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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Simply delightful dude! Speechless!

Lebanese I guess? (because of the cedar)

Thanks for those last pics bourbuka...mouthwatering!

I do not know whether the Lebanese were not talking in the article ... is clearly a pics of the web .... I wish it were in my hands !! :biggrin:
I knew, however, that the true connoisseurs of hash were mature their product in cotton .... is therefore a very high quality product that you'll never find on the market ....
for personal use only !!

mack 10

Well-known member
I thought you had found some real Leb!!!
That used be a UK favourite in the mid 80's.

Please send all of it to me for further research... lol.

mack 10

Well-known member
I think most members here would see the diff immediately
The cheap border Afghan hash with the gold spray compared
With that exquisite piece with the two gold coin stamps shown by Bourbuka.
Is just night and day.


Active member
the last good afgahn i see was 2006...it was a 30-50mm brick with mazar ..stamp like oaky shows and believe it or not it was ouständing ..

but was 1 kg ,maybe 50mm thick ..and hat 10 stamps looking like dollar notes with mazar sharif stamp in the middle and production date in the stamp..but i see this one time in my life

and since normally i see fucking border afgahn with the gold stamp but every stamp since this has no production date in the stamp..

Edit: Borbouka..this Afgahn looks top notch

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the last good afgahn i see was 2006...it was a 30-50mm plate with mazar ..stamp like oaky shows and believe it or not it was ouständing ..

but was 1 kg ,maybe 50mm thick plate..and hat 10 stamps looking like dollar notes with mazar sharif stamp in the middle and production date in the stamp..but i see this one time in my life

and since normally i see fucking border afgahn with the gold stamp but every stamp since this has no production date in the stamp..

Edit: Borbouka..this Afgahn looks top notch


The Mazar i Sharif circular stamp with the date of manufacture the writing top quality is always a Border hash ... or for fraudulent trade that deals only to have profits, mostly 'deceiving the customer who is a special quality ... . often cut with henna or shoe polish and even its resin is not top notch .... I had tried years ago and although the taste was decent the buzz left to be desired .... and the aftertaste in smoke felt ....
however, the other day I was reading an article about a guy who had been in Pakistan and to burn their best hash had to go to a specific location in the street because you found the product still contaminated with henna or chemical solvents or other ..... shit. ...
For smoking good nowadays you have to know people who smoke ...
not selling ....

in the two preceding pages see nirvana or camel golden .....
eye see immediately the quality of the product :dance013:




Well-known member
smoked the camel and nirvana in the 80's ,we called it golfball too ,,,the leb was common also ,,the blacks were very heavy and the leb more mellow and trippy ,,the good old days


Well-known member
I haven't seen 'outstanding' hash since 1969/70... some 'ok' hash in the 'dam... and have made some in bubble bags that was 'ok'''... but nothing compares to the black way back when...


190 tons origin saudi arabia ..
I would be curious to know the differences from Afghan, Pakistani, Nepali ...
surely this is also hashish excellent quality ....


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
cross-idiot :laughing:

G`day Bourbuka

At 1st I thought jeez that`s a bit rough touching that woman !
Then reaching inside her garments I was shocked ! .
A few seconds later I realised it was a guy in drag ! So no probs putting their hands down the front of his dress . ROFL .

I would have been assisting the removal of those bandages as much as possible. Those knives the guys arresting them had, were damn scary ! .

What`s the story with the vehicles loaded with the corn cobs ? Is that hash or opium ?? I never saw what was contained in them . Just vehicles loaded to the gunnells ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .


G`day Bourbuka

At 1st I thought jeez that`s a bit rough touching that woman !
Then reaching inside her garments I was shocked ! .
A few seconds later I realised it was a guy in drag ! So no probs putting their hands down the front of his dress . ROFL .

I would have been assisting the removal of those bandages as much as possible. Those knives the guys arresting them had, were damn scary ! .

What`s the story with the vehicles loaded with the corn cobs ? Is that hash or opium ?? I never saw what was contained in them . Just vehicles loaded to the gunnells ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

also i was terrible !! hihihi
I really think it was hashish because opium is not as dark and is packaged differently ... I speak from what I've seen on the web ... I never had the good fortune to see him try it ... I am neither against heroin but a smoked opium I would try the ..... to Amsterdam.. .. say there are some boats on the canal some dens are illegal .... but since you have to know otherwise you'll never know .... at least the legend says so !!



Active member
Two Yemeni

Two Yemeni

Two Yemeni stopped at the Saudi border in a setup as the one holding the phone knows what they have before he strips them down.

Before audio drops

In the name of Allah these people were arrested pretending to be women in a situation insulting and humiliating for mankind

AS you can see now inside each there is 10kg of hashish

Lets hope they were not one of these


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