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I love dogs.. but im out for pit bull blood

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neplant. that's what im saying. Just on some normal stuff i would NEVER go at a pit that i don't know. It was pure reaction. and im not trying to befriend that shit and get my face bit off trying to be nice... Im pretty sure that after that little encounter with me he's about ready to rip me a new asshole

Check your PM... I'll direct you toward a humane solution with website info and such


wow. thats fucked up. give it a bowl of food, an then lure him in with treats an leash him up. If you can put it in a choke hold then you can definetly put him on a leash.
If you really love dogs, killing it would'nt even cross your mind.

considering it could kill his dog, your point is invalid. he's merely protecting his dog if he were to take physical action. it's called survival, all good animal parents do what they have to do to keep their babies safe.

IMO poison is inhumane, unless you have access to some illegal substances.

It's too bad you couldn't figure out anything to do with it when you had it in a choke hold. I would have just made it pass out, then figure out what to do. Pit bulls aren't anything to mess with.


If you wanted to kill the dog you would have already. Second point, if that dog wanted to get at you it would have whether you had it in a choke or not. A 75 lb pit that is pissed off and hungry will fucking fight and there is no way you could hold him down that easily. My guess is he was owned by someone and he either, A. got out and the owner doesn't care, or B. They let him go on purpose. It seems to me this dog needs some food and love. He is probably scared of you because he was beat and abused. I know its hard to see your dog fucked up but come on man it's not that pit's fault its in the middle of the street starving. What will it hurt to put out a bowl of fucking dog food and let the damn thing eat so you can chain it and get it to the SPCA? Fuck where do you live I'll come get the dog. Seriously just because it hurt your dog because YOU chained it in your FENCELESS backyard is no reason to kill it. What if your 50 lb boxer got loose and killed someone's 12 lb maltese in their fenceless backyard and they poisoned it or hit it with a shovel? I mean seriously dude, have a fuckin heart for real. I know you have one because you haven't killed it yet...at least I hope you haven't. Have a great day Keyz. :joint:

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
In know from experience that this is a real delema. Nobody likes to hurt amimals if they are in their right mind, but animal control will not do anything about the situation unless you have captured it, or know where it resides and have proof of it being loose.

Without hurting the dog, the only way to take care of the issue is to find out where it lives and video/photo the dog loose. Then animal control has something to work with. You could also try theatening the local authorities with a lawsuit for failure to take care of the problem if someone gets hurt also.

You could also lie to the authorities and say it attacked you or your child.

I know from experience that you must do something because these type of animals are relentless.


In know from experience that this is a real delema. Nobody likes to hurt amimals if they are in their right mind, but animal control will not do anything about the situation unless you have captured it, or know where it resides and have proof of it being loose.

Without hurting the dog, the only way to take care of the issue is to find out where it lives and video/photo the dog loose. Then animal control has something to work with. You could also try theatening the local authorities with a lawsuit for failure to take care of the problem if someone gets hurt also.

You could also lie to the authorities and say it attacked you or your child.

I know from experience that you must do something because these type of animals are relentless.

Don't do this because he didn't attack a human, He attacked another dog!!

They will immediately euthanize him if you lie and say he attacked someone! He obviously didn't attack you...

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
Don't do this because he didn't attack a human, He attacked another dog!!

They will immediately euthanize him if you lie and say he attacked someone!

With this type of stray, you do not allow it to run loose with the possibilty of attacking a child or your own amimals. If the owner cant take responsability for it, then let animal control handle it.

Damn right I would lie to get rid of this type of problem, even if it ment the animal being euthenized. The owner of the dog needs to take the responsability for this one.


your dogs lucky, ive seen some fucking savage footage of pitbull attacks....

footage of the police shooting a pitbull like 13 times and its still standing....

the things are monsters, but i generally feel it is the owners fualt in alot of dog attack cases,


Good luck with your predicament Keys. Some things are best not aired out in front of an audience, even an anonymous one. A man has gotta do...

Cookie monster

You could just do the sensible thing and make sure your yard is fenced off properly.

If the poor stray can get in then your guy may be able to get out?


I've done the responsible thing and made the phone calls, if no one wants to come to do their job, why should i?
well if the rest of the people in your area (including cops + animal control) are fucking MORONS and wont help, sounds like you might have to take responsibility. did you call humane society? does the aspca operate in ur area? private dog catching company? like everyone is saying... kids, other pets, even full grown adults are in danger. this dog has already shown he is aggressive.

my plan of action would go something like this: figure out what time this dog typically shows up in your area (hopefully in the daytime, you dont want raccoons falling for this instead). assess what you have (cage, kennel, etc.) and prepare a trap that will SECURELY close when set off. get out various meats, cheeses, (hard cheese, dried meat) and a bowl of canna-half-n-half (or poppy + datura, if you have it). set it all up a few hours before he shows up, and keep on the lookout.

im not sure what you have, so if you like my idea, of course you would have to get creative.

but anyway, once he gets stuck in your trap, drag his ass down to your local police station, and leave him there.

but i dunno, all of this might be a bit of a pipe-dream. maybe you can make your own poison dart formula.

either way, this dog is dangerous, and it is IMPERATIVE that he is taken care of, one way or another.

handling aggressive dog situation:



get rid of stray dog:



Registered Med User
At first I thought u was talkin smack bout pitbulls from the title but now I see.... anyway u should have a solution by now, u sound almost like someone else on this forum with your problem and the way you word your responses..... YUMMY! GET HIM!!!!


Active member
bottom line is this dog is not socialized properly, a dangerous breed ( for those folks that want to debate look at the attacks per breed) and a god damn menace to your person and property, steak and a box of crushed up sleeping pills and he will be gone in a humane manner.


Well-known member
Don't kill the dog. Cook up some pot cookies and feed him as many as it takes until he's done for.


just give him a few ganja treats , hell pass out and you can call animal control


sorry guys had to dip for a minute. i don't want to do anything inhumane, but id also like my dog to have a backyard he can piss in without being attacked. Its kind of interesting to see the comments on here. I wasn't thinking of killing the dog when i was choking it, i was just restraining it pretty forcefully while my girl took my boxer in the house. at the moment my only concern was getting in and checking on my dog. I threw it because i figured animal control would come circle the block and pick it up... nope... but now that its coming around more and more the issue is getting more severe. I think ill just do the medicine thing. Im just worried that he will eat it, walk away down the street, pass put, then wake up and keep truckin.. Lol at the yummy comment. I don't post much, but I've read some of his posts and i can see where that prediction would come from. Im typing from a cell phone though, so im always like five or six posts behind, and i can't quote, which makes it difficult to directly acknowledge people. So if some of my t9 words are misspelled, some missing punctuation, and the lack of spaces between paragraphs; blame the phone, or blame the weed. believe it or not, i graduated college. but i smoked less, so im sure my papers weren't filled with so many grammatical errors. Thanks for the help guys. ill try a couple peaceful solutions first. but if some kid gets bit... you'll know me... ill be the guy on the news bitchin at every organization called for not preventing the problem
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