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i got my own place! it's boring as phuk!



don't know how old mate, going for 2500 bucks. they breed them here , not crossed with any thing they say.just had a look and
it says date of birth 4-1-015. chunky taz bulldogs. well this shot is better as mum and pups go lol.

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
Good morning, new ballast arrived safe and sound hooking it up in a bit. Nice and sunny here today think I'm going to spend the day ripping down a huge trumpet vine that's growing all over my chimney and part of the roof but first things first, it's full melt Monday soooo:bongsmi:


ICMag Donor
Good morning sticky, doob, noyd,trout.....sounds like a good day sticky, it's going to be a nice day here too. Puffs and dabs!

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Good morning Mrs B! Hope it's nice and sunny! Not bad here at all. Getting ready for outdoor season, need to reconnoiter some good spots.
Hope everyone has a good day! Noon here already. Had half a breakfast sandwich, needed the protein bad. Might buy some eggs tomorrow, not sure how long they last in fridge.


Active member
Good morning Mrs B! Hope it's nice and sunny! Not bad here at all. Getting ready for outdoor season, need to reconnoiter some good spots.
Hope everyone has a good day! Noon here already. Had half a breakfast sandwich, needed the protein bad. Might buy some eggs tomorrow, not sure how long they last in fridge.

Eggs....Honestly, way way longer that you would expect, months usually, depending on how they are stored, washed, etc.

Yeah...I used to raise chickens...

The one thing to note is the egg white will lose some moisture, which is why it is easier to peel old eggs vs new eggs when hardboiling them...

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hey everyone! Thanks for the tips on eggs. I'm going to grab some tomorrow.
Have a 150 hps outside of my house attached to the wall that's creating a nuisance. It covers most of my balcony and I can hear the humming at night. I don't know what to do. I cant reach it, it's in a wierd spot. You need a huge ladder. Maintenance dude couldn't move the light at an outward angle. It has a plastic or glass cover with screws. I thought of covering it with a sheet of tin, but that's no good they'll notice. I thought of whacking it with a broom, but the bulb doesn't have filament right? Its gas? So to break the bulb I'd have to physically touch/break it with something? Thanks for the help in advance.


if it smells like fish
find the power wire and cut it....yeehaw ..spent 5 hours on lake..wore out!!!!..very beautifull..a bit cool yet for fish spawning 58 at surface...took a swim after paddling half way around lake..fuck da city...awesome..lemon pepper chicken on grill tonight and small salad...eggs last long time ..military used to like coat em in wax and they lasted even longer time ..


ICMag Donor
Hope you are all having a good day, I have to go to work in a few....it was a good day for me went to a local dispensery today and might be working there, I know the lady running it, I'm kinda excited...I used to work at one a cpl of years ago and miss it.
Peace and puffs !!

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hey Midwest/Noyd/Trout man and Mrs B! Hope you all had a great day! I just need some soil and I'm all set. I think summer will be good too. What's everyone watching/doing? Some really bad movie with Ice T is on. Pretty high.


yo doob, just watching !where art thou!cloony. weather down here on island is crap but good for no ac. new ones growing, chop chop for the others.

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