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i got my own place! it's boring as phuk!

Former Guest

Active member
Hicksticky has used CFLs to flower with. He just upgraded to HID and says he misses the CFLs since they ran so cool. The buds are fluffier and it takes a little longer to finish he says.

Going to get an ultrasound to see if I pulled a muscle or got a hernia. I'm not allowed to eat or drink since midnight :(

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Morning luckybean! I have to get a CT in a few weeks for my stomach...its like a hernia but not sticking out unless I stand up, and its as hard as a rock. Was throwing up in the morning when smoking but idk. Not sure what it is. Doc said that's where bowels are, next to belly button. Kind of scared.
You'll be okay! You have good karma!

Former Guest

Active member
That's hernia and if the hernia is hard, you need to go to the Dr ASAP or go to ER. That is your bowels blocked. I'm 300% certain you've got hernia. They told my mom if it gets hard go to the hospital cause you can die from blockage.

Former Guest

Active member
I asked mom and she wants to know if ya eat a lot of nuts or popcorn? She says if you gorge on those, you can get blockage. I guess the neighbor had that happen. She said to get some probiotics to help digest it. It was the one thing that helped he feel better when she eats food instead of broth.


if it smells like fish
t5/cfl suck ass for flowering if you have used an hid.....yeehaw...I got bad tooth now and no dental coverage...have to call insurance folks ...think I got a sinus infection too...going to doctor next month trying to wait till then....nice and warm here gonna be mid 80s...swimming time

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I asked mom and she wants to know if ya eat a lot of nuts or popcorn? She says if you gorge on those, you can get blockage. I guess the neighbor had that happen. She said to get some probiotics to help digest it. It was the one thing that helped he feel better when she eats food instead of broth.

Well I'm not sure if its a hernia...just got my CT date...March 16th. It happened one day when I was biting my toenails...BTW I don't do that anymore. I got an intense burning horrible pain in my abs near my belly button. Worst pain I've ever been in.
I did eat a bag of cheap popcorn but that's not it. I don't think. We'll see. :)


Active member
Interesting that you both are going throug same kind of ailment

Causes of hiatus hernia vary depending on each individual. Among the multiple causes, however, are the mechanical causes which include: improper heavy weight lifting, hard coughing bouts, sharp blows to the abdomen, and incorrect posture.[9]

Furthermore, conditions that increase the pressure of the abdominal cavity may also cause hernias or worsen the existing ones. Some examples would be: obesity, straining during a bowel movement or urination (constipation, enlarged prostate), chronic lung disease, and also, fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites).[10]

Also, if muscles are weakened due to poor nutrition, smoking, and overexertion, hernias are more likely to occur.

Former Guest

Active member
The bulge is hernia. It's the first thing they ask. Throwing up is also another sign. Lay down and feel with your fingers for intestines or a hole. You can push your guts back into the hole and you will feel better and the rock hard should get better. Your intestines get pinched and food gets blocked. Constipation also. Feel better Doober and be careful when you haul dirt :huggg:

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
They just announced that there's a bill here in Massachusetts to legalize cannabis and there will be a vote at the ballots on it in November 2016. :)
When there was a vote to decriminalize here it wasn't on my ballot....was like wtf man?! Guess only certain voting locations or some shit.
Anyway, hoping it passes


pure dynamite
If it gets legal you could make a senior's smokers lounge in your apartment. Make it more interesting for your neighbours.. :joint:

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Yeah I'm fine, just have a hard spot on my gutz. CT scan on Monday I guess? Can't wait to see wtf it is. Planning my grow in spare time. Want to order LA Confidential from Herbie's.
Really psyched about cannabis legalization being put to a vote here in 2016. Woohoo!