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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Hotish

Yes I was wondering if the punishment would be more severe for smuggling while impersonating a woman .

I guess the differences is Saudi Arabia is a "moderate state" . Kinda like those "moderate" terrorists the CIA likes to arm up .
That`s why the Saudis don`t get the bad publicity ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
G`day Hotish

Yes I was wondering if the punishment would be more severe for smuggling while impersonating a woman .

I guess the differences is Saudi Arabia is a "moderate state" . Kinda like those "moderate" terrorists the CIA likes to arm up .
That`s why the Saudis don`t get the bad publicity ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

The Saudi's also don't get bad press because they have all that lovely oil.

They can behead whoever they like without most of the mainstream media usually even mentioning it.


Well-known member
Seems all the good stuff gets busted..

I've been asking for ages about some heavy narcotic Afghan or something of that ilk but my people never seem to come across it.

Leb,even some Russian hash and loads of different of quality Marocs are no problem...I really need some of that stuff that used to aid me on my way to sleep back in the day. :tiphat:




~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
Afghan is pretty difficult to get here as well. Moroccan, Pakistani, leb, Nepal/north indian is about the extent of it. Although I'm not complaining, most of the stuff I can put my hands on is very good quality...


ICMag Donor
some mouthwatering pics you throwing up bourbuka

shame the hash links have dried up over my way
i used to get some real gems over the years

keep them pics coming


Well-known member
some mouthwatering pics you throwing up bourbuka

shame the hash links have dried up over my way
i used to get some real gems over the years

keep them pics coming

i got a friend in Morrocco with a farm ,,anytime you want to visit i can arrange it,, make your own hash lol :tiphat:


Active member
I can`t read french, I guess google translate has to do. A french series of articles about hash in different countries:
Hash lab

Lots of nice pictures in there, some of them has already been posted in this thread.
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Active member

Yes a lot of nice pictures like you say, which have been stolen from this exact thread.From Mrhaze+Hashbean etc..

I will upload again to this thread Real pictures(Of what I have/seen):tiphat:, when I have sussed watermarks for my pictures..

As would hate them to be ripped off this site and end up advertising on another site for things for sale etc..



Active member

Yes a lot of nice pictures like you say, which have been stolen from this exact thread.From Mrhaze+Hashbean etc..

I will upload again to this thread Real pictures(Of what I have/seen):tiphat:, when I have sussed watermarks for my pictures..

As would hate them to be ripped off this site and end up advertising on another site for things for sale etc..


That sucks, shame on them! Looking forward to seeing your pics! :)

Yes a lot of nice pictures like you say, which have been stolen from this exact thread.From Mrhaze+Hashbean etc..

I will upload again to this thread Real pictures(Of what I have/seen):tiphat:, when I have sussed watermarks for my pictures..

As would hate them to be ripped off this site and end up advertising on another site for things for sale etc..

A very good point you raise and one thats also holding up my contributions here too-ive seen pics from this and similar threads all over the place,and some are definitly used in dodgy circs like the darknet-mods,is there any way of stopping the ferocious google bot accessing forums pics?as im positive the selection available on google image is only from certain forums and not others-there must be a way of keeping the lil bastards out!?if not,if someone could provide a link to watermarking thatd be good too!


apparently is a really good moment for Lebanese Hash, so keep your ears open and get your friends networks working...

I just ramdonly find this articule, that basicaly says that with the Sirian conflict going on, Hezbolla who is controling the plantations have more room to work, and last year was a drop in prices of Red Lebanese from $50 to $30!!!

the articule is from July last year, so I still consider it relevant.


TC Nursery est 2020
apparently is a really good moment for Lebanese Hash, so keep your ears open and get your friends networks working...

I just ramdonly find this articule, that basicaly says that with the Sirian conflict going on, Hezbolla who is controling the plantations have more room to work, and last year was a drop in prices of Red Lebanese from $50 to $30!!!

the articule is from July last year, so I still consider it relevant.

what will just Ali Nasri Shamas say?

farmers would pocket $1,200 (£767) two years ago, but now taking only a quarter of that: $350



“We fought everyone,” Shamas says, “the Communists, Israel, Hezbollah, the Syrians.”


Ali Nasri Shamas = Lebano new drug kingpim

so yeah, what he says ;)

amazing pic of him, with montains of hash behind him (not all hash, some material need to be screened, but you knwo what I mean)
