Mr. Stinky
id agree hard rain ...
im not sure id equate freedom of speech with owning a gun ,, its quite a different affair .. i dont even care if i cant own a hand held missile launcher ,, but id kinda like to view unregulated discussion from free thinking adults ... thats what really pissing me off ...
actually in the US, they are of equal emphasis. the first and second amendments... is was said by the writers that only the 2nd ensures the other 9... noone is fighting to have missile launchers... and noone is coming to "take" the guns... what they are doing however, is creating impassable barriers to exercising those rights...we dont have a written right to EXERCISE our rights...just to have them. this is the problem, and not just with the 2nd. when u have no 2nd, there is nothing to stop the loss of the others...