have an article on Afghanistan, Lebanon and Morocco traditional sieving techniques for Weed World and I am looking for pictures of fields, drying plants, sieving, pressing and unpressed resin and pressed Hashish. It is part 3 of a series on the Origins of Concentrate.
I wish I could post the article for you guys to see exactly my need but my editor would not be happy. All credits will be given for the photos if that is the wish of the sender.
Thanks for the help
Hey Frenchy-hey its about time Weed world ran something on import hash!if your in a hurry,google images are easy to use-just type into google the subject plus images,so,for instance 'cannabis pollen-images' would bring you many pages of pics-including many from here.Im very glad weed world are doing this,as the current format is getting a little 'samey'.The best hash mag was red eye express,which often featured our own mriko on his travels!a pity it is no longer.
My editor did exactly that and I have had help from ElRubio who has nice pick from Morocco, got good one from Lebanon online only Afghanistan missing.
Thanks to all for the help and for anyone who would like to participate in my first book I will need photos from all producing countries in the near future so please do not hesitate to contact me personally if you are game. Thank you again


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New Caramello much better then the last one.


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Xinjiang no1 !

Xinjiang no1 !

Hi everyone, long time overdue posting more of these central asian gems. Recently I was very fortunate to stumble across two of the best pieces of resin I've ever smoked. The first pictures (blonde one) is what is affectionately labelled "Xinjiang no1" by my source and I was told it was acquired from in around the area of 'Artux/Atush' which interestingly enough is in the 'Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture' of Xinjiang province. It has a texture almost identical to high grade Moroccan pollens/blonde hash: i.e. sticky gummy yet soft and pliable in the heat of your hands. The taste is extremely refined and clean, the perfect smoke after consuming a bowl of Lanzhou lamien (beef noodles). As for the effect, soaring, intense and heavily stoned come to mind


The other piece (the dark one) is arguably the strongest hash I have ever smoked, this is what I imagine real Afghani hashish to be like. Hard sticky texture at room temp but more or less melts under heat, extremely rich flavour (Pakistani hash seems to be the closest thing in flavour off the top of my head) and the effect..... well its the most stoned to the bone, narcotic, my eyes are so bloodshot it feels like they are bleeding type of stone


I've also managed to acquire some nice simple but clean sieved hash that was produced in the Dongbei (north-eastern) region of the country (its nearly identical to the hashish I was getting in Changsha 2014). I didn't think the climate up there would be suitable for production but never say never i guess.

China... the last place I'd expect to be a smokers 'paradise'


Oh and I forgot to mention I usually buy in amounts of 300-500 CNY (approx £30-£50) which fetches me anywhere from 30-50 grams (they seem to just eye up a chunk and hack it off). Made me cry when I had to buy hash upon my visit back to the UK.