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i got my own place! it's boring as phuk!

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I found a great Facebook page, "Massachusetts Medical Marijuana for Hardship Patients" and it's really informative and basically says it's not yet a part of state regulation...the discounting of buds. Said each dispensary has right to decide if it wants to be a part of it and discount people, and on top of that the discount is variable and they can choose like 20% if they want. Wtf? Worst mmj system I think there is out there. I think I'll be able to grow legally until the time comes when there are accessible dispensaries here. Probably 2 years I'm thinking. Closest one would be Salem so far, and that's an hour drive so too far and they won't have product for a while. And that's only 1 dispensary in the whole state. They really fucked this one up good.


if it smells like fish
salem is cool tho ..I lived there on winter island road as a youth...in a home for boys...plummer sp? home for boys...nice place actually


Active member
ya.. from what i have heard its going to be.. a certain section.. you will have a choice between a few kinds.. but not like the dudes paying for it.. .. discounted herb.. and delivery services.. to avoid having a ton of people with hardship licenses

like in towns were there is no dispensary.. supposedly.. the dispensaries in the state will be allowed to open a delivery service in other towns.. that will supply towns and cities that have no dispensaries..

they really are trying to prevent Massachusetts from becoming an EXPORTER.. from the people ive talked to .. that's THE MAIN CONCERN. is DISABLING the BLACK MARKET..

also.. dispensaries will be growing their own product.. and not allowed to buy from outside sources.. we will see how good it goes. but it sounds like a shit show. like i said a year ago now.. they are watching all the other states. and seeing what the fuck NOT TO DO .. not going to be a RELAXED MED STATE..

like something like 75% are in or near the boston area.. lol.. most dispensaries are going to realize.. the lower quality doesn't sell so u might as well use it as discounted an get it out the door.

also.. ya the delivery service is being talked about.. we wont know more for a few months.. but.. in reality.. the dispensaries i have been able to find out any info on . are supposed to be opening within the next 4-6 months.. im guessing. harvest related lol.


Active member
Feds carry a 5year minimum mandatory.no disrespect maby your boy is a snitch as well.again n9 disrespect.my boy just got 5 year mm first time offender in a med state all though he was not within his legal limits.still just got the hammer this month.tragic loss for the growing community.gave away lbs ever month to dying people.still got the hammer

he could very well be.. i stopped talking to him when he started getting into smoking crack.. so he could of very well snitched out his crack dealer.. or is going to work with them on something else.. or maybe he gave a bunch of growers he was working with up.. as i haven't heard from his entire crew..

iuno once people get busted.. i try an stay away. lol .


if it smells like fish
you cant disable the black market..that I can freeking guarantee...yeehaw sounds like the mass med scene will be a joke...I wouldn't even bother registering,,,but I didn't here in cali either...I think with medical you def should grow your own if possible..if you think I trust growers to provide a clean safe product free from pgrs and insecticides your smoking too much.. I know better


if it smells like fish
ouch that hurt.....hey doober it was nice on the lake today..if I had brought a towel I would of take a swim,,altho it would of been short......yeeeeeeehaw..its karaoke night at one local bar ..I don't sing but I like drunken women that think they can...and there aint another bar close anyhow....send some snow my way...save it and send it when its 115 here...

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
Stoned trout I found a nice piece of land for sale in the middle of nowhere in washington state putting in an offer Monday. Hope they accept!
Doober hows it going? You still snowed in.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Yeah we have huge snow banks, five-six feet high. Somewhat slippery too. Lots of roof collapses. Got some Haze last night and I hate it...1 bowl does the same as 1 hit would with LA Confidential or something. That happens to be what's in the bong now.

Former Guest

Active member
Brr Doobie! I couldn't take it there. Sounds miserable and exhausting. It's been an early spring here. 60-65 day temps but cold nights still.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Lucky! Will be several months before we hit 60. Chilling at my pad getting ready to smoke this Haze and see if I get high.

Former Guest

Active member
Been there, still there.

They're forcing all collectives here to pay sales tax and back pay since the I502 passed years ago. I also heard they're going to limit our plant count and basically make it the same as Oregon. There's talk that patients who've still got time on their cards left over dill be allowed to finish out their prescription length. 15 plants down to 6 total. Wonder what would happen because that is the best news I've heard.


Active member
ya man . we got called out to boston to help clear the roofs.. paying 20$ an hour to shovel roofs off .. or if u go out there with a few guys u can charge 3-700 a roof.. depending..

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hey Troutman. Yeah I don't like haze if its all like this. It gets me soaringly high but there's no body to it and no narcotic effects like help for insomnia or pain.