This letter from Klaus Schwab to Rutte has just been made public, it’s the first letter that proves Klaus Schwab controls governments… The letter outlines plans for the Great Reset and commends Mark Rutte for his obedience to the World Economic Forum… It also proves Klaus Schwab was in control of recovery design for at least the whole of Europe.
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Dr. Merritt: Nous sommes soumis à un programme d'extinction de l'humanité et ce n'est pas fini
Le Dr Merritt nous avertit que le plan de guerre spirituelle dans lequel nous sommes engagés concerne l'extinction de l'humanité et que nous sommes trompés par le langage : ils ont utilisé le mot
Well, that's kind'a the goal. For example, Canada legalized medically assisted suicide. Now, that is something I've been a proponent of for a long time when it came to the terminally ill. But now the Trudeau govt wants to extend it anyone who is poor, homeless, mentally ill, disabled etc. In fact Canada's Veteran's Affairs had even suggested it to at least a half dozen veterans who needed assistance.I'm so scared I should just consider suicide!!