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Holy grail Mr Nice.


Well-known member
Right nevils a5(2a) confirmed by nevil himself to be the mother of the 97 nh
9bee6d8f5af1f8b9a87a251636d18b934bc7c555 (1).jpeg

A5 gold phenotype coming out of the original 97nh
0a375582091fd33b38bf1d1ff36eb939f7515e13 (1).jpeg

Nevils a5 phenotype found in aus in his 97nh is the creeper type plant to the left bottom corner....behind is the 21
picture (18).jpg

Afew buds in front from that same a5 phenotype in the 97nh....with the later flowering 21 still trying to bloom behind

picture (19).jpg


DEA Agent
Premium user
Right nevils a5(2a) confirmed by nevil himself to be the mother of the 97 nh
View attachment 18784014

A5 gold phenotype coming out of the original 97nh
View attachment 18784016

Nevils a5 phenotype found in aus in his 97nh is the creeper type plant to the left bottom corner....behind is the 21
View attachment 18784018

Afew buds in front from that same a5 phenotype in the 97nh....with the later flowering 21 still trying to bloom behind

View attachment 18784019
The A5 Gold looks marvelous 🤤
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Donald Mallard

el duck
I've heard about it a few years back by someone else (not hempy) close to N. It's true that Nevil didn't want them anymore because (insert Hempy's answers here).

Regarding how N was going to get the cuttings?

I can't say how as I don't know what techniques they would have used but as you said "If nevil wanted those cuttings he would have gotten them".
yea you may be right rf,
though im betting if nevil had known we were holding the c5 cut ,
he would have wanted it , without a doubt ,
it was a bit late in the day and not sure he was doing much growing/breeding by the time we had that girl,
so he never got wind of it i guess ...

i dont know what he toked , but some of what i grew from that cut was exceptionally good ,
such a great head high and quite powerful ,
i just wasnt able to get the best from it as a cutting in my enviroment ,
maybe i gave up to easily , who knows ,
but i chose to make seed with it using some of the mango ibl i got from shanti ,
and they were quite similar to the cutting , but in seed form , which suited my circumstances better ...

a friend grew some of the f2 i made from the c5 mango and reported that it was very good ,
the joys of sharing seed with friends , its a win win often ....


starin' at the world through my rearview
Ok after whole day discovery I have to say that Jack is haze A progeny 100%.

Why ?

I found thread on MR nice forums.
A guy grow haze A close to C both.

Haze C smells like Citrus,and grows like christmas three very branchy.
And buds are fluffy.

"First let me talk about C5. My last grow with her was a hydro set up, and as I said earlier she performed well, very nice yield, but despite the 3 months of flowering, I think she could had been a little longer, I cut the fertilizer a bit early, and the flowers were a bit airy. Even the taste could had been improve. It’s real hard for me to talk about potency, I’m a big smoker, so I won’t speak too much about that. No trich on the leaves, or only a few on the tiny ones attached to the buds. Taste is piney, citrus, but again, it’s hard to describe taste. Old school for sure"

While Haze A have rockhard buds and grow prolongated.
Summer hydro grown my JH cutting look like A5(2)
And this winter soil look like
A5 from this guy.
A5 is dark or Mango
Aka mother of mango.

"A5 has a less branchy architecture, and tends to grow more « one bud style». Buds are more compact, densier, more trich on the leaves, and quicker to finish, 90 days seemed fine for her. The smoke is more « savage », very hard to talk about taste, more potent than C5 most definitely. « Darker » in color but also in taste (imo, some weeds are fruity, other hashy, piney, citrus etc.... but I would define this one as « dark », maybe « sour » but not in the Sour Diesel way, maybe a bit leathery but not in the same way the third cut I have)."

So Jack is A progeny 100%
No mather what you all say.

Now I know what is differemce.

So C haze progeny like SSH,Amnesia and my Nl5xhaze grows like this

And Haze A progeny grows prolongated and not so branchy 1 bud style like my Jack.

Also haze A is more dark or Mango...just like phenos of J. herer.

Grow some learn some.

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Dread & Alive
I'm curious was a tester thread ever created for Holy grail?.. There should be plenty of pics in that thread. Trying to ID from pics is pretty much guessing. If someone has real Haze A Pics and purposely is hiding them so others don't know what she looks like is just shady. A PIC is not proof IMO. There are plenty of plants that look identical from different genetics. How a plant expresses itself can change due to environmental conditions as well.
There are a couple of treads (guess whose?) In another forum, so I can't share them here without the owner's consent, but the grower here could do it directly ...
Maybe in the mns section (if it still exists)