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Hombre del Monte's garden.


Well-known member
All the best to you @Hombre del mont
i wish for some chill days in your area, stay sane and healthy! ❤️


Well-known member
All the best to you @Hombre del mont
i wish for some chill days in your area, stay sane and healthy! ❤️
View attachment 19042136
Fortunately, a "wave of relative coolness" from the northwest has momentarily lowered temperatures in the Hombre del Monte regional area by five degrees °C lower.
The thing is not to be taken as a joke, and there is already an official number of deaths due to heat in Spain during this July 2024: 771 deaths, but many more heat strokes that did not end in death due to emergency health intervention.
Apparently, among the deceased, the main groups that have been observed have been 1-elderly, 2-previously ill, 3-visitors or foreign residents, and 4-outdoor workers. And of course, if you belong to more than one group, the risk increases.
Among people who have survived heat stroke thanks to rapid assistance, the largest group by far is young foreign tourists, followed by outdoor workers.









...well, a little of black humor...
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Well-known member
My plants are recovering but they took a heat stroke and one is dying (Panama Cannabiogen x Old Timers Haze from Pandora).
I cant imagine having my plants far from my reach in this weather man. Im used to heat being from Puerto Rico, but this heat without any rain is a fucking challenge. I had a mini anxiety attack yesterday when I saw the plant dying.
Stay safe and take care of your ladies. Prevent neglecting them as I have.
Another thing that Hombre del Monte told me is that he fears for his plants in the heat, because he doesn't find the courage or physical desire to take care of them...
The use of diatomaceous earth acts as a sunscreen for plants, increasing their ability to resist direct sun and low humidity.

This is how my humble kennel ganjanal (almost 300 kilometers northwest of Hombre, in the Autonomous Community neighboring his, to the north) looked this morning...; taking into account that we have exceeded 44°C (111'5°F) in the shade, with only 10% ambient humidity, and that except for the one in the semi-buried bottomless pot and the autoflowering one, the other are still young seedlings (the most delicate), They are not so bad, in this dry land...



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Well-known member
Right, @Hasch

...And this is what that same momentary relief from the heat is going to mean, but in my local area; Between 39 and 43°C (102 and 109'5°F) maximum in the shade, only...

A tiny mantis hunts and devours a small spider, on one of the leaves of my plant in the half-buried bottomless pot:
(the diatomaceous earth that covers the leaves can't be good for her...)


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Well-known member
I thought I was in a heat wave.. consistently at mid 90s about.
I do like the pictures of Spain this thread shows. When I visited a bunch of years ago I enjoyed the trip. Thinking of going back southern Spain and Morocco. I hope some relief comes soon.
Greetings. A bit of reggae set in the land border area between Ceuta (Spain), and Assilah and Tangier (Morocco)(the most economically unequal border in the world), to you; (A collaboration between a Spanish singer and another from the USA):
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Well-known member
Its the same here when its burning hot like that the only people out and about are Northern European tourists its crazy.
When I used to work in summer I would drink 6 ltrs of water a day and never take a piss, my sweat just evaporated off my skin. i would loose 10kg of weight every summer.
Its ok as long as you keep drinking water and electrolyte type sports drinks to replace salts ect lost in the sweat.
But you have to look after your health in the heat its no joke.


Well-known member
Man oh man was I ever thinking of southern Spain yesterday afternoon. Forecast here was for rain and thunder storms. Ok not a big deal. Im driving north toward @flower~power direction and see ominous dark clouds ahead. I’m in bright sun 96 out, staring ahead at the storm cloud line. So I get into it and rain is coming down hard. I’m watching the temp drop. Literally. It went from 96 to 70 within about 10 minutes. Rained like I’ve not seen in a long time. Also enjoyed a beautiful lightning show. Very spectacular. I didn’t enjoy hailstones tinging off my vehicle though. I could see small remnants on my hood for short time after they hit. Didn’t melt immediately.... I also didn’t enjoy the high wind. One of the more intense storms I’ve driven through. Rain brought needed relief at least. Hopefully you guys in Spain are hanging in there.


Well-known member
In the center of the province that welcomes our Hombre del Monte, inland at the foot of Sierra Nevada almost 700 meters above sea level is the provincial capital...


...and former Nasrid emiral capital, and the famous citadel or palace-fortress, the Alhambra.


This documentary in both English and Spanish, about a visit during the local late autumn-winter, explains the most basic of the architectural keys of the monument.


Trailer "The Builders of the Alhambra" Spanish - documentary feature film:
"Knowing that his besieged Kingdom of Granada is doomed to disappear due to the advance of neighboring kingdoms, Yusuf I, the Sultan of Granada, embarks on the construction of a building that reflects the splendor of his civilization and defies oblivion: the palaces of The Alhambra. His vizier, Ibn al Khatib (Amr Waked), a poet and genius ahead of his time, participates in this colossal challenge. But when the sultan's son, Mohammed V, inherits the throne and involves him in the new policies of his reign, the vizier is torn between the ideas of his old world and the new one that is emerging. His chronicles tell us the history of Granada in the 16th century: the swan song of Muslim Europe.
Delve into the secrets of the Alhambra, one of the masterpieces of Islamic architecture, and discover the fascinating history of its construction. Join RTVE in this revealing documentary that will take you through the corridors of time and meet the men and women who gave life to this legendary monument. Explore the techniques and materials used in the construction of the Alhambra, from the carved stone to the elaborate tiles. Discover the complex social and economic organization that allowed the construction of this fortified palace. Meet the bricklayers, carpenters, blacksmiths and other craftsmen who dedicated their talent and effort to the creation of the Alhambra. Immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of the Alhambra and let yourself be captivated by its timeless beauty":


...So, seeing themselves as a people capable of sublime works but with a vulgar human soul, they decided to be remembered forever, building a Palace-Fortress of Words...a book of stone, tiles and wood, adorned with water and gardens...

Inscription in the Fountain of the Lions of the Alhambra in Granada", by Abu Abd Allah ibn Zamrák (Spain, Al-Andalus, 1333-ca 1392):
"Blessed is he who gave to Sultan Muhammad These dwellings that, due to their beauty, are the gala of the mansions! An example is this garden in which there are so many wonders that God himself prohibited another similar one; and these figured pearls of transparent clarity that decorate the edges with a pearl border; the liquid silver that slides between jewels, also pure and white beauty; the view is confused by what is still and what is flowing and it is not known whether it is the marble or the water that flows. Don't you see that the water runs over the edges and then it hides in the drains? He resembles a lover with eyelids overflowing with tears. that he hides for fear of being betrayed. Is it not water from the clouds, indeed, What ditches bring on lions? It is equal to the favors from the hand of the Caliph that dispenses the lions of war. You who are looking will see that the lions are on the prowl and if they don't jump it's out of respect for you, O heir of those who helped the Prophet, legacy of greatness that lightens the burdens, Upon you peace and happy days may be numerous. and be bitter to your enemies!"
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