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I love dogs.. but im out for pit bull blood

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i wonder if people would be less sensitive to the subject if i were talking about a raccoon instead. I guess because its a dog it can't be considered a pest?


i wonder if people would be less sensitive to the subject if i were talking about a raccoon instead. I guess because its a dog it can't be considered a pest?

If it was a raccoon I'd say trap it then release it out in the woods, unless it was foaming at the mouth rabid in which case I would dispatch it humanely

Cookie monster

i wonder if people would be less sensitive to the subject if i were talking about a raccoon instead. I guess because its a dog it can't be considered a pest?

A pest?

Build a fucking fence and there wont be a problem, i've no idea where you got your boxer but over here responsible breeders or rescue organisations wont home a dog unless it has a safe environment.
Your unfenced yard is an open invitation to the stray pit to stop on by, it's a dog it doesn't know any better.

Blame the pit all you want but ultimately you are at fault.
A pest?

Build a fucking fence and there wont be a problem, i've no idea where you got your boxer but over here responsible breeders or rescue organisations wont home a dog unless it has a safe environment.
Your unfenced yard is an open invitation to the stray pit to stop on by, it's a dog it doesn't know any better.

Blame the pit all you want but ultimately you are at fault.

Holy crap, how many times does this fucking OP have to mention to you morons that he CAN'T GET A FENCE BECAUSE HE'S NOT THE OWNER.

I swear If you would take 10 minutes to read the god damn thread you would have shut the fuck up and not said something so stupid.

Holy shit.

POST #33
"not my property. a rented duplex, so fencing isn't an option. landlord already denied me on that one"


Keyz I wouldn't feel sorry for a raccoon because it's a wild animal that was born and raised wild. It knows how to survive. Dogs are domesticated animals that were once wild. It's not that dogs fault it got in your backyard. It's not indigenous as a wild animal to your area so it's not in its natural environment. I wouldn't feel for a raccoon because it knows better from a survival instinct. A dog that has been raised with people that has been fed by people does not have that survival instinct. Whoever said that the pit is hungry and was looking for food is probably right. It probably smelled your dogs poop and thought it could find food there. Instead it found your dog marking its territory. Dogs are so damn funny about territory. Some just piss on top of piss and call it day. Some scratch up the ground and some will straight up fight for a spot. My friends little shiztu mutt goes to the beach pisses on a spot and will bite the shit out of any dog that comes near him. I say lure him in with some food. get that chain on him and call animal control. You did all the work so they won't have a problem coming to get him. They have a problem chasing dogs around the neighborhood because they are lazy animal jakes. :joint:


No way man, teach it to love.

All these stupid faux-hippies trying to say there are ways around the violence would probably change their stance the instant some random animal started ripping apart their best friends/family members for no reason.

Then they'd be begging for someone to do something...

Cookie monster

Holy crap, how many times does this fucking OP have to mention to you morons that he CAN'T GET A FENCE BECAUSE HE'S NOT THE OWNER.

I swear If you would take 10 minutes to read the god damn thread you would have shut the fuck up and not said something so stupid.

Holy shit.

POST #33
"not my property. a rented duplex, so fencing isn't an option. landlord already denied me on that one"

Bullshit!! if you cant put up a fence then buy an enclosure, they do the same thing.

A moron would be somebody who missed the point that it's the owners job to keep the dog safe..
I did miss that post but that doesn't change anything, the lil boxer needs a secure area if he's going to be outside.

Cookie monster

Yeah, just keep your dog in a cage with its shits, and let the other dog express his inner being...

Yeah but only after i run up to him with my jesus hair n sandals and place a daisy chain necklace on him.


Got this tip from a famer to kill foxes. Soak some pieces of sponge in meat stock & leave out the back, when the dog eats it it will block its stomach up & kill it, not a nice way to go, but better it than your poor boxer. (hope he is ok) Then clean up the year & half of dog shit in your garden.
To all the people who say ring the Animal Welfare, he tried that, try reading his post.
I dont own a dog, but i know plenty of people who do & they treat them like a family member, if a dog attacked your child would you waste time ringing around trying to get the dog picked up? Would you fuck, you would kill the think the 1st chance you got.

Cookie monster

Will a mod please lock this thread.

The various methods of how to kill a dog have no place on this or any Internet forum.


Fucked up humans fucked up that dog. Now the dog pays the ultimate price. And yes,you are right to have the option to protect your own animal,on your own property. Just a no-win situation. Please just trap him and call AC. There are worse things for un-wanted dogs than death out there,believe me.
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