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i got my own place! it's boring as phuk!

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Just relaxing here. NASCAR from Bristol at 12:30. Nice and medicated. Reading a story about genetically-modified organisms in Italy that become homosexual telepaths that terrorize people. Just say no to GMO! Crazy story, man. Some strange writers/reading out there on the net.
Trout man good vibes dude ~ Mrs B hope you're well too! Midwest and Noyd have a high one!
I'm working the Boston Marathon for the Red Cross tomorrow. Should be cool. Not much else going on, just doing my thing


Boston Marathon should keep you busy Doob? hand out water bottles or medic, go for a run? fuk that not me either lol. have a good one mate , weekends finished here. back to my holiday week.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Had an amazing 420! Worked for the Red Cross during the Boston Marathon. Had a great lunch. Learned a few new things on client paperwork. Didnt go crazy on my cannabis, normal 1gram or so. Running out and my dude isnt back for another 4-5 days. Have to take it really easy on my bong or maybe not smoke for a few days. Sucks aß. Can get some from my buddy down the street but it's $20 a gram. Have to do laundry tomorrow. Blanket, sheets & pillowcases too. Tons of food in the fridge. All i need is $50 or an 1/8th of cannabis and I'm a happy camper.
Hope everyone is high and happy!




if it smells like fish
recovering from serious partying....took a short kayak trip on lake ..caught a few bass....gonna watch Netflix and couch surf rest of day....yeehaw...no cannabis shortage here...good luck doob man...

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hey trout man! Tell lucky bean I said hi. Just enjoying a quiet Saturday morning. Haven't smoked yet. Watching something on PBS about High Line Park in Manhattan. Have some Sour Diesel. Need coffee creamer.

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
Have a good one doober/trout/noyd and of course mrs. B
Rainy and shitty here today so I think I'll get some new beans wet halo bx3, salmon berry and some more nl5 x white lotus.
Also built a ghetto little chamber to use for some pollen chucking.


ICMag Donor
Morning everyone, we had a great time in the bay, hang out at hippy hill for awhile, it's really changed in the last few years, it used to be a bunch of stoners sitting around getting high, now it's just a bunch of ppl trying to sell shit, from joints to edibles and food. I have a hard time eating or smoking strangers stuff, never know what they use and how long it's been sitting around, toooo scary for me.

There's a car show and drags later on today, we will prob check it out.
Have a great weekend doob, sticky, trouty, noyd!


if it smells like fish
we got some rain but even with it we are gonna be less than last year.... the river didn't get big enough to run this year...the lake is short too...it was built to hold 180,000 acre feet,,last year got 90,000 acre feet, if we are lucky maybe 70,000 acre feet this year......send us water doober....the other site where lady is hanging aint bad ......yeehaw

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Ni hau Mrs B/Trout Man/Midwest! Glad everyone is out and enjoying things!
Midwest that NL#5 x White Lotus sounds good! Hey I found a Sour Diesel seed in a bud!
Mrs B "hippy hill" sounds kind of cool! Hope the drag racing thing is cool!
Trout Man sorry about the water shortage out there, man. I was thinking their would be a drought...read an article. Hope it's not bad.
Have a great weekend everyone! :dance013:


morning doober gang, morning here and sunday, so yer still got Saturday to enjoy while I have sunday roast. sun is out good one.


ICMag Donor
What's everyone up to?
It's been so nice here, planted some tomato plants and a few herbs, basil and chives. I hope it's not too early and they get too cold, if they do just have to replant.
Doob, you been. Handin on your bench watching the ladies go by?
Trouty how's the lake?
Sticky is the puppy doing good? Chewing on everything?? heheh
Noyd you got some shrimp on the barbie?? lol
Going to have dinner with the grandkids tonight, should be a gas!

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
Have fun mrs b and yeah it's been really fun having him. he and my other pup get along great they spend time together tearing everything up especially my shoes.

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
Well I gotta admit I'm a bit worried I haven't gotten the results back yet from my regular screening. The results are usually back by now and I haven't been feeling right lately I think the cancer is back.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hey Midwest and Mrs B and Noyd!
Midwest hope you're going to be okay, man. Most important thing is to keep as stress-free as possible right now.


ICMag Donor
Yeah sticky like doob said, try not too stress about it, I know it's easy to say but try....can you call them and see what's taking so long? Good luck bud, let us know what goes on!

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