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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
My guess is that they got grants for the recycling they weren't doing, and claimed tax write-offs for the storage space for not making a profit on the places when they were filled with the not-recycled items. Am I close?

Once even previously decent folks catch the corporatism free-ride-for-organizations bug and the related corporate welfare, it spreads like cancer and eats away at their souls as often as not.

I think all of these things are growing and a work in progress, from alternative energy, alternative transportation, to recycling, etc., etc., and none of it is going to be energy-neutral in the production end of things. But it CAN improve over time, and if the energy use and pollution coming out of the changes is less than what existed previously, then it's a win.

Me, I intend to bury myself with no embalming, in a natural biodegradable wooden box from local milled spruce trees, with a biodegradable satin-like fabric lining it, in denim blue jeans and cotton purple and gold (sorta' Alaska colors, but hippified) tie-dyed t-shirt, comfortable boots, purple Rx wire-rim shades, some pics of my dogs and maybe my family, a small bottle of really good tequila, a doobie or three, a natural wooden marker, and feed a lilac tree or similar that's planted over the top of me with the nutrients I and my attire will produce..

Cremation only (primarily) returns calcium and a limited (other minerals), whereas natural burial returns nitrogen for the first long while, then phosphorous, and other minerals including calcium. I figure we spend our lives taking and taking some more. Natural burial treats the plants nearby to good food and gives back at least a bit more of what we took while we were here, even if it's a minor amount.

In the interim, I drive to town as infrequently as possible, though I do take some long trips for remote recreational ventures, which admittedly burns more hydrocarbons than many people I know.
This article sums it up well if your interested.

Cremation is big in Australia as its very expensive to bury people.
I actually have some of a very close mates ashes his mother gave to me to sprinkle at snow as me and him loved snowboarding. I'll do it this winter.
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moose eater

Well-known member
This article sums it up well if your interested.

Cremation is big in Australia as its very expensive to bury people.
I actually have some of a very close mates ashes his mother gave to me to sprinkle at snow as me and him loved snowboarding. I'll do it this winter.
We can be buried in a 'natural burial' on our own property here, as long as the number of bodies doesn't exceed 3 per property where I live. If burials on a property exceeds 3 bodies, then a cemetery permit is needed.

Pretty inexpensive. Though the reselling of the property might be more difficult for some. and there's always the issue of security or sanctity of the grave if the property changes hands, too.

The cost of supplies to build the box, etc., and if the body is held in cold storage for a day or so while preparations are made, then the funeral home would probably charge for that, as well. but as I understand it, that's the expense.

I'll give the article a read.



Well-known member
We can be buried in a 'natural burial' on our own property here, as long as the number of bodies doesn't exceed 3 per property where I live. If burials on a property exceeds 3 bodies, then a cemetery permit is needed.

Pretty inexpensive. Though the reselling of the property might be more difficult for some. and there's always the issue of security or sanctity of the grave if the property changes hands, too.

The cost of supplies to build the box, etc., and if the body is held in cold storage for a day or so while preparations are made, then the funeral home would probably charge for that, as well. but as I understand it, that's the expense.

I'll give the article a read.

Yeah burying people on your own property is rare in Australia but it is allowed as I just looked. You need a local council approval and must be on a larger piece of land than most Australians have access too. The major thing that was stipulated is the body can not be buried near a drinking water source.
I do like the idea of giving back to the environment I've taken so much from.


Well-known member
im all for restricting the use of plastic or anything else that makes our lives better
i just want my meat handed to me and all my drinks in a plastic bag with a straw in it
/have you ever bought a bag of drink in a plastic bag with a straw in it

is that in canadia?

in my fishing village we call san diego we have three bins, one is for just trash, the next is yard waste and the third is the blue bin
thisis our recycling bin and this is the one thats the most full
Why do you want your meat in a plastic bag? You afraid of contamination?
The only place I've had a drink in a plastic bag is in Asia. Which is the most polluted place I've ever been. Quite sad really. This is a pic of a beach in Vietnam.
Victoria is a state of Australia.
We also have 3 bins.
I'm still waiting for you enlighten us with your so called "scientific background" you claimed to have. Or was that just complete bullshit to try and gain some credibility??

moose eater

Well-known member
Yeah burying people on your own property is rare in Australia but it is allowed as I just looked. You need a local council approval and must be on a larger piece of land than most Australians have access too. The major thing that was stipulated is the body can not be buried near a drinking water source.
I do like the idea of giving back to the environment I've taken so much from.
The distances from drinking water, wells, streams, etc. apply here also, I believe. I believe my body and box need to be a minimum of 100 feet from my well. It might be 200 ft., but I'm pretty sure it's the same as the septic field; 100 ft.

I live in a 'Rural Estate 4' subdivision (designated as 'RE4'), where no property can be smaller than 4 acres unless it was initially divided up that way, in which case it's grandfathered into being at the lesser size. There's a 640-acre agricultural parcel nearby. We have nearly 5 acres here.


Well-known member
Good to see you lot have turned into "greenies" instead of climate change worriers warriors

Reckon I could probably out green most of you believers, except for the 3 V8s the Landcruiser, the wizz bang turbo the two ride on mowers + the 1/2 dozen two stroke motors :ROFLMAO:

I did plant about 500 trees to suck up the Co2 they produce, have had solar panels for years, stnuc don't work very good in winter tho lucky coal does (y)

Anyway I'll ask you believers again, if the globe went "net zero" tomorrow how much would the global temp drop, it shouldn't be to hard to work out 🤡🤡


Well-known member
Yes...sorry...just how the balance between sinks and sources work
If Co2 was the driver of global temps you might be right, the warmer it gets the more Co2 will be outgassed from the oceans driving endless warming, but according to NASA/NOAA the oceans are getting more acidic from absorbing Co2, so if man stops producing "man made" Co2 we will all freeze to death and the oceans will be to acidic for a swim(to cold as well)

Personally I reckon the DC's from NASA/NOAA haven't got a clue what they are on about


Well-known member
Good to see you lot have turned into "greenies" instead of climate change worriers warriors

Reckon I could probably out green most of you believers, except for the 3 V8s the Landcruiser, the wizz bang turbo the two ride on mowers + the 1/2 dozen two stroke motors :ROFLMAO:

I did plant about 500 trees to suck up the Co2 they produce, have had solar panels for years, stnuc don't work very good in winter tho lucky coal does (y)

Anyway I'll ask you believers again, if the globe went "net zero" tomorrow how much would the global temp drop, it shouldn't be to hard to work out 🤡🤡
zero co2 emissions would be an economic disaster at this time
the supply chain would freeze up and starvation would appear quickly
this isn't going to happen, it's just a thought experiment
likely you would get a near term temperature surge as the atmosphere clears out from the particle pollution we generate
long term is the big question, have we crossed a tipping point from changes we've set in motion?, i.e. the boreal zone generating greenhouse gases because of the temperature increases
eventually the climate will begin to cool, but way too many variables for any precision in a prediction


Well-known member
EVs are just starting, it's amazing it's ramped up so fast
gonna have up periods and downs too
I do see reconditioned batteries are becoming available, and the second hand market has popped higher
recycling ain't so pretty for IC cars either, markets more mature, give EVs some slack and see how it goes
Electric cars came before petrol cars in the late1800's . I have a camry hybrid and had one before it. I like it but for serious duty and frigid weather a pure EV
Oil made pc!!
Wow your actually dumber than I thought! 🤣
What's your PC made out of Einstein? Please say not oil it's made from plastic.
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Well-known member
Electric cars came before petrol cars in the late1800's . I have a camry hybrid and had one before it. I like it but for serious duty and frigid weather a pure EV

What's your PC made out of Einstein? Please say not oil it's made from plastic.
true, but it was a very small scale compared to today
pure EV for the cold? that's a little different since passenger compartment heating does draw down on an EV's range


Well-known member
true, but it was a very small scale compared to today
pure EV for the cold? that's a little different since passenger compartment heating does draw down on an EV's range
Yes the EV was made because they didn't have a use for gasoline at the time. Gasoline was once a by product of oil refining and they paid to get rid of it and burn it and then Daimler found it could be used as fuel in the ICE

Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The 3 bin system here in Australia is a joke, the rubbish that goes in the recycling bin mostly goes to landfill, is it just the metal that gets recycled.

EV's are a joke too, they don't reduce CO2, where do you thing the electricity comes from to charge them? Coal/gas fired power stations.
It takes enough electricity to power 100,000 homes to run just 1 fast recharging station.
There is not enough lithium in the world to go completely EV.
There are currently 6000 Tesla's sitting in a parking lot unused/unsold.
China has many tens of thousands of EV's sitting unused/unsold.