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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
there is no free energy, but i guess thats a class you missed
what about when there is no wind?
and that far offshore, the cost to maintain the structure and the transmission lines is going to be huge
but its not like we put any thought into this, right porky
/post more links!!!
Where did I say there's no free energy? I said the opposite.
If it comes down to a choice between building and powering a coal fired power station and a wind farm there's no comparison. Takes energy to build the coal fired power station which is for the rest of it's life powered by coal, that needs to be dug up and transported, then burnt to produce power for the rest of it's life.
Explain to me how the emissions compare to a wind farm?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i said there was no free energy you pratt

where do the materials to build a wind farm come from?
and sitting in salt water, thats some high maintenance shit
but it takes care of itself, right?
and lets not talk about transmission lines, i just mean the ones under the water
they last forever and its all FREE!
/we arent even getting to once you bring that energy to land, but that is way above your comprehension

got any links?
Great we agree. I never said it was free.
Obviously there's mining and manufacture in a wind farm, but it is significantly less that manufacturing a coal fired power station that also has to be fed by coal it's entire life. Less emissions overall by miles. Power lines are also needed for coal so not sure about your point, nor do I know anything about undersea power lines.

There is no free power. There are options for power that are significantly less damaging than others.

No links, not even sure why I am bothering tbh.


Well-known member


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
so let me get this straight?its capitalism thats at the root of all this
you and @Porky82 are putting the cart before the horse
if we stop growing the economy then the population would stop expanding?
/just like in all those poor countries, right? you know the ones where they drink ditch water and burn sticks for fuel
we actually need to expand economic growth to provide for a growing population

you are so sad porky, do you just post links about stuff you dont understand hoping you can slide by
do you actually know anything about geology or economics?
/watch your step now
have you ever been outside and seen a rock? do you have any actual wealth? or experience in investing/finance
but please keep posting your stupid links
Everyone speaks of sustainable farming, resource management - on and on but nobody realizes that a sustainable economy would solve many issues, including pollution and deforestation; probably hunger to some degree - ridiculous subsidized corn - dairy - wheat empires. The problem with the current version of capitalism is greed and monopolies. It does call for a continuously increased growth and increased population. It bears the fruit of a corrupt food and pharmaceutical industry It is what is destroying the world. To say we would not have technology without a growing capitalism emotes misunderstanding of the human intellect and intrinsic drive; and what economy really means - e.g. bees, ants, bears have economy.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Teach people to grow their own vegetables at home,give incentives,compost,. People did it before technology. Eventually most people will end up doing it anyway.There's close to a third to a half of your food problem,trade with others growing different types. If you grow your own you won't be as wasteful.The farms could be focused on meat,eggs and dairy,many people could have chickens etc. The government gets into it too deep.People won't do things like that,it's too much of a hassle for them. Everyone here grows weed, add a room for your veggies,if you have a back yard it's even easier.
Bingo! - from back yards to 300 acres...


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

We're one of the few 'rodents' that shits in our own cave, yet we seem pretty proud of ourselves most of the time.

The squirrels, cockroaches, spiders and rats are waiting for us to depart permanently so they can have their turf back. Can you blame them?

If you look up the definition of 'invasive species', we pretty much fit it to a T.

We're our own worst enemy (and the planet's, too) and we have been for thousands of years... still not yet learning any serious applicable lessons to brag about... Thus, casting some doubt on our alleged superior intellects collectively as a species...


Well-known member
Well I've done my bit to help alleviate the "man made" global warming.

I bought another v8

Its all good it will use a shitload less fuel than the Landcruiser did 😂