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I love dogs.. but im out for pit bull blood

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i was just about to ask if any one knew the effect of human sleeping meds on dogs? like a couple knock out pills? don't know if it would effect the dog differently.. that was my first idea except that any time i give my dog his vet meds and mix it with his food, he still picks that shit out.. food gone, pills in bowl... this hungry beast would probably hawk that shit down though


It's fucked up that the dog is running around mauling peoples' pets...

Do you propose hugging it into submission?

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I think you could sedate him....and find another organization that will actually help you. Life probably wouldn't be convenient in the mean time...but the right thing to do is never the easy thing to do ;)


yea i gotta take my dog back to the vet later this week so they can check his wounds after swelling and see what needs to be done. while im there ill ask if they can give me some sleeping meds... hopefully that will work.... then maybe ill put him in a cage and drop him off in the lobby of the police station, Since they never showed up, then they can deal with what i had to this last week


No Alaskan I don't. Hilarious, but no I don't!!
Did you learn about setting up snares from television shows there buddy?

Knock the dog out with sleeping pills, tether him up, and figure out a humane solution Keyz.
yea i gotta take my dog back to the vet later this week so they can check his wounds after swelling and see what needs to be done. while im there ill ask if they can give me some sleeping meds... hopefully that will work.... then maybe ill put him in a cage and drop him off in the lobby of the police station, Since they never showed up, then they can deal with what i had to this last week

I like it


european ganja growers
WTF,,get out there strip to the wast & fist fight the fucker.....

am a big dog lover aswell,,but a stray is a different story (if it is stray).....stake & sleeping pills...< i hate to say that......if someone owns it then try to find out when he goes ,,(get commod up like john rambo)...then send the cops to the address..
but if all fails,,a mans go to do , what a mans go to do,,,you and your familys safty come first.........how bad would you feel if it did attack a we kid.....

what about your yellow pages,,is there not a pitbull rescue you can get in contact with (thay might come get it).......

good luck........... boxer owner myself bro,,hope your dog get better soon,,,,,,,keep an eye on him know though,,he might start to hate pits/other/bigger dogs know hes been attact..

keep it green


And not to sound like an asshole, but after watching my dog, who is right by my side about 20 hours a day getting ate by a fucking mini bear has kind of killed off a lot of my compassion for this dog. Im trying to do the right thing, but after seeing what i saw, im sure as hell not jumping through hoops to make sure that hes in the safety of the humane society where he will die a painless death while my dog can't even walk up and down the stairs


Like everyone is saying be a man about it, make a snare (dont use fishing line) Nylon will work fine.. and capture the dog then take him to animal control... And man are you really surprised by the things people have been saying to you? your the one making a thread talking about how you are out for pitbull blood and wanting to kill him with antifreeze and shit. We all understand your frustration but there is a right way and a wrong way to do things... killing him yourself is not only wrong.. It's illegal!


Im trying to do the right thing, but after seeing what i saw, im sure as hell not jumping through hoops to make sure that hes in the safety of the humane society where he will die a painless death while my dog can't even walk up and down the stairs
The snare is for the dog...


Call the police next time. The dog is proven to be vicious. You are wasting your time calling a rescue,most will NOT take an attacking or biting dog. Some just can't be saved.Thats the reality of the situation. Trap the dog and call animal control. Pressed paws for your sweet Boxer. Sometimes life really sucks.............


Well-known member
what should you do? uhhh.... for starters? clean up the year n a half dog shit. get a fence, or get rid of the Dog. It is clear that you are not the perfect candidate for a dog owner. I'm not trying to insult you at all. I'm not responsible enough either.


european ganja growers
get a wolf.........oh sorry infact a Pit could take 1:whee::Bolt:..............aint that due a bump

keep it green


Well-known member
yo look up online for bully rescues or something like that; a lot of people specialize in rescuing pitbulls.

if you can man handle the dog like that get urself a large crate or something that'll fit in the back of a suv; pickup etc... maybe what u use to carry ur dog if u got one... throw a steak in the crate let the pit walk in lock it up and drive it to animal control urself; drop it off and do the paperwork; they have to take em; i've done it before myself

u can sleep easy knowing u did the right thing and it's not that much extra effort


dude, if your story isnt complete bullshit, and you pulled a full-grown pitbull- mid fight- off of another dog, dont expect to be so lucky the next time. this dog can very easily kill you if it wanted. the bully family was designed to take down BULLS.

id go with the suggestion of the milk+hash idea (dogs LOVE milk ime [half n half... hes probably looking for calories]), and/or the news story. if your local animal control or lea wont even help, there is a serious problem. record your next conversation with them, and if shit goes down, you have evidence for a serious lawsuit, id imagine (although i have no law experience).

f-ing get that dog.

tranq darts, maybe??? cage trap???


am i surprised? no... i also know that no one is currently in the same situation and are talking from a third party. I've done the responsible thing and made the phone calls, if no one wants to come to do their job, why should i? Befriending the dog sounds good, just like when a friend of mines daughter reached out to give a pit a bacon treat and damn near got half her forehead bit off.. is there a little shit in the backyard? yea... but seeing that i get what i can and he's never on the leash longer than it takes him to use the bathroom, i think im responsible enough...

He's been around a few dogs since. Another boxer at the vet, and then a golden retriever yesterday when i took him to the park to stretch a little. He was still sniffin around being his regular curious self, so hopefully his attitude towards other dogs won't change.

And nope im not jumping through hoops OR a snare lol. Of course knowing me, id probably set a snare, go in the house and smoke, walk back outside and trigger it myself lol

good drown

its going to be killed no matter what. i dont see whats so bad about a painless death now, rather than waiting and let them put him to sleep


neplant. that's what im saying. Just on some normal stuff i would NEVER go at a pit that i don't know. It was pure reaction. and im not trying to befriend that shit and get my face bit off trying to be nice... Im pretty sure that after that little encounter with me he's about ready to rip me a new asshole
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