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i got my own place! it's boring as phuk!


Hi ho here we go
Nice pad Gobber....

Nice pad Gobber....

It reminds me of my first pad in Hollywood 40 some years ago. I had a really nice place but nobody to come over.
So I started hitting up the near by bars. I walked into one bar walked up to the bar and ordered a beer, I was feeling uncomfortable as I didn't know anyone. As I started to strike up a conversation with the bar keep I noticed she was a lesbian....

Then I looked around and I was the only REAL man in the place :woohoo:

Long story short, I kept hitting local bars until I found one that suited me and eventually met some stoners I could relate to.
Keep on Keeping on.


D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
It reminds me of my first pad in Hollywood 40 some years ago I kept hitting local bars until I found one that suited me and eventually met some stoners I could relate to.
Keep on Keeping on.


That's right! You said you grew up in Hollywood. That's bad ass man! I'd move to Hollywood if there was senior housing like I have here for the same price.
I won't be 60 for 25 years. I guess I can consider myself retired now though. That's awesome. :dance013:
I don't drink anymore - 2 years sober :tiphat: but I have gone to a friendly pub that has $3 or free...depending on who's working...Pepsi. I just get baked and go into the pub and get a Pepsi and watch TV and scope the scene out for women. But I haven't done it in like a year.
This whole month I've worn my ski hat and flannel pajama pants and wool slippers 24/7, except getting bud or another errand. It's been too cold out. I like to sit out in the sun, too.
I went online and applied for housing in Los Angeles, and I wasn't able to follow through - they wanted me to come in and the only option is like JetBlue or Southwest for me...but I didn't have the money. Thinking of setting aside $500 and applying for housing in Los Angeles again - fly to the appointment and back. Does anyone know if the senior housing in Los Angeles is decent? Is it like my place?
There's like 3 disabled people that live here...one guy has bad burns, one guy has downes syndrome and another dude is blind. I can see everyone walk outside. So I guess I'm not the only disabled person. probably only veteran. I think that's how I got in so fast - veteran's preference. Good thing to have, man. :dance013:

Former Guest

Active member
Doober, you have the cleanest apartment known to mankind and you should know how much a chick loves that. so many ladies complain about cleaning up after their guys or staying over and having to shower in a dirty shower or face cleaning it themselves. I had this BF who was super clean and it was so nice to take a shower and feel clean porcelain under your feet in the tub and not have to touch a crappy toilet seat to put it down.

did you know that painting is a mathematical equation of sorts? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMerSm2ToFY

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
thanks! yeah I keep it really clean. Yup toilet nice and clean too - even have the blue disc in the tank to make the water blue! Blue toilet water! It's awesome.
We got a foot of snow last night...stayed here at my apartment. Turned down all the lights and the only light was from one of the big fake trees I put white lights on. It's so cozy.
After I stopped drinking 2 years ago I've put more effort into my surroundings...keeping my place clean, well-stocked.

Former Guest

Active member
Scrubbing bubbles makes a toilet each flush type of cleaner that might be better because those disks you put in the tank eat at the rubber seals ;)

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Really? I'll check it out. Don't want my toilet exploding.
Woke up this morning and it was like sleeping in a hotel, very nice and quiet.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Every dessert at the dim sum joint is bean paste based. It sucks. Oh you mean hookers...meh. I've gone to the strip club down near there a few times ...


Active member
the list is pretty accurate if the weed is a given

If theres no plunger, you go shit and piss outside like the dog

Makes mr think, Ive tried a massage chair recently, pretty nice.