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I love dogs.. but im out for pit bull blood

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All these people saying just feed him something to sedate him...

How long does it take to kick in for a dog?
And how easy is it to find a stoned dog on the loose?


Cannabrex Formulator
Grind up 3-4 dried oleander leaves and mix it into dog food, then feed it to him....HE WILL DIE.

Just make sure no other animal/person gets access to that bowl of food, and get rid of the cutting board on which you ground the leaves.....ricin is a pretty evil toxin indeed.


Active member
Pit bull hysteria has gone crazy. Re: the people attacks. Pits are trained to attack other animals. If u miss treat or leave...any dog...unattended, it bound to be uncontrollable. We have 3 pits...they Do not like any other animal...esp. other dogs. Its there nature...what they are breed to do. We have 2 grand babies and a niece and nephew...are dogs would defend to the end. Strangers, non family members...might as well give it up cuz there losin a limb or two. If your dog approaches r property...its a bad day for them. But in the end, I know my dogs would protect my family til the end...and thats all that matter to me. We take the resposibility to maintain control of r dogs. Which any pit bull owner would do. Its not easy owning this breed but lets not damn them to hell. They are better than any security system out there...we call them ADT on wheels.


Next time, call 911, and tell them there is a leo being mauled...


cant stop wont stop
dude if its actually a stray, its probably looking for some food.. where better to find food than where other dogs are at.. my guess is he probably came to you property seeking food and your dog was standing his ground, and well pits.. they react to reaction is well.
killing this animal is a terrible idea IMO..
lure him in with food and take him to the nearest shelter.
he'll either find a good home, his owners may find him (if any ) and if not he'll be euthanized humanely.

a shovel over the head? thats a bit extreme pal.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Revenge for your dog ?

That's a human-created emotion.

Vet bill ? So it's about the money, is it ?

A few, well placed calls would have gotten you in touch with a PitBull rescue.They would have traveled long distances to collect the dog and handle this appropriately, which you're obviously struggling with.

Ask me how I know.


Oleander leaves? where do i go about finding those? Im not against pit bulls at all. As I've stated earlier, I've owned a pit before and he was one of the best dogs I've owned. Maybe i shouldn't have been so pit bull specific, because Id be just as irritated even if it was a chow or something. Also although i used the word "fenceless" there actually is a front and back fence, just no dividing one separating the houses. The house next to me doesn't have a gate which is where he always enters. My dog goes on the leash for a few minutes, where i keep an eye on him, which is why i was able to get out there before things really got bad. Also my when my dog isn't on the leash, he doesn't pass the house dividing line, so he's pretty well trained. I don't just rely on his training though, instead i make sure i watch him while he's out. He has to be sleeping right in the vicinity of my house in some crevice because when i open the door he runs, but then when i look out front, where Id assume he'd run to, i can't find him, but yet his footprints go that far. Guess Im just too slow. Ideally id like to find where he spends a considerable amount of time so i can have a specific location for someone to pick him up, but so far I've proven unsuccessful


Active member
I dont endorse killing dogs but dont shoot them with swomething that is gonna make them suffer. I would protect my dogs at any cost.


Active member
i was exaggerating the dog shit which is obvious since i can't have a year and a half of dog shit from a one year old dog. Actually i take my dog to the park twice a day USUALLY. Due to the weather though, the last two or three weeks I've been putting him back there for 15 min or so every couple of hours. not so easy seeing all that shit covered up under snow, but running out there, whatever was under the snow managed to get under and on top of both of my socks
You're forgiven. Sorry about reacting strongly. You described a scene I am all too familiar with ... dogs left out in a yard full of shit that is ... and owners complaining about the vermin attracted to the mess.


Cannabrex Formulator
Oleander leaves? where do i go about finding those? Im not against pit bulls at all. As I've stated earlier, I've owned a pit before and he was one of the best dogs I've owned. Maybe i shouldn't have been so pit bull specific, because Id be just as irritated even if it was a chow or something. Also although i used the word "fenceless" there actually is a front and back fence, just no dividing one separating the houses. The house next to me doesn't have a gate which is where he always enters. My dog goes on the leash for a few minutes, where i keep an eye on him, which is why i was able to get out there before things really got bad. Also my when my dog isn't on the leash, he doesn't pass the house dividing line, so he's pretty well trained. I don't just rely on his training though, instead i make sure i watch him while he's out. He has to be sleeping right in the vicinity of my house in some crevice because when i open the door he runs, but then when i look out front, where Id assume he'd run to, i can't find him, but yet his footprints go that far. Guess Im just too slow. Ideally id like to find where he spends a considerable amount of time so i can have a specific location for someone to pick him up, but so far I've proven unsuccessful

Oleander can be bought at any flowershop/florist/garden nursery place....it's a potted plant.


Calm down guys, first let me point out that i didn't write this post from a position of anger (although I've been angry about this shit, im kind of over my initial reaction), i wrote it from a position of truth, but also from a position of humor. Do i want the problem solved? Yes... Will I sacrifice the dogs life to be able to protect my dog from danger on his familiar property if the law enforcement/humane society/animal control won't come and solve it? Abso-fucking-lutely. Am i really going to hit it with a shovel, so then it can look at me like im stupid, then take the shovel from me and brutally murder me with it? No its a joke. Im not trying to be violent, im not trying to be inhumane. Im serious about solving this problem though however i have to. I've called authorities. But this isn't my dog. I honestly don't believe its anyone's dog, or at least hasn't been for a long time. But my dog has to be safe. Is it about the money? Sure it is. I can't afford to pay for 400 dollar surgeries and stitchups for my dog everytime some stray pit bull gets hungry and because i tried to be loving and save some fucking dog. The FIRST thing i did was call 911. They honestly didn't care about me or him enough to show up. I want the problem solved. Im not trying to be a savage; im trying to be safe, by any means necessary. A threat to my dog, in my yard, is a personal threat to me. Am i wrong for wanting the threat to be solved? Fact is, im not going to call a million places to come and save a dog that is a threat to my family. At this point, I just want it gone. So take your panties out of a bunch. So im immoral because i want to eliminate a threat to my family by any means necessary... and quickly... without the help of animal control or humane society or better yet the people who are PAID to do this shit so that innocent civilians don't become victim to stray dogs that they cant get rid of?


and don't argue that its not a threat because it didn't attack me, because if it fucks around and kills my dog; well its not easy explaining dog on dog homicide to a bunch of kids who love their boxer....and that is a threat to my family. I don't trust pit bulls unless i know their lineage. You wouldn't believe the type of crazy shit people do to make their dogs mean... gunpowdered food, steroids, hormones... I read an article about a month ago telling people in my state not to offer free puppies or kittens in newspapers or on postboards because people were getting them, then throwing them in with their Pits as practice... You get two drugged crazy ass parents and start a genepool and you start getting some fucked up animals. I know people who have certified bred PitBulls... awesome dogs. Great with the kids and strangers, but protective. But on the opposite extreme I've seen some city born Pits that are born seriously fucked up.. just crazy as hell for no reason. Im not out in some countryside with nice sweet dogs. Im in the midst of a city of people who don't give a flying fuck about their PitBulls, and im not falling victim to their irresponsibility. Pit Bull breeding is overwhelming now. Its too many of them and people aren't containing them


Im with you man i woulda Gotten rid of the problem the first time i seen him/her after the attack.....humane or not


Got to admit

Got to admit

Pretty damn funny listening to everyone contimplating the fate of this stray dog :laughing:. I like the "call Ceasar" Idea...His pit named Daddy just died the other day right?


The fucked up thing is initially i only said Id kill the dog when i called 911 because i thought it would provoke them to come get it, more so for my safety. What I mean is, i thought that out of their fear of me being attacked, they might send someone out to get it. Only after that plan failed did i realize that in reality, to get this taken care of in a timely manner, that may be my only choice.


Nigel, how hilarious is it gonna be when i do absolutely nothing and he just doesn't come back? lol... but the ideas still would have been worth reading. Even if only for pleasure


May your race always be in your favor
I have two dogs a Standard Poodle and a Great Dane bitch who's 8 month old. If any dog were to come into my yard and attack either of my dogs I would shoot it on the spot regardless of the breed.Leo can pack sand if they won't come.

As for the adoption of the m-16, wasn't just cause it can be shot on auto,the m-14 had auto capabilities. The main reason was weight, the m-14 is several pounds heavier and the 7.62 cal (.308) is heavier ammo, resulting in fewer rounds carried, this took place in the late 60's I started with an m-14 and by the time the unit got to Nam we had m-16s.
Sorry to digress, shoot the effing dog if you need to protect your own.

Cookie monster

Well so far we have shooting, poison,snares ect. ect.

Some of ye people make me sick.
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