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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
..I've informed as best i can, what you all do with that info you are free to choose...hardest part of being a sheepdog is learning how to just let the sheep do what they want until they do something that needs to be checked


In my empire of dirt
You must be a Chump voter are you? What a moron.
yes, man has f'd the earth, brilliant
while i wont not call you a man, you are still part of the problem
but what is the solution?
/and nice pivot to trump!
is it democrats dont pollute? or is it that republicans pollute too much
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In my empire of dirt
Wow you are nothing but a pathetic attention seeking loser!
You have the hypocrisy to say I contribute nothing! You have contributed not 1 post in relation to this thread.
I can't even be fucked reading the last dribble but I know it'll be some garbage about the outdoors and how superior you are in them. 🤣
I get your old and stupid but your deep insecurities about your physical abilities and continued efforts to challenge me is both sad and pathetic! 🤡
Maybe just have a read of how stupid your off topic posts are. 🤪🤣
The one where you attempted to sound like you had a shread of intelligence with the "appeal to authority" post was particularly funny! 🤣
look at little porker! his hands are all balled in tiny fists of rage
ive offered solutions as well as engaged in meaningfun conversation with some posters
then we have you
no ideas, no real effort and nothing to contribute
/just like life eh?

lets play @Porky82
ive already asked if you could offer three solutions! just three to help make the world a better place
all you could stammer was stop using fossil fuels (but when pressed you quickly back peddled)
and now im f'n with you because i think you suck
i noticed when @arsekick posted a photo of what was a pretty bad auto crash you responded with a laughing face
/his kid was in teh car
dick head.jpg

class act man, wtf does that? laughing at a car crash
you are a clown who cant even answer the most basic questions, but try and say everyone else is full of shit, you are full of shit
im sure you are a stud porky! a real ass kicker
got any links?

*im not one to wish hateful shit on people, but i wish porky the life he deserves


Well-known member
If the chart went back to the 1920s it would show less ice than the 50s, and no doubt a lot less than today

View attachment 19021565

This chart, from Gagné et al, shows the area-averaged annual mean sea ice concentration anomaly between 1950 and 2005. The red line reflects Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) data, which is based on historical sea ice charts from several sources (aircraft, ship, and satellite observations). The blue Walsh & Chapman data includes additional historical sources and uses slightly different techniques for merging various data streams. The black line is a simulated mean sea ice concentration from the CanESM2 large ensemble, a group of models developed at the Canadian Center for Climate Modelling and Analysis. Anomalies are relative to climatological averages between 1975 and 2005. The time series have been lightly smoothed with 5-year running mean. The gray shading shows the 5-95 percent range over the individual simulations of the model ensemble. The dotted lines are the piecewise linear approximated trends.
have to be honest with you arsekick, but 'If the chart went back to the 1920s' may not make it with most review committees
frankly your chart doesn't seem to be saying what you wish
find an actual chart that does go back before the 1920s, then you'll have something


Well-known member
have to be honest with you arsekick, but 'If the chart went back to the 1920s' may not make it with most review committees
frankly your chart doesn't seem to be saying what you wish
find an actual chart that does go back before the 1920s, then you'll have something
Not sure I'm wishing for anything.

Is the chart wrong ?, it seems to fit into what we know about the past weather/climate from the 20th century.

It also shows that the global warming brigade cherry picked the high sea ice cover from the late 70s early 80s as their starting point to prove their point


Well-known member
Not sure I'm wishing for anything.

Is the chart wrong ?, it seems to fit into what we know about the past weather/climate from the 20th century.

It also shows that the global warming brigade cherry picked the high sea ice cover from the late 70s early 80s as their starting point to prove their point
no you're cherry picking again, there are actual charts that show arctic ice pack based on ship based observations
and they don't jibe with your theories
the university at fairbanks maintains a nice record of ice from the 1850s until today


Well-known member

Wow you are nothing but a pathetic attention seeking loser!
You have the hypocrisy to say I contribute nothing! You have contributed not 1 post in relation to this thread.
I can't even be fucked reading the last dribble but I know it'll be some garbage about the outdoors and how superior you are in them. 🤣
I get your old and stupid but your deep insecurities about your physical abilities and continued efforts to challenge me is both sad and pathetic! 🤡
Maybe just have a read of how stupid your off topic posts are. 🤪🤣
The one where you attempted to sound like you had a shread of intelligence with the "appeal to authority" post was particularly funny! 🤣
You call him stupid yet the word you use should be drivel not dribble. Dribble means to let saliva run down from the mouth,unless you are on the basketball court,highly unlikely with those mitts,drivel means pointless speech. Once again,oblivious.
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Well-known member
I get that it's renewable but it takes decades and in the mean time we have lost: the co2 filter, the water filter,the o2 replacement,the habitat for the animals,holding the soil together capability and preventing flooding,the beauty and the shade among things I can't think of off hand. I think cutting trees down is a terrible way to fight change. If people used plastic beams and boards for their homes they would last forever,eventually homes could be completely made from it. It just always comes down to money.

moose eater

Well-known member
Can't we just simplify this thread and ask everyone , Do you think the human race has f.cked the earth or not . The answer would be pretty f.cking simple. Get real everyone wants to drive a car , everyone wants power, most people like beef, lots of people love take away food. Oceans are rising . The human race has f.cked the earth it's simple.

We're one of the few 'rodents' that shits in our own cave, yet we seem pretty proud of ourselves most of the time.

The squirrels, cockroaches, spiders and rats are waiting for us to depart permanently so they can have their turf back. Can you blame them?

If you look up the definition of 'invasive species', we pretty much fit it to a T.

We're our own worst enemy (and the planet's, too) and we have been for thousands of years... still not yet learning any serious applicable lessons to brag about... Thus, casting some doubt on our alleged superior intellects collectively as a species...


Well-known member
Yep, some random idiots opinion (such as yours) clearly carries more weight than those pesky "experts".
Did you follow the covid "experts" advice and jab yourself with an untested vaccine ?

Of cause you did, I see all the corona experts have disappeared since the vaccine tuned out to be much worse than the corona virus.

So I'm an "idiot" now, righto I'll file that one away for the future, so just because I don't blindly believe everything I'm told by the so called expects you think I'm an idiot, personally I think you're a DC for believing anything you are told without the evidence to back it up.

How are all the gloom and doom "man made" climate change predictions been going the last 35 years, bet you can't name one they got right

If you can't keep it "nice" I'll have to pop over to your doom and gloom climate thread and shit on it 😂


Well-known member
no you're cherry picking again, there are actual charts that show arctic ice pack based on ship based observations
and they don't jibe with your theories
the university at fairbanks maintains a nice record of ice from the 1850s until today
"Gridded Monthly Sea Ice Extent and Concentration, 1850 Onwards builds on an earlier data product (Chapman and Walsh 1991)"
From your link ^

So my chart is wrong but your link is right, and they use the same data from Chapman and Walsh.



Well-known member
no you're cherry picking again, there are actual charts that show arctic ice pack based on ship based observations
and they don't jibe with your theories
the university at fairbanks maintains a nice record of ice from the 1850s until today

" Please note that much of the pre-1953 data is either climatology or interpolated data and the user is cautioned to use this data with care. "

Turns out its not all its made up to be, you really should read the links you post, same goes for the rest of you lot.



Active member
trees are a renewable resource and paper is easy to compost or reuse, but i guess plastic is just better for the earth
or is it?!

/help me @Porky82 i need some stupid links
Haven't you heard of bamboo mate, they use it for a variety of things these days. I won't put any stupid link up about it because you make stupid look easy.


Well-known member
"Gridded Monthly Sea Ice Extent and Concentration, 1850 Onwards builds on an earlier data product (Chapman and Walsh 1991)"
From your link ^

So my chart is wrong but your link is right, and they use the same data from Chapman and Walsh.

View attachment 19022159
" Please note that much of the pre-1953 data is either climatology or interpolated data and the user is cautioned to use this data with care. "

Turns out its not all its made up to be, you really should read the links you post, same goes for the rest of you lot.

I'm sure I've seen you use the same links when your picking your 🍒s. 🤣