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ICMag.com Banned in Australia!


New member
billybus in my state we used to be able to grow 9 with a 150$ fine, now it is 0.

im sure there is a state or two left though but it realy suck's.

We are justal criminal's now.


Active member
forgive me if i am mistaken but i was under the impression that aussies were allowed to grow 4 plants? is that incorrect or out dated?

some states only mate, where i live weed is still illegal although they have tried to free up the court systems by offering fine and a warning for first offence no court case no charge for first timers. as i understand my laws for possesion, fine and warning only if found with under 30g of bud/leaf/hash.

growing is alittle different for years we have been able to grow upto 2x outdoor plants. No hydro what so ever as far as i know, coco under lights = hydro? was agrued in early days that it wasnt hence the increase in soil and coco producers.

1 good thing to come from the law change in aprox 2000 i no longer have to use grow shops most hardware stores can supply me with canna range and coco from atleast 3 brands canna/ hygen/ bcuzz,yates/rich gro lower spec then theres the blocks..