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i got my own place! it's boring as phuk!


Lover of Life
D.B. Doober, how's the place going man? I was actually offered my own place in a similar environment...seems interesting and way cheaper than other options, lol.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
D.B. Doober, how's the place going man? I was actually offered my own place in a similar environment...seems interesting and way cheaper than other options, lol.

Hey hops how's it going? Yeah man my place kicks ass...really enjoying it. Very quiet and peaceful. :woohoo:

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Lol. Hey man old people are quiet. No music, yelling, talking, TV, nothing really. Hear Price is Right from across the hall at 11am if all my stuff is off. That's about it. Only nuisance is ambulance/fire truck that pulls in once in a while to neutralize one of the zombies. Cop usually shows up too. I duck and look out the blinds. Don't want the cops to know where I live, as i was "known" to cops here in town living at my family's place down the road. Keeping somewhat low profile.
Have JUST enough buds to get me through Tuesday afternoon...will get some LA Confidential. This northern Lights sucks ass...it lasts like 30 minutes.
Getting my CT scan tomorrow, see what's wrong with my stomach/guts. Its just to the right and up of my belly button...like the ab muscle...I was thinking its my colon. Or liver. Probably impacted colon requiring surgery? No, happened when I over stretched accidentally and felt horrible pain and then a few days later noticed a really hard spot on my stomach...not protruding but hard and not painful to push on or anything. Can't wait to see what it is. Never had surgery before! Wonder if my abs ripped and its my liver pushing out?
Just lounging around today. Still in my flannels and slippers. Its like 3. Oh well won't have to change

Former Guest

Active member
They do it laparoscopic usually so recovery is minimal. I asked someone about what happens when you wake up and he said you start waking up but your mind isn't awake so your not conscious barely before they knock you out and start pain killers.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Yeah they can do a lot with a small incision these days. Have to drink barium tonight and in the morning :(

Edit: almost forgot, someone died today. Saw the hearse. I sometimes wonder if someone died in here...


if it smells like fish
glycerin for the win ..silicon is for boobs....yeehaw..harvested some sour bubble ...need it too as the local weed don't do much for me...


if it smells like fish
I love corned beef and cabbage damnit....none this year for me....yeehaw..southie was real fun as a kid..theres not a corned beef within 20 miles of here..seems the Mexicans don't appreciate it much..


now DOOB you got to get out more , spread the cheer.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
LEF yeah man $100 a 1/4 but its perfect buds. AAA+. I use a caretaker sort of.
Luckybean I know! It'll get better soon. I can't wait to have like 20 5' plants under a 1k. Pound for me! Muahaha! Enough for a year. I'm going to grow em BIG. I'll have like $500 a month saved in my pocket once I grow/smoke my own. I'll be rich! So used to being broke. Always made sure I had my medical buds though. I never go without.


if it smells like fish
you wont fit 20 5 foot plants under a 1k...well not properly...are you even allowed 20 plants??? mass had no medical last I was there..early 2000s..1k wont make you rich...maybe try to sell some back to the guy you been buying from and get your cash slowly back....yeehaw