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ICMag.com Banned in Australia!


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
The Labor Party is obviously attempting to appeal to the christian element who of course blame everything on satan, and they've been programmed by nearly 100 yrs of programming about the evils of MJ.

With the future being quite obviously the demonising of the muslim east and fear-mongering by the US in it's goals to next move into Iran, in attempts to secure short-term oil supplies. This manipulated new world view of muslim militancy results in the use of fear to manipulate the cookie-cutter illiterate US ppls, and therefore control of the US and the world's biggest economy and armies.

Hmmm, I went a little off-track there hehe

My point being, it seems clear if you try to perceive what powers behind the scene are trying to accomplish, and that perhaps the Labor Party are making a wise POLITICAL decision. Getting the Christians behind them, getting the Christians disgusted in the Liberal Party's behaviours in the past decade, that want a party to follow what they perceive to be Christian Values.

I am not a fan of either of our 2 political options but of the 2 prefer the more compassionate policies of Labor.

I do not agree with Censorship.

Wake up and smell the roses champions of MJ and freedom of speech!!

We've been experiencing varying levels of censorship throughout human history, and we should seriously give thanks to ppl like Alex Jones and Michael Moore for the disillusionment, that our lives are not quite what we think they are. And that are Perceptions of Freedom are carefully designed illusions, that allow us to be easily manipulated.

Love everyone you can friends.


Most of the push is coming from the religious minority.

those are the idiots that made sure george bush got in a second time and 'the patriot act' is the biggest civil rights nightmare i have ever seen + all the war/fighting to no point

i see they are a world wide problem and not just a problem in north america, anyone ever see Jesus Camp?


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
it's not so much that the religious minority are idiots, they're human beings and we're all there brother

don't buy into separatism, that's playing the game


New member
hi all

im a new guy from aus ,i now have to proxy in

I registered a few days ago with a sneaky intent

i proxyed in to register then sent the conformation email to bigpond :D

Today i rang them and gave them abit of abuse for stealing my email (but nicely)

i even stated it was an email from icmag.com

after my complaint and some time on hold , They told me to send a hand written letter to bigponds coustomer relations dept

i suggest any member who is under the same ban as me, get the mods to send you some mail from this site and scream when its stolen. only way where gonna beat this thing i can see

And can some nice members help me with a nice but threating letter to the bitches :D

thanks guys

mat a.k.a morbo
Absolutely Disgusting!

Absolutely Disgusting!

"The Hypnotic Splattered Mist Is Slowly Lifting" ... Dylan

OK ... now we begin to understand.

It's the religious fanatics who are behind this lunacy.

It took several election cycles, but the "Superstitious Snake-Shakers" were finally banished to the backwoods of American politics, where they belong.

It'll probably be the same for the Aussies.

Organize and shut them down!

Tax their asses!

( Can churches legally engage in partisan politics there? )

We used to think that the shameless, money-grubbing, superstitious, assholes who parade across TV 24/7 were just an American pestilence.

But recently, while scanning through the channels, we noticed that they're running a Global Scam! These charlatans hold rallies around the world, and they show addresses and phone numbers in Australia and New Zealand!

If the Latter Day Saints are part of the problem there, there might be a way to shut them down as a fraud!

Bring a lawsuit ... it could work!

If the Courts of Australia have precedents that acknowledge the validity of DNA testing, then the Book of Mormon can be shown to be a Fraud!

( As was the widely held view at the time of its' origins. Mark Twain called the Book of Mormon "chloroform in print.")

Here's the deal: The "Book of Mormon" claims that ancient Israelite tribes crossed the Atlantic, built large stone cities, had horses and chariots, and their progeny became the "American Indians".

Trouble is, the DNA tests Don't Match!

Aside from the obvious lack of physical evidence ( and the Mormons have sent out teams in a fruitless search for it in both North & South America ), the lines of genetic spread around the world have been mapped, and the evidence is clear: Native Americans have Never had ancestors from the middle East, much less from the time of Christ.

Take them to Court!

Settle their hash for good.

Too bad the same can't be done for Scientology ... darn!


Well lets see Publuic library NO Proxy straight in less then 10 seconds. DONT believe the HYPE.
Rudd is a chinese speaking former Beijing diplomat.
We have gone from $22Billion in front to Announce as $42Billion dollar deficiet in a very short Labor party Time..
The same kind of people enacting these laws are most likely the same that stole the native aboriganies land and pushed the survivors out into the desert.


"""The same kind of people enacting these laws are most likely the same that stole the native aboriganies land and pushed the survivors out into the desert.""""

hehehe gotta say that gave me a chuckle ... your not from australia are u journeyquest .. lol ...


So he mouths off and does little.

So he mouths off and does little.

Thats funny i read his initials are KRUDD Australian labor party.


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
ok cabri, let's follow the US into Iran next and try to make some more bucks, right?

I mean, as long as we're in front who cares if we kill a few hundred thousand arab people, right?


New member
Well after being unable to access ICMag since xmas, I finally got in today.

Only via proxy and only if I login on the forum index page.

Even with the proxy, I still get blocked if I try to login from the homepage.

Seems to only affect some people on some ISP's and in a few cases, only on certain days of the week!?


..and in my case, SACK Your ISP!


Well I didn`t vote for him.

Well I didn`t vote for him.

So all of you guys are in Australia i take it and you are not happy with your New Government.Backflipping their way through the year. Whats Next?
For your Next Unpopular unwise impulsive decision....


George Orwell wouldn't be a happy camper. He's probably turning in his grave so fast you could wrap a copper coil with magnets around his coffin and have your own power station.


New member
The most ridiculous thing about this 44 million dollar piece of Orwellian trash is that it takes all of 5 minutes to bypass it, and a child could do it (probably quicker than me)

ICmag disappeared from my ISP (telstra) about a month ago.... After setting up a proxy, no problems getting to it. I'm reluctant to complain about it to them - you never know who you will be talking to - and what paranoid propaganda they've swallowed.... pot=drugs=terrorism=kiddieporn to a lot of these numbskulls.

The most disturbing thing is the free speech websites like hipforums.com being banned.... that's Communist China behaviour, right there. Wtf could possibly be so dangerous to society about hipforums? (Or is this all just a reminder that We are Subject to the State, and not at all 'free'?)


New member
Astro please complain

get them to steal your email , Tell them you proxy around it anyway,And plz help me compose a letter to write them ,we can use it as a template ,As i suck at writing ,but we have to complain and let them know its a massive fail as i told them on the phone. :D



The most ridiculous thing about this 44 million dollar piece of Orwellian trash is that it takes all of 5 minutes to bypass it, and a child could do it (probably quicker than me)

ICmag disappeared from my ISP (telstra) about a month ago.... After setting up a proxy, no problems getting to it. I'm reluctant to complain about it to them - you never know who you will be talking to - and what paranoid propaganda they've swallowed.... pot=drugs=terrorism=kiddieporn to a lot of these numbskulls.

The most disturbing thing is the free speech websites like hipforums.com being banned.... that's Communist China behaviour, right there. Wtf could possibly be so dangerous to society about hipforums? (Or is this all just a reminder that We are Subject to the State, and not at all 'free'?)

amen pal!

Freedom is something that must be fought for, everyday. Governments could not be this way without the support of skewer headed sheeple.

So what freedom is next to be revoked?


no wuckin furries!
im on dial up with another company...but am gona go broadband real soon....and i'll be going telstra i think....and when i cant get into icmag...i'll be sure to write them a letter and give them hell...already i cant wait there reply :D ...at the smae time using a proxy 5 seconds after i cant get in.HH. =]-~