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Human Genocide Alert


Well-known member
what about the bugs being rolled out as food for real humans?
Do they taste like chicken?

These bugs are delicious.


Well-known member

Alert: WHO and fake pandemic​

by Jean-Yves Jezequel

There is no longer any doubt that the new WHO offensive has been launched. In anticipation of an imminent declaration of a new fake pandemic, it was necessary to neutralize the spoilsports now identified on the occasion of the first fake pandemic with essentially genocidal intent. The hunt for wizards and witches was officially open against Pr Didier Raoult, Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Pr Christian Perronne, Dr Louis Fouché, Dr Nicole and Gérard Delépine, Jean-Marc Sabatier, Pierre Chaillot, Michel Jean-Dominique and all the others who have been the voice of medical and scientific honesty.

Cohorts of disciplined and necessarily brainless civil servants were going to land at the IHU in Marseille with drums and trumpets for a spectacular “search” with a lot of propaganda on the media subservient to the system. It was urgently necessary to drag the reputation of Professor Didier Raoult in the mud, to deploy defamation at all costs, to discredit for good the dissident voice of this scientist and of all those who support him, because the imminent proclamation of a new false pandemic was to obtain the expected result this time.

For the genocidal program of the WHO, it was no longer acceptable that people like Didier Raoult could still have the right to speak and that they could once again be at the origin of a resistance which prevented the bastards, scumbags and perverts in power, to get what they wanted: a sufficient, satisfying, effective genocide on the populations kept in training and belief in the innocent narrative of Agenda 2030 (program for depopulation) …

And here is already the long-awaited result: a Spanish media La Vanguardia Internacional, by Eusebio Val of May 31, 2023, writes:

"...a doctor, Didier Raoult, ended up becoming the caricature of the worst health populism, a charlatan in a white coat. His seemingly magical coronavirus cure didn't work and he was totally discredited…»

There is currently the possibility of consulting more than three hundred studies on the use of hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin around the world and which arrive at the same result as that of Didier Raoult! But, never mind, it doesn't matter, the perverts in power controlling all the media authorized to broadcast, and censoring all the resistance fighters, impose their lying narrative with complete impunity: Professor Didier Raoult is quite simply a “quack”! Libel is without scruple, since the courts are also in the hands of garbage, bastards and perverts in power!

Criminals have all the rights; the way is clear for them; they can decree in a totalitarian way the good and the bad, the truth and the lie, the scientist and the charlatan! We are there in the West. Incidentally, all those who hold this bastard speech about the scientists who dared to remain honest, are the same ones who overwhelm the Russians and defend the Ukro-Nazis by providing them with billions and weapons without the slightest approval from the peoples begged to close it and to bleat in heart their voluntary servitude!

Spain is not to be outdone: we know that more than 95% of the population has undergone injections of graphenized mRNA and as a result has undoubtedly become the first European country of “borregos and cobardes”… ( sheep and cowards)

Thus, defamation circulates happily throughout the European Union; the sabotage work is perfect; there are enough morons in Spain and elsewhere to stupidly relay this criminal misinformation; the ground is carefully prepared for the next step; the “borregos” being persuaded that the wolves are innocent, they lead them without resistance into the green pastures while all the signs indicate on the way the direction of the slaughterhouse!

Why this scrupulous preparation of the ground by the elimination of the obstacles to quietly kill the good people before the new and next declaration of false pandemic?

Because it is imperative to know that the WHO was created in 1948 by Rockefeller who wanted to control the world population by means of health. He believed with other members of the financial "elite", that the human population was too numerous on Earth, it was necessary to organize the means of reducing it via a meticulously elaborate eugenics.

The WHO was therefore created essentially to be the organization of a programmed genocide aimed of course only at the populations of the "useless", the popular mass which revolts and which contests by posing a problem to the caste of the profiteers of it. high and who were called by Laurent Alexandre, on February 11, 2019, the “substitutable”, “useless”…

Then, the WHO was integrated by buyout into the UN, with the idea of laying the foundations of the New World Order.

In the 1950s, Rockefeller, also master of Standard Oil, believed that plants should be abandoned for the concoction of drugs and that henceforth, the pharmaceutical industry would embark on the industrial manufacture of drugs from petrochemicals... WHO became de facto the great promoter of the pharmaceutical industry.

Today, the WHO remains mainly funded by the private sector and in particular by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The conflict of interest is obvious and massive, yet the WHO is part of the UN! This is a contradiction that the member countries of the UN should not tolerate, this anachronistic situation bringing with it criminal consequences contrary to the interests of the United Nations.

The original program of the WHO has not changed: its goal is first and foremost the organized genocide of the masses of the popular classes. If we want proof of this, nothing could be simpler, since, unscrupulous and convinced of the merits of this view of things, WHO decision-makers have repeatedly expressed themselves on the issue, even going so far as to write carefully the details of their program, black on white… (Cf., article in mondialization.ca of May 21, 2023, by Peter Koenig and the references to the different sources.)

Via the services provided by NewsGuard, the IFCN, the NED, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Soros Open Society Foundation, Google and Facebook, the WHO controls absolutely all existing information on the subject of health! Thanks to this, it blocks all those who are called "conspirators" or whistleblowers, honest scientists, not corrupted by conflicts of interest, in short, anyone who does not hold the one and only authorized discourse animating a voluntary terror, falsification, a manipulation determined to keep the last word on a pure strategy whose only assumed purpose is eugenics...

The lie and the falsification for an effective manipulation are thus permanently maintained by the radical censorship which is made on all the health data, so that the world genocidal program can really apply and operate in all tranquility, without too many real oppositions...

In the logic of its primary and still current vocation, the WHO has just concocted a Treaty on pandemics. Thanks to this Treaty, if it is accepted by the member countries of the UN, the Director General of the WHO will now have the power to declare false global pandemics when he sees fit, and to impose on all vaccinations intended to sterilize men and women, to kill people in fragile situations, in situations of “comorbidity”, to exterminate by cancerization accelerators those who would have escaped the first roundup of death … etc. These "vaccines", intended to genocidal a large part of humanity, will become compulsory by being imposed on everyone with the help of armies!

The principles of a civil war are thus certainly put in place by the WHO, which is therefore an international criminal organization...

The authority of the WHO will therefore be above all the constitutions of each member country of the United Nations. It goes without saying that coercion and corruption of the delegates of each country are already well orchestrated, in order to obtain the certainty that the "eugenic elite" of the WHO, will win their case in the votes.

The vote is organized to take place during this year 2023! If the treaty is passed, a new fake pandemic is already programmed for the beginning of 2024. The laboratories have already prepared the campaign of lethal injections, called "vaccination campaign for the salvation of humanity", with the same principles than those who were applied for the fake Covid-19 pandemic.

The WHO planned to release a new virus prepared in the laboratory (a new biological weapon for drastic population reduction, absolutely different from SARS-COV-2, theoretically responsible for Covid-19 - no one has ever isolated, nor carried out in due form, the sequencing of SARS-COV-2); this time we don't yet know where the new virus will escape from or what will be the new bat that will fly 500 km to infect a new kind of pangolin in some market!

In any case, the laboratories already know who this newcomer to the viral landscape is and they already have the stocks of “vaccines” ready for the operation, as soon as the WHO has authorized the virus to escape and declared the new fake pandemic with the obligation of the mask, social distancing, confinement and this time an unstoppable mass vaccination...

No Constitution or Constitutional Council will be able to oppose the supreme authority of the WHO, a terrorist organization of eugenic criminals, if this “Treaty on pandemics” is voted on at the UN during the current year. .

The only urgent and reasonable solution is of course to no longer join the WHO and to leave this organization which has nothing to do with health, but everything to do with crime and death.

The Young Global Leader currently squatting at the Élysée was trained by the WEF to join this terrorist organization. It is precisely there to organize as efficiently as possible the liquidation of the people of the "useless": the "old people" who cost too much with their pensions; the unemployed who are only “lazy people” and “parasites” in society; the working poor classes who never stop contesting and practicing their grueling pots for the only “elites” worthy of living quietly profiting largely from existence through slave labor who will be tolerated to the extent that they are absolutely submitted and radically controlled by the digital channels being installed...

We must therefore remember that a new pandemic will arrive at the beginning of the year 2024, whatever happens elsewhere, since the WHO is in direct communication with the viruses which warn it of their arrival. The pharmaceutical industry has also already achieved the feat of sequencing the genome of this new, still unknown virus, to prepare an effective “vaccine” for it, and this time made compulsory worldwide! We must therefore also remember that graphene masks will again be compulsory everywhere, social distancing will also be compulsory to properly destroy human tissue; containment will once again be required to complete the economic destruction of all the companies that had managed to survive the previous economic disaster. Families that were not yet well divided, broken up, torn will finally be for good! The old people who have managed not to be “rivotrilised” will be forced to do so this time with the help of the armies!

From the beginning of the year 2024, if this Treaty is voted, the nightmare begins again without escape… unless in the meantime a nuclear deflagration has taken place between the perverse West and Russia!



Well-known member
Good luck for all to get me, my avant garde safe blood is still in the sky to watch your loss!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Luck has nothing to do with it.

The globalist lizard people are controlling every move you make.

You were screwed from birth and there's no way out.

Remember when they tied you down and vaccinated you and strapped a mask on you by force?!!

It's already over... game over man.

Roll over and give up... they won.


Well-known member
Lol Satan can't control incorruptible superhuman like me and every day our army of love grows bigger, he lost in advance for ever and lizard knows that cyclic rule so well since very very very longtime!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Lol Satan can't control incorruptible superhuman like me and every day our army of love grows bigger, he lost in advance for ever and lizard knows that cyclic rule so well since very very very longtime!

Then what are you doing in this thread spewing propaganda like it's keeping you alive?

Army of love?

Love is getting vaccinated for the sake of such.

Self centered assholes don't even know what the word means.

How many pages of proof do we need??

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The misplaced hatred against inexistent foes is ridiculous.

If they can't see that spinning wheels against each other would only serve a darker purpose, then why do we waste the time trying to convince them, when a few pieces of propaganda turn them into zombies??!!


Well-known member
Classic accusatory inversion at its best from classic psychopath, you both are definitely unrecoverable!

Next Winter your final dose :sasmokin:


Well-known member

“ Mushrooms, Enzymes, Bacteria and other Micro-Organisms potentially capable of destroying nano-materials based on Graphene ”

1. Lignolytic and saprotrophic fungi: Common Morilla ( Morchella esculenta ), oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus ), Scrapie merule (Phlebia tremellosa ), Polypore versicolore ( Versicolor ) Trames, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, etc.

Following my first file entitled “ Sources of Anti-Oxydants to Destroy the Necro-Molecular Crown of Graphic Oxide ” [ 92 ], and following some of my News, in my “ Other Potential Sources of Antioxidants to dissolve the molecular necro-crown of Graphene ”, I wish to propose other potential sources of Mushrooms, Enzymes, Bacteria, and other Micro-Organisms that may potentially destroy nano-materials based on Graphene.

Caveat. Due to the fact that graphene is a “ substance ” extremely polymorphic ( carbon nanotubes, quantum carbon or graphene points, graphene oxide, carbon nano-pulps, etc, etc ); due to the fact that nano-materials based on graphene are, or not, “ functionalized ” with multiple other substances; due to the fact that the names “ graphene ”, “ carbon nanotubes ”, “ graphene oxide ” reduced graphene oxide “, ” quantum points of graphene “, etc., actually cover multiple products sold, in exponential mode, by multiple firms around the world; due to the fact that nano-materials based on graphene are generally accompanied by a plethora of “ faults ”…

… it is unfortunately very difficult to find your way around effective therapies to free the human organism from these technological abominations that are all derivatives of the Graphic family.

This is all the more so since the various graphene derivatives are very easily transformed into other forms of graphene derivatives. Thus, for example, there are so-called “ green substances ”, “ eco-friendly ”, used to reduce graphene oxide to reduced graphene oxide and which are, moreover, therapeutically proven antioxidants –. The question is, today, if these proven antioxidants are also capable of eliminating reduced graphene oxide ... which is just as harmful and toxic as graphene oxide. [ 135 ]

Especially since some fungi can be used as much to degrade graphene forms, contaminating one environment, as to transmute one form of graphene to another. For example, some Pleurotes species can be used to synthesize graphene oxide or multilayer graphene ... as much as to degrade graphene.

Thus, an oyster Pleurote protein is used to make multi-layer graphene according to the study “ In Situ Production of Biofunctionalized Few-Layer Defect-Free Microsheets of Graphene ”. [ 141 ]


There is a study plethora highlighting the bio-repmediation capacities of very many lignolytic and saprotrophic mushroom species – in particular the white rot mushroom species. The Lentin tabré (Lentinus tigrinus ), the common Morello ( Morchella esculenta ), the ( larch tramTrichaptum laricinum), spiky Polypore ( Inonotus hispidus), the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus ), the trembling Mérule (Phlebia tremellosa ), the versicolor Polypore ( Versicolor ) Trames, the burnt tram (Bjerkandera adusta), etc.

A 2013 study studied the bio-repmediation capacities of various Pleurote species: Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus florida, Pleurotus sajor-caju and Pleurotus flabellatus. [ 143 ]

Here are some studies that highlight the capabilities of some lignolytic and saprotrophic fungi with regard to the degradation of Graphic nano-materials.

Even if certain species of lignolytic or saprotrophic fungi are not available locally, it is essential to launch research on the capacity of these fungi, and other species of fungi, detoxify the animal organism from all ubiquitous Graphene derivatives in all areas of daily life.

It therefore already seems advisable to study the species of medicinal fungi – with the various therapeutic properties including antioxidants – or the species of bio-remediation fungi used for the destruction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals and other environmental pollutants.

“ Fungal transformation of graphene by white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium”. [ 100 ] Fungal transformation of graphene by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium.

In summary, the reported transformation results have shown the effective oxidation of reduced graphene oxide in the cultivation systems of Phanerochaete chrysosporium, with a much lower degree of degradation than the results of the literature in the Fenton and peroxidase systems. The fungal transformation of reduced graphene oxide is mainly due to enzymatic oxidation and is manifested by the addition of oxygen atoms to the graphene skeleton. The reduced graphene oxides wrapped in the fungal beads have undergone a greater transformation than those precipitated in the culture medium.

Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Various studies have highlighted its ability to dissolve the various nano-materials of the Graphic Family – or, more generally, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
[ 95 ] – as well as various environmental pollutants. [ 110 ][ 111 ][ 112 ]

“ Biotransformation of Pristine and Oxidized Carbon Nanotubes by the White Rot Fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium”. [ 124 ]

Carbon nanomaterials are now widely studied and applied, and their annual production is increasing. After entering the environment, complete degradation of these nanomaterials of carbon by microorganisms is proposed as an effective approach for detoxification and sanitation. In this study, we evaluated the degradation of virgin multiparoese carbon nanotubes and multiparoese carbon nanotubes oxidized by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium, which is a powerful decompositioner in the carbon cycle and environmental sanitation….. All of the results indicate that multiparoese carbon nanotubes can be transformed by Phanerochaetechrysosporium, but that complete degradation cannot be achieved in a short period of time. The implications for the environmental risks of carbon nanomaterials are discussed.

“ Graphene environmental biodegradation: Wood degrading and saprotrophic fungi oxidize few-layer graphene ”. Biodegradation of graphene into the environment: Saprotrophic fungi and degrading wood oxidize graphene to a few layers. [ 142 ]

It is important to know the environmental biodegradability profile of graphene-based materials in order to predict whether these materials will accumulate in the soil or whether they will be transformed by primary decomposers. In this study, of the a few-layer graphene has been exposed to live and devitalized axenic cultures of two white rot basidiomycetes ( Bjerkandera adusta and Phanerochaete chrysosporium ) and a saprotrophic ascomycete from the soil ( Morchella esculenta) with or without lignin, for a period of four months…. These results suggest that graphenes with a few layers unintentionally released into terrestrial environments would likely be oxidized by the soil microflora.

“ Oxidative enzymatic response of white-rot fungi to single-walled carbon nanotubes ”. [ 120 ] Versicolor frames ( the Polypore versicolore ) and Phlebia tremellosa ( the trembling Mérule ).

This study examines the enzymatic response of peroxidase and lactase from saprotrophic furs from white rot Trametes versicolor and Phlebia tremellosa when exposed to carbon nanotubes at simple walls of different purity and surface chemistry under different growing conditions. Carbon nanotubes with simple non-purified walls rich in metal catalysts as well as carbon nanotubes with simple purified and carboxylated walls have led to significant changes in activity oxidative enzyme in fungi, while carbon nanotubes with simple blank walls did not.These results suggest that the functionalization of carbon nanotubes with simple purified walls is essential to regulate enzymes that may be able to break down carbon nanotubes into the environment.

Trasicolor ( Polypore versicolore ). It has the capacity to degrade a certain number of environmental pollutants: pesticides and other agricultural biocides ( chlorpyrifos, dicofol, imiprothrin, cypermethrin, carbofuran, oxytetracycline )
[ 106 ] [ 119 ], bisphenols [ 99 ], phenols, parabenes and phthalates [ 101 ], industrial dyes [ 102 ], etc.

Phlebia tremellosa ( scrapie merule ) – as well as other species in the genus Phlebia – also have the capacity to degrade a certain number of environmental pollutants: phthalates
[ 103 ], pesticides [ 104 ], industrial dyes [ 105 ], etc.

“ Enzymatic degradation of oxidized and reduced graphene nanoribbons by lignin peroxidase ”. 2014. [ 113 ] Enzyme degradation of oxidized graphene nanorubans reduced by lignin peroxidase from white rot fungi.

Widespread use of Graphene for various industrial and biomedical applications requires effective sanitation strategies when disposed of in waste streams. In addition, the interactions of graphene with biota should be subject to an in-depth evaluation. In this study, we studied the interactions of oxidized and reduced graphene oxide nanorubans with lignin peroxidase, a ligninolytic enzyme released by the fungus of white rot. Oxidized and reduced graphene oxide nanorubans have been treated with peroxidase lignin in the presence and absence of veratrylic alcohol ( an electron transfer mediator and a secondary metabolite of the fungi of the white rot ).Transmission electron microscopy has shown the formation of large ( trous ) faults in the graphene sheet, the diameter of which increases with the degradation time. Spectroscopic analysis Raman indicated that, within 96 hours, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and veratrylic alcohol, the oxidized and reduced graphene oxide nanorubans were completely and partially degraded by lignin peroxidase, respectively. Comparisons between groups with or without peroxidase lignin have shown that degradation of oxidized graphene oxide nanorubans is accelerated in the presence of veratrylic alcohol. These results indicate that lignin peroxidase can effectively degrade oxidized and reduced graphene oxide nanorubans in the presence of veratrylic alcohol,suggesting that veratrylic alcohol may be an essential factor necessary for the degradation of graphene oxide nanorubans reduced by treatment with lignin peroxidase. Thus, the large presence of white rot fungi, and therefore lignin peroxidase, in nature, could lead to an effective degradation of the graphene present in the environment. In addition, lignin peroxidase, which has a higher theoretical redox potential than horseradish peroxidases and myelo-peroxidases, could be a better candidate for the environmental remediation of graphene.



Well-known member
Masters trolls parasites of ICmag wow I would be curious to know how many good people you were able to scare away from the forum and how many mods support your misery. Anyway you are very representative of our shitty era but is it supposed to be fertile i don't care, let's ignore you!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Masters trolls parasites of ICmag wow I would be curious to know how many good people you were able to scare away from the forum and how many mods support your misery. Anyway you are very representative of our shitty era but is it supposed to be fertile i don't care, let's ignore you!

Go for it!

Running away from confrontation is a good look.

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